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词汇 clutching
释义 clutch·ing 英klʌtʃ美klʌtʃ COCA¹⁰⁹⁷⁴BNC⁸⁴⁸⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 抓住; 紧紧抓住; 抱住

seize; take hold of tightly with the hands


an act of clutching or the fingers and hands in the act of clutching


control or power


in a car, which allows working parts of machinery to be connected or disconnected smoothly

the act of grasping;

he released his clasp on my arm

he has a strong grip for an old man

she kept a firm hold on the railing

a tense critical situation;

he is a good man in the clutch

a number of birds hatched at the same timea collection of things or persons to be handled togethera woman's strapless purse that is carried in the handa pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism;

he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other

a coupling that connects or disconnects driving and driven parts of a driving mechanism;

this year's model has an improved clutch

take hold of; grab;

The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter

She clutched her purse

The mother seized her child by the arm

Birds of prey often seize small mammals

hold firmly, usually with one's hands;

She clutched my arm when she got scared


Fear seized the prisoners

The patient was seized with unbearable pains

He was seized with a dreadful disease

clutch, clutch at

这两个词组的共同意思是“抓”。前者指已经在手的东西; 后者指尚未到手的东西。

clutch, grab, grasp, seize, snatch, take

这组词都可表示“伸出手或臂去抓住某物”。其区别在于:take仅指抓住具体的东西; clutch强调匆匆忙忙、紧急、迫不及待,因而抓住的可能性较小,引申可用于思想上或情感上的把握; grab常含有庸俗和不关心他人或无视公共准则的意思; grasp的基本意思是指用手、牙齿、爪等紧紧抓住某人或某物,引申指能充分理解难以理解的东西; seize通常指突然地、有力地抓住,引申用于无形的东西时,往往强调该物在快速掠过或难以捉摸,或强调有力地、出人意料地夺取,或强调理解了难以理解或难以分析的事物; snatch强调不为人知、救人及时或动作粗暴,引申指偶然地或无准备地抓住能抓住的东西。例如:

She clutched at my arm as she fell.她跌倒时想要抓住我的胳臂。
He grabbed the coin and ran off.他抓起硬币就跑了。
I grasped the man by the arm.我抓住了那人的手臂。
He seized the gun from the robber.他从强盗手里夺过了枪。
The letter was snatched out of my hand before I could read it.那封信我还没来得及看就被别人从我手里拿走了。take,grasp,grab,grip,clasp,clutch,snatch,seize










用作动词 v.
~+名词clutch a baby抱住孩子clutch the rope抓住绳子
clutch at v.+prep.

试图抓住任何机会 try to seize any chance

clutch to v.+prep.

紧紧抓住 hold sth/sb tightly to oneself

clutch sb/sth to sthThe child clutched the doll to her arms and would not show it to anyone.那孩子将她的洋娃娃紧紧搂在怀里,不让任何人看。
She clutched her child to her breast.她紧紧地把她的孩子抱在怀里。近义词 grabsnatchv. catchgraspn. grasp反义词 loosenv. free
S+~+ n./pron.I clutched the rope they threw to me.我急忙抓住他们扔给我的绳子。
The mother clutched her baby in her arms.母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。用作名词n.He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.他抓不住绳子,松手摔了下来。
Those people feared to live in the clutches of foreign secret police.那些人害怕在外国秘密警察控制下生活。
He released the clutch and the car began to move.他放开离合器,汽车就动了。
Take your foot off the clutch after changing gear.换挡之后,把脚从离合器踏板上挪开。
用作及物动词The boyclutchedthe marbles and ran away.那男孩一把抢去弹珠便逃之夭夭。
The childclutchedhis toy.那个孩子紧