

单词 coal mine
释义 coal mine ˈkəʊlmaɪn ★☆☆☆☆高短语¹⁷³¹³

a mine where coal is dug from the ground近义词 coalpit煤坑
Guo Ping was relieved from the post as Director and Secretary of Party Leadership of Jiangsu Administration of Coal Mine Safety.
免去徐郭平同志江苏煤矿安全监察局局长、党组书记职务。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Jing Feng was relieved from the post as Inspector, Team Leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Party Member of Shaanxi Administration of Coal Mine Safety.
免去景锋英同志陕西煤矿安全监察局巡视员、纪检组组长、党组成员职务。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The death toll in flooded Wangjialing Coal Mine in Shanxi rose to7 Wednesday, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,截至7日,山西王家岭煤矿透水事故遇难人数已达7人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

To coordinate technology and equipment guarantees for national coal mine safety; organize safety supervision for the application of equipment, materials, and instruments and meters by the coal mines.
协调全国煤矿安全技术装备保障工作,组织对煤矿使用的设备、材料、仪器仪表的安全监察工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

To guide the administration of safety basis and safety quality standardization of coal mine enterprises.
指导煤矿企业安全基础管理、安全质量标准化工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

To guide and administer qualification certification of coal mine directors.
指导和管理煤矿矿长资格证颁发工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Australia's wealthiest man last weekend took a big step toward creating the biggest coal mine this resource- rich nation has ever seen.
在刚刚过去的周末,澳大利亚最富裕的人,为了建立这个资源大国史上最大的煤矿,取得了一项重大进展。 iciba

Finding a fossil in a coal mine is no big deal.
在煤矿里发现化石并不是什么大不了的事。 yeeyan

For here is Ovoot Tolgoi, a coal mine30 miles from the Chinese border run by a Canadian company called SouthGobi.
因为这里是俄乌特陶勒盖,离中国边境30英里,一个叫南戈壁的加拿大公司经营的煤矿。 yeeyan

In the past year, the four Chinese brothers who own Collum coal mine have made some changes.
在过去的几年,拥有科伦煤矿的四个中国兄弟也曾经做过一些改变。 yeeyan

Landslides triggered by the quake and aftershocks had blocked roads to a coal mine near the epicenter, and30 houses in its compound collapsed.
由于现场余震不断,山体滑坡造成通往大柴旦地震中心开源煤矿的道路阻塞,30多间房屋倒塌。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Like the proverbial canary in a coal mine, the nearly10, 000 known bird species act as“environmental barometers” whose populations can appraise the greater well-being of their habitats.
就如谚语所说煤矿里的金丝雀一样,近10,000种已知的鸟类在自然界中扮演着“晴雨表”的角色,它们的数量可以用来评价其栖息地的健康情况。 yeeyan

Pressure mounted Monday to launch a search for29 men trapped in a New Zealand coal mine for three days since a gas explosion, but the mine remained too dangerous to enter.
到周一为止,自新西兰煤矿毒气爆炸已经过去三天,关于营救被困29名矿工的舆论压力不断增加,但由于矿井内毒气太重而无法施救。 yeeyan

The other is an existing coal mine, Tavan Tolgoi, to which new capacity has been added, including road and rail links to its main customer, Chinasurprise, surprise.
另一个是现存的煤矿塔万陶勒盖,它新添加连接蒙古和中国的公路和铁路线路,中国是蒙古主要的业务往来国。 ecocn

To be responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety and law enforcement statistics on coal mine safety supervision and administration.
负责安全生产监督管理和煤矿安全监察行政执法统计工作,定期提出统计分析报告。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

To undertake the administrative reviews in respect of coal mine work safety.
承办煤矿安全生产方面的行政复议,监督执法行为。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Wang Qingli was appointed Team Leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Party Member of Anhui Administration of Coal Mine Safety.
王庆利同志任安徽煤矿安全监察局纪检组组长、党组成员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We bought a coal mine.
我们买了一座煤矿。 yeeyan

Wildlife may be the canary in the coal mine for the dangers of climate change: even minor disturbances in the environment can influence its susceptibility to disease.
煤矿区的金丝雀就可能是一种正受气候变化威胁的动物,环境中的轻微扰动都能影响它们对疾病的易感性。 yeeyan




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