

单词 coagulated
释义 co·ag·u·late·d 英kəʊ'æɡjuleɪt美koʊ'æɡjuleɪt 高COCA⁹⁵⁴¹⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵⁴⁸⁵⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
v. 凝结⁵⁹; 凝固³⁴adj. 凝结的; 凝固的原型coagulate的过去式和过去分词形容词coagulable名词coagulability过去分词coagulated现在分词coagulating三单coagulates
transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass;

coagulated blood

curdled milk

grumous blood

change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state;

coagulated blood

cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state近义词 set放置gel凝胶clot凝块cake蛋糕jell成形cohere粘合thicken变浓coalesce合并congeal使凝结grumose由聚团颗粒形成的…grumous由聚团颗粒而成的…coagulated动词coagulate的…curdled动词curdle的过去式…

用作动词An enzyme that occurs in gastric juice causes milk tocoagulate.胃液中的一种酶能使乳类凝结。
In extreme polarity, dreamscoagulateinto thought-form that is resonant.在极端极性中,梦想凝结成共振的思想形态。
Blood began tocoagulatearound the edges of the wound.血液开始在伤口的边缘凝固。
The production of cheese requires the use of enzymes tocoagulateor curdle the milk and the addition of other ingredients for various functions.生产乳酪要求使用酶凝结或凝固牛奶,还要添加其他用于不同功效的原料。 A coagulated mass of particles in a liquid.
液体中颗粒的凝结团。 www.infopetro.com.cn

From the throat, dreadfully lacerated, had issued a pool of blood not yet entirely coagulated.
喉咙那里完全被撕裂了,留下一滩还没有完全凝固的血渍。 yeeyan

SBR 1500 coagulated with PA had longer scorch time, fester cure rate and good heat resistance.
同时还具有焦烧时间长、硫化速度快及耐热老化性能良好等特点。 cnki

The application of coagulated subsidence acidification hydrolization biological contact oxidation process to treating textile dyeing wastewater was presented.
采用混凝沉淀-酸化水解-生物接触氧化工艺处理纺织印染废水。 cnki

The cheese is a milk product, Which is coagulated by liquid milk, then drained whey, then fermented and ripened.
干酪是液体乳为原料,经凝乳、排乳清,发酵成熟制成的产品。 chemyq

The coagulated protein absorbed some pectin substances mainly through acidic amino acids by hydrogen bond.
蛋白质凝聚过程还通过酸性氨基酸以氢键结合的方式吸附少量的果胶物质。 cnki

Conclusion: Slow portal vein flow, super abdominal operation involving portal vein system and high- coagulated blood are the common inducement of SMVT.
结论:门静脉血流缓慢、涉及门静脉系统的上腹部手术以及血液高凝状态等是 SMVT常见的诱因。 pwwxcma

Conclusion DR patients have easily coagulated statue due to blood platelet count increasing and activation strengthening and it may be an important factor that makes DR occur and development.
结论 DR患者存在血小板计数增多及活化增强带来的高凝状态,可能成为 DR发生发展的一个重要因素。 cnki

Early anti- coagulated and thrombosis-dissolved treatment can increase the survival rate of SMVT patients.
早期抗凝和溶栓治疗对提高患者的生存率有明显的作用。 pwwxcma

Either coagulated oil- light oil pattern or light oil- heavy oil pattern characterize3D fluorescence.
三维荧光既有凝析油-轻油又有轻油-重油的图谱特征。 magsci

He was in that condition, the last phase of dejection, in which sorrow no longer flows; it is coagulated, so to speak; there is something on the soul like a clot of despair.
他停留在这种状态,沮丧的最后阶段,这时痛苦已不再发生变化,可以说它已经凝固了;就象灵魂上凝聚着失望一样。 ebigear

I'd thought it would be liquid, like V8 juice, but when cooked it coagulated into little pads that had the consistency of tofu.
我以为是像 V8果汁那样的液体,可烹制中结成了小块,稠得像豆腐。 yeeyan

In addition, coagulated tissue acts as a barrier to further penetration of acid coagulation necrosis.
除此之外,凝固的组织也可作为屏障防止酸的进一步渗透凝固性坏死。 yeeyan

Inside it, there were tiny dust grains that coagulated and eventually became planets.
太阳系里面的细小星尘不断凝聚最终形成了行星。 suiniyi

Light microscope showed that no coagulated necrosis occurred in both groups and in group B some cell membranes and nuclei were destroyed in the targeted area.
光镜下两组辐照区肝组织未见凝固性坏死, B组可见部分细胞膜及胞核破坏。 cnki

Methods An experimental pulmonary embolism model in rats was made by injecting coagulated thrombus in vitro into right atrium cordis through a conductor.
方法采用改良的导管方法将体外已凝的大鼠血栓注入右心房制备大鼠急性肺栓塞模型。 cnki

Methods: The GI polyps confirmed by pathology were coagulated by argon plasma generated by ERBE APC made in German ERBE Company.
方法:采用德国 ERBE公司生产的 APC型内镜专用氩离子凝固器对经病理证实的消化道息肉进行氩离子凝固术。 cnki

Powdered solids or coagulated liquids are separated by centrifugal force and pass downward along the incline conical to a centrally located outlet.
粉状固体或凝固液体被离心力分离,向下沿斜坡锥体斜坡被送至位于中心的出口。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Results: On gross examination, lesions demonstrated4 zones from inner to outer: the zone of vaporized cavity, carbonized tissue, coagulated necrosis, hemorrhage and hyperemia.
结果:大体病理上,组织损伤由中心向外分为气化、炭化、凝固性坏死和充血出血区4个层次。 cnki

Soybeans are soaked in large tanks and ground into a slurry that then gets heated, filtered, and coagulated into slabs before being chopped up, packaged, and pasteurized.
大豆要浸泡在水里,泡软后磨成浆,然后加热、过滤、凝固后切块、打包并消毒。 yeeyan

The fist failure of my life coagulated my acidity and courage for continuing the life in that way.
人生的第一次失败就这样凝华了我继续生活的酸性和勇气。 blog.sina.com.cn

Who was it coagulated the blood, stopped the gash, wove new skin?
当时是谁让血流停止、伤口愈合并长出新的肌肤? blogbus




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