

单词 coagulant
释义 co·ag·u·lant 英kəʊˈægjələnt美koˈægjələntAHDkō-ăgʹyə-lənt 高四G宝COCA⁷⁶²⁰³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴⁵⁸⁹⁶

an agent that produces coagulationinternal coagulant内施凝固剂anti coagulant阻凝剂delayed coagulant缓凝剂,迟效凝固…coagulant aid助凝剂heat coagulant热凝固剂coagulant sedimentation混凝沉淀法inorganic coagulant无机凝结剂non coagulant非凝固剂polymer coagulant高分子凝结混凝剂…coagulant agent促凝剂soil coagulant土壤凝结剂milk coagulant凝乳剂recyclable coagulant可循环混凝剂…
词根ag-动, 移动, 活动,驱动,行动,作用,做事 来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为act-。它和希腊词根agon-竞赛,竞争及agog-引领,驱动最终都源自原始印欧语词根*ag-动。
co=com,一起+ag移动,驱动+ul名词后缀,表手段+ant形容词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词后缀,等于ing,具有某种能力和功能的→能够驱动到一起的东西⇒促凝剂,凝血剂,凝结剂。GRE红宝书co一起, ag作-做到一起-凝结计
co + glue胶水
词根记忆co一起+agul凝聚近义词 coagulator凝结剂

用作名词Coagulation of such systems requires rather drastic treatment with massive doses ofcoagulantsalts.凝聚这种体系时需要用大量凝结剂盐类进行相当激烈的处理。
Polyelectrolytes ascoagulantaids lower the required dosages of alum and auxiliary chemicals.高分子电解质作为凝结剂援助更低白矾和辅助化学制品必需的剂量。 And factors affecting the effect of electrolytic floatation, such as time, voltage, current density, quantity of coagulant, etc, are also studied.
探讨了气浮电压,气浮时间,电流密度,絮凝剂加入量对电气浮效果的影响; cnki

Persons with a seafood allergy, coagulopathy, or those taking anti- coagulant or other medications should consult a physician before taking this product.

The new complex coagulant PACRES is a compound of basic solutions of polyaluminumchloride containing race earth and sulfur element.
新型稀土复合混凝剂 PACRES是一种以聚合氯化铝为主要成分,并含有稀土、硫等元素的复合混凝剂。 cnki

The process of production of a new high- molecule inorganic coagulant- compound aluminum- iron silica using calcium silicate as the main raw material is introduced.
介绍了一种以铝酸钙为主要原料的新型高分子无机混凝剂—复合硅铝铁混凝剂的生产过程。 dictall

The research on compatibility between coagulant and other oilfield auxiliary chemical is helpful for directing the optimum use of oilfield auxiliary chemical in site.
对絮凝剂与油田助剂在现场使用过程中的配伍性的研究,有利于指导现场最优使用药剂。 cnki

The study and application of coagulant to water treatment is introduced in this paper.
本文介绍了水处理用混凝剂的研究及应用状况。 chemyq

What came out of the other end did, indeed, look like heparin. What is more, it had heparin's anti- coagulant properties, so the artificial Golgi seems to work.
结果,另一端出来的物质看起来确实像肝磷脂,并具备肝磷脂的抗凝属性,人造高尔基体似乎成功进行了转换。 ecocn

Coaguration experiments showed that the appropriate coagulant can enhance the effects of drilling bentonite in treatment of dyeing wastewater.
混凝实验表明,投加适当的混凝剂可提高钻井用膨润土处理染料废水的效果。 cnki

Garlic acts as an anti- coagulant in the blood, which reduces the risk of strokes, and also increases survival time in cancer patients by helping to destroy cancerous cells.
大蒜扮演着血液的抗凝血因子,它可以降低中风的危险,通过帮助破坏癌细胞来增长癌症病人的存活期。 yeeyan

In this paper the application of coagulant, mechanism of action problems existed, in wastewater treatment was introduced.
本文介绍了混凝剂在废水处理中的应用概况、作用机理,存在的问题。 chemyq

Inorganic Polymer Coagulant is highly regarded for its some advantages by environmental workers in the last ten years.
无机高分子絮凝剂的研究、开发和应用在最近十几年来受到了国内外水处理界的广泛重视。 cnki

International Circulation: As the new anti- coagulant, fondaparinux has been studied to be used clinically but there are still relatively few trials investigating it.
《国际循环》:作为一种新的抗凝药物,磺达肝癸钠已被研究用于临床,但是研究它的试验仍然相对较少。 http://ct2.winbest.org.cn

Now drink water defluoridation have some means, such as coagulant and sedimentation, filter layer adsorption process.
目前饮用水除氟的方法有很多,如混凝沉淀法、滤层吸附法等。 iciba

Results: After Clinic intervention,1 patient had less regression and2 patients had coagulant function abnormality.
结果:临床干预后患肢肿胀消退不明显1例,凝血功能异常2例。 iciba

That’s achieved by a natural anti- coagulant in the vampire bat’s saliva.
这是通过蝙蝠唾液里一种天然的抗凝血剂来实现的。 putclub.com

The article introduced a new type coagulant which combined inorganic and organic high polymer.
本文介绍了一种新型无机高分子与有机高分子结合的絮凝剂。 cnki

The author investigated the factors to affect the treatment. They are the selection of coagulant, the determination of its dosage, and the choice of equipment and facilities.
重点阐述了混凝剂种类的选择,最佳的用量确定以及设备和设施的选择对印染废水处理效果的影响; cnki

Therefore, people with bleeding disorders or taking anti- coagulant medication should consult with their doctor before taking fish oil supplements.
因此,出血失调或者进行抗凝血治疗的人群,在使用鱼油补充剂前,需要先咨询他们的医生。 yeeyan

Through testing, reagent ratios of coagulant and flocculate have been selected for accelerating the settlement of coal dressing wastewater and lowering thickness of overflow.
通过试验,确定了凝聚剂和絮凝剂的最佳药剂配比,以加速煤泥水中微细粒在浓缩机中的沉降,降低溢流浓度。 chemyq

When the aluminum sulfate was used as coagulant to enhance the performance of fiber filter, the higher effluent quality was achieved.
采用硫酸铝作为絮凝剂与纤维过滤器联合处理技术能进一步提高出水的水质。 cnki

While a handful of coagulant-inducing bandages are already on the market, there’s always room for improved technology that boasts greater comfort and lower cost.
因为只有少数凝血绷带已经投入市场,所以总是有机会改进技术以取得更舒适的效果的较低的费用。 yeeyan

With the increasing of rapid agitate strength, coagulant residue and filter impedance index STI of the precipitated water would improve more remarkably than turbidity.
并且伴随快速搅拌强度的增大,与沉后水浊度相比,混凝剂残余量及过滤阻抗系数改善更加显著。 cnki

Coagulant dosing control is one of most important and complicated process of water treatment. It is a big time- delay, nonlinear, uncertain system.
混凝投药控制是水处理中最重要最复杂的环节,是一个大滞后、非线性、不确定的控制系统。 cnki

Coagulant bath temperature had a strong influence on PU, PES composite flat membrane.
凝固浴温度对填充聚合物平板膜有很大影响。 cnki




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