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词汇 coarse
释义 coarse 英kɔːs, kəʊrs美kɔrs, korsAHDkôrs, kōrs ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA¹¹³⁰⁵BNC⁸⁷⁷⁵iWeb⁹³⁴⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


consisting of large particles; not fine


lacking grace, education, or sensitivity

of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles;

coarse meal

coarse sand

a coarse weave

lacking refinement or cultivation or taste;

he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind

behavior that branded him as common

an untutored and uncouth human being

an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy

appealing to the vulgar taste for violence

the vulgar display of the newly rich

of low or inferior quality or value;

of what coarse metal ye are molded

produced…the common cloths used by the poorer population

coarse, harsh, rough, rude



Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.许多粗野的男人都被妻子教好了。
Don't be so rough with the child.不要对小孩这样粗暴。
His manners are very rough.他的举止非常无礼。


It's rude to peep.偷看别人是不礼貌的。
He was severely reproached for his rude behaviour.他因行为粗鲁而受到严厉指责。
All of us were astonished that Mr. White was so rude to him.怀特先生对他如此无礼,使我们都感到惊异。


He is coarse in manner.他举止粗鲁。
It's a coarse joke.这是个粗俗的玩笑。
She used to be coarse of speech.她过去说话很粗鲁。


The colour is very harsh.那颜色很刺眼。
The cloth is harsh to the touch.这块布料摸上去很粗糙。
The noise is harsh to the ear.那噪声很刺耳。
The surface of the table is very harsh.那张桌子的表面非常粗糙。rough,coarse,harsh,rude,crude













用作形容词 adj.
~+名词coarse behavior〔manners, joke〕粗野的行为〔举止,玩笑〕coarse complexion〔skin〕粗糙的颜面〔皮肤〕coarse sand〔salt〕粗沙〔盐〕coarse woollen cloth粗纺毛料
近gross 总的,粗俗的;音:咳嗽,咳嗽时嗓子声音很粗;音:烤撕,烤鸭撕着吃手艺吃相都很粗糙,不如做小菜精细
非常记忆co可乐〖熟词coke〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+se色〖拼音〗⇒喝着可乐的矮人对待色狼粗鲁无礼联想记忆coar看作coal煤炭+se→煤炭是很粗糙的→粗糙的谐音记忆音“考试”⇒试卷太粗糙并且监考老师很粗鲁词根记忆coarse=course跑过去=粗糙的形近词hoarsea.嘶哑的形近词:hoarsea.嘶哑的近义词 cruderough反义词 finesoftsmoothrefined
~+ n.She never wears clothes made of coarse material.她从来不穿粗布衣服。
The old man made a living with coarse food.老人靠粗劣的食品过活。
It's a coarse joke.这是个粗俗的玩笑。
S+be+~The sand is coarse.这沙子粗糙。
Don't be so coarse.别这么粗暴。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is coarse in manner.他举止粗鲁。
She used to be coarse of speech.她过去说话很粗鲁。Pcoarsenv.变粗Pcoarsenessn.粗糙劣等粗Pcoarselyad.粗糙地粗俗地鄙俗地Pcoarseness-fibreda.粗纤维的粗鲁的Pcoarse-graineda.木纹粗糙的粗鲁的粗俗的


coarse的基本意思是“粗的”,可用于物,指纺织品、纤维等质地粗糙或食物、酒等质量不高的、低劣的; 用于人,指言行、举止粗鲁无礼,强调由此引起的厌恶感。

用作形容词The medicine powder is toocoarse, keep grinding it.药面太粗了,再磨细点。
Hiscoarsemanners shocked everyone.他的粗鲁的举止使每个人震惊。adj.not fine, rude
同义词 bawdy,boorish,crass,crude,dirty,gruff,nasty,obscene,off-color,raw,ribald,rude,scatological,vulgarbase,blue,brutish,cheap,common,down and dirty,earthy,filthy,foul,foul-mouthed,gross,immodest,impolite,improper,impure,incult,indelicate,inelegant,loutish,low,lowbred,mean,offensive,raffish,raunchy,rough,roughneck,smutty,tacky,uncivil,uncouth,uncultivated,uncultured,unrefined,vulgarian
反义词 chaste,clean,decent,happy,kind,moral,nice,pleasant,polished,polite,pure,refined,sophisticated,uprightdelicate,gentle,smooth,softadj.rough, unrefined
同义词 crude,grainy,harshchapped,coarse-grained,granular,homespun,impure,inferior,loose,lumpy,mediocre,particulate,poor quality,rough-hewn,rugged,unfinished,unpolished,unprocessed,unpurified
反义词 gentle,nicedelicate,polite,refined,smooth,soft,sophisticated
abrasiveadjective causing wearing down by rubbing
awkwardadjective clumsy, inelegant
all thumbs,amateurish,artless,blundering,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingers,coarse,floundering,gawky,graceless,green,having two left feet,having two left hands,incompetent,inept,inexpert,klutzy,lumbering,maladroit,oafish,rude,stiff,stumbling,uncoordinated,uncouth,unfit,ungainly,ungraceful,unhandy,unpolished,unrefined,unskilled,unskillful
barbarianadjective crude, savage
barbaricadjective crude, savage
barbarousadjective crude, savage
baseadjective vulgar, low
abject,abominable,cheap,coarse,common,contemptible,corrupt,depraved,despicable,disgraceful,dishonorable,disreputable,foul,grovelling,humble,ignoble,immoral,indelicate,loathsome,lowly,mean,menial,offensive,paltry,pitiful,plebeian,poor,scandalous,servile,shameful,shoddy,sleazy,sordid,sorry,squalid,trashy,ugly,unworthy,vile,worthless,wretched It is, in fact, fearless; never coarse, although the relations between Paul, Miriam, and Clara are portrayed with absolute frankness.
事实上,这本书是大胆的,绝不粗糙的,尽管保罗,米莉亚姆和克莱拉的关系描绘的很直白。 yeeyan

