

单词 coal bed methane
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At the same time the effects of various components of coal bed methane on the engine's combustion process and its emissions are also analyzed.
同时分析了煤层气组分变化对燃烧过程及排放物生成的影响。 fabiao

So- called nonconventional resources, such as coal bed methane, gas hydrate, oil shale, and tar sand, were explicitly excluded from the study.
非常规资源,包括煤层气、天然气水合物、油页岩、油砂均不考虑。 yeeyan

The United States is technically advanced in coal bed methane drilling.
美国钻煤层气井技术较成熟。 cnki

Canada's successful developments of oil sands and coal bed methane probably imply the transitional trend of world oil industry in coming years.
加拿大油砂石油生产和煤层气开发所取得的成功,很可能是今后世界石油工业的过渡发展方向。 cnki

Production forecasting in middle and long term shows that coal bed methane exploitation and utilization in some areas will play two important roles.
我国一些地区煤层气抽放利用和地面勘探开发成果,显示了煤层气良好的开发利用前景。 cnki

The results are shown that the utilization of the coal bed methane can decrease the gas accident, save energy source, reduce the environmental pollution, and have remarkable economic benefit.
结果表明,煤层气的开发利用不仅可以减少瓦斯事故,节约能源,减少环境污染,还具有显著的经济效益。 cnki

The main composition of coal bed methane is methane. It is not only a greenhouse gas but also a good and clean energy.
瓦斯的主要成分是甲烷,甲烷是主要的温室气体之一,也是一种洁净优质能源。 cnki

The resource utilization of coal bed methane can not only improve the environment, but also alleviate the serious energy crisis.
对煤层气进行资源化利用不仅可以有效改善环境,还可以缓解日益严峻的能源危机。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The study achievements would have certain reference values to the prevention and control of the mine gas dynamic disaster and to the theoretical study on the coal bed methane development technology.
此研究成果可对矿井瓦斯动力灾害防治和煤层气开采技术理论研究提供参考价值。 www.mtkxjs.com.cn

The system was successfully applied to guide the design of the site hydraulic fracturing operation for the coal bed methane well in Panzhuang Block of Qinshui Basin.
这一系统成功地应用于指导沁水盆地潘庄区块煤层气垂直井的现场水力压裂施工设计。 www.mtkxjs.com.cn

These conclusions have guidance significance to exploitation coal bed methane by gas injection.
所得结论对注气开采煤层气设计和评价具有指导意义。 cnki




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