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词汇 CMB
释义 CMBCOCA⁴⁴⁸⁷³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
abbr.美国大通曼哈顿银行=Chase Manhattan Bank

cosmology the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin近义词 CBR化学战万用雷达信标…CMBR宇宙微波背景辐射=co…cosmic background radiation宇宙背景辐射…
Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background( CMB.
这一进展多半来自对大爆炸“余辉”——也就是为人所熟知的,名为“宇宙微波背景辐射” CMB的辐射能——的研究。 yeeyan

On their journey from the CMB to the telescopes like WMAP, photonsthe basic particles of electromagnetic radiation including light and radio waves travel through giant superclusters of galaxies.
辐射粒子光子和射电波等电磁基本粒子在超星系团中穿行从宇宙微波背景到达 WMAP这样的探测器之中。

The European Space Agency's recently launched Planck space telescope might settle the issue when it makes the most sensitive maps yet of the CMB.
欧洲航天局最近开始投运的普朗克空间望远镜,在它能画出更为灵敏的宇宙微波背景辐射的天体图时,就可能解决这个问题。 yeeyan

The most jaw-dropping thing about the CMB results is that the cosmologists' model, which has only a half- dozen adjustable parameters, fits the data at all.
而 CMB研究最让人惊讶的结果是宇宙学家创造的模型,这个模型只有6个可变参数,但却解释了一切。 ufochn

To render focused services for the financial management system of enterprises, CMB Commercial Cards can provide consolidated management reports for enterprises to choose.
招商银行商务卡可提供多种完善的管理报表供企业选择,有针对性地服务于企业的财务管理体系。 iciba

“ If indeed we find some features in the CMB which are well fitted by a collision but are hard to explain otherwise, this would be a tremendously important development, ” he says.
“如果我们确实发现了些由碰撞产生的背景微波辐射特征,尽管这仍然很难给予解释,但它已经是个巨大且重要的进展。”他说道。 yeeyan

According to theory, CMB photons should interact with these clusters, getting kicked to higher energies.
根据理论,背景辐射中的光子应该与这些星团相互作用,从而获得更高的能量。 yeeyan

Also, by measuring the fluctuations of the CMB radiation over all scales, there is evidence that suggests there was a very rapid expansion just after the Big Bang.
同时,通过测量宇宙微波背景辐射在各个尺度上的起伏,有证据显示在大爆炸之后宇宙有过一个非常迅速的暴胀期。 yeeyan

China Merchants Bank CMB, one of the best performing commercial banks and the largest card issuer in China, was rated the best in the general category for its popular dual- currency credit card.
我国运营状况最好的商业银行之一、最大的信用卡发行银行招商银行发行的双币信用卡被评为普通卡类最受欢迎信用卡。 cri

Gurzadyan& Penrose have not found evidence for pre- Big Bang phenomena, but have simply re- discovered that the CMB contains structure.
彭罗斯和古萨德扬不能发现大爆炸前现象的证明,只是又发现了 CMB包含模式。 yeeyan

In 2000, an experiment known as Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics measured the CMB in detail in patches of the sky;
2000年,一项名为“河外微辐射与地球物理气球观测”的实验详细测量了局部天空中的 CMB; yeeyan

The amount of CMB radiation spotted near clusters of galaxies is greater than expected.
宇宙微波背景辐射所展示的星系的聚簇现象比预想的要明显的多。 yeeyan

The researchers developed a computer algorithm to analyze CMB observations for patterns that would fit.
研究人员开发了一个计算机的程序,可用来分析符合这种图案的宇宙微波背景 CMB的观测结果。 yeeyan

The imprint in question is in the cosmic microwave background CMB.This is a bath of radiation that fills the whole universe.
这个标记就在宇宙微波背景之中,就是充满整个宇宙的射线。 ecocn

The CMB is the “ first light”.
宇宙微波背景是“第一束光线”。 yeeyan

The CMB is almost, but not quite, uniform, and the known irregularities in it are thought to mark the seeds from which galaxies—and therefore stars and planets—grew.
宇宙微波背景几乎但并不都是均匀的,而已知的不均匀的射线被认为是用来标记来自哪个星系包括恒星系和行星系。 ecocn

Then in2003, NASA's space-based Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe WMAP mapped the CMB across the sky, producing an exquisite baby picture of the cosmos.
之后的2003年, NASA在太空中的“威尔金森微波各向异性探测器” WMAP为穿越天空的 CMB绘制了映射图,为早期宇宙制做了一幅精确的照片。 yeeyan

This echo is known as cosmic microwave background CMB radiation, a remnant of the vast energies unleashed as the universe burst into being.
这就是众所周知的宇宙微波背景 CMB辐射,一种在宇宙形成时释放出的能量的剩余。 yeeyan

This is the famous cosmic microwave background CMB radiation, and a key target of the Planck mission.
这就是著名的宇宙微波背景辐射,是普朗克空间计划的关键任务。 yeeyan

To study CMB from a management angle, to dig theory connotation from daily management practice are the innovation spot of this paper.
从管理视角来研究招商银行,从其经营管理活动发掘理论内涵,这是本文的创新点。 iciba

CMB is currently the only commercial bank to have made a profit in the segment.
招行是国内目前唯一一个能在信用卡业务上赚得利润的银行。 cri

CMB studies show that the universe is flat.
CMB相关研究证实,宇宙是平的。 yeeyan




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