Composite applications enable creation of coarse-grained services with flow logic to determine the execution sequence of the services.
组合应用程序允许使用流逻辑创建粗粒度的服务,从而确定服务执行的顺序。 ibm

For example, a stored procedure can be described on a coarse-grained level where sources or targets point to database tables.
例如,一个存储过程可以按照一个粗粒度级别描述,其中源或目标指向数据库表。 ibm

For example, assume you have a set of coarse-grained services that take potentially large XML documents as input.
例如,假设您具有一组粗粒度的服务,这些服务将可能很大的 XML文档作为输入。 ibm

His shirt and pants were made of coarse fabric.
他的衬衣和裤子由粗糙的布料做成。 yeeyan

If BPEL is used as an integration technology to build coarse-grained services out of smaller grained services, it has all the features you might need.
假如 BPEL被作为一种从细粒度服务中创建粗粒度服务的集成技术来使用的话,它拥有你需要的一切特性。 infoq

In fact, the reason behind this extra coarse feeling hair has nothing to do with it actually being thicker or anything of the sort.
事实上,你感觉毛发变得额外粗的原因,实际上和它为啥变粗或者其它变化没有任何关系。 yeeyan

One of the strengths of SCA is its ability to combine with a wide variety of fine-grained component models that are used to implement coarse-grained service components.
SCA的一个强大之处在于它的整合各种各样的细粒度组件模型的能力,而这些模型过去一般被用来实现粗粒度的服务组件。 infoq

Patterns not only help us in sharing and consuming best practices, but also take us forward in the next step of coarse-grained solutions.
模式不仅仅有助于让我们分享和使用最佳实践,而且会让我们顺利进入下一步,获得粗粒度的解决方案。 infoq

Provides simple coarse-grained service creation through the use of dependency injection and an easy to use SCA binding that simplifies wiring.
通过使用依赖项注入和可简化连接的易于使用的 SCA绑定,从而提供简单的粗粒度服务创建。 ibm

Service interfaces are typically coarse-grained but the client often wants more control over their granularity of access.
服务接口通常是粗粒度的,但客户端通常希望对其访问的粒度进行更多的控制。 ibm

That is, consumers and providers that can evolve independently are loosely coupled and, therefore, are usually coarse grained.
即,能够独立发展的使用者和提供者是松散耦合的,因此通常是粗粒度的。 ibm

These are coarse numbers, but are an important basis in claiming an overall percent complete.
这些是粗略的数字,但是是要求全部的完成百分比的重要基础。 ibm

This can be accomplished by adopting and using a good service modeling technique to determine appropriate coarse-grained services for a business solution.
可以通过引入和使用好的服务建模技术来为业务解决方案确定恰当的粗粒度服务,从而完成此工作。 ibm

This capability is enabled by coarse-grained data and interaction patterns.
此功能需由粗粒度数据和交互模式提供支持。 ibm

This layer of services provides the ability to broker process execution through the aggregation of integration components to support coarse-grained business functions.
这一层的服务提供通过聚合集成组件支持粗粒度业务功能从而执行代理过程的能力。 ibm

Using this qualitative argumentation, you can see that this coarse-grained communication approach can improve performance compared to a more fine-grained approach.
使用这种定性的讨论,您可以看到,与更细粒度的方法相比,这种粗粒度通讯方法可以提高性能。 ibm

Why has it retained the power to outrage when other coarse language has found its way onto the playground?
为什么它保留着当其他粗俗的语言发现它在娱乐场上的出现引起愤怒的能力? yeeyan

You have a proxy server that performs important authorization to limit who can access what applications at a coarse grained level.
有一个代理服务器,它执行重要的授权,以很粗的粒度限制谁可以访问什么应用程序。 ibm

Coarse-grained components tend to use other component services, such as data services, to obtain business data.
粗粒度组件趋向于使用其他组件服务如数据服务来获得业务数据。 ibm

Coarse-grained services can be connected to a service bus and, thus, can be mediated, allowing logic to be interposed between the requester and the provider.
粗粒度服务可以连接到服务总线,以便通过中介进行传递,允许在请求者和提供者之间插入中间逻辑。 ibm

Coarse-grained services present a more general degree of functionality, typically to suit a given business domain.
粗粒度的服务表示较一般程度的功能性,通常适合于给定的业务领域。 ibm




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