

单词 Adrienne
释义 Adrienne ˈeidrien 
The “ Ms. Homeland Security: Illegal Entry Dress Tent, ” by Robin Lasser and Adrienne Pao.
“国土安全女士:非法入境者穿着帐篷” ,由罗宾拉瑟和阿德里安鲍制作。 cnnas

In southwestern China, farmers have grown a famous green tea for centuries. Now, farmers are embracing the coffee bean. NBC's Adrienne Mong reports.
在中国西南部,那里的农民几个世纪以来一直种植一种非常有名的绿茶,现在,他们正开始种植并接受咖啡。 NBC记者安德里娜报道。 yeeyan

Jakob thinks that Adrienne doesn’t know I stole the jewels.
雅克布认为阿德里安娜不知道我偷了珠宝。 yeeyan

Meet Adrienne Samen, a Connecticut bride who had quite the wedding night back in August2003.
见一见阿德里安,一位康涅狄格州的新娘,在在2003年8月的新婚之夜。 tianya

Adrienne Lecouvreur on her deathbed was willing to confess and receive communion, but refused to abjure her profession.
阿德莉娜勒库弗勒临终之时希望忏悔、聆听圣言,但她拒绝发誓放弃她的职业。 yeeyan

Adrienne Freeman says the process of re-warmingrewarming“ a person needs to be done slowly, in a hospital setting.”
艾德丽安说一个人再次暖和的过程是在医疗装置的帮助下缓慢地暖和起来的。 hjenglish

Adrienne, come up here! To me I'm not allowed to tell other people what she thinks.
阿德里安娜,过来一下!【对我】我没有权利告诉别人她是怎么想的。 yeeyan

Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California. She is part of the Yosemite Search and Rescue team.
艾德丽安?弗里曼是德州约塞米蒂国家公园的守林人。她是约塞米蒂搜索营救队的成员。 iciba

Adrienne suddenly started crying and screaming in class today.
艾德丽安今天在班上忽然就开始嚎啕大哭。 content.edu-edu.com.cn




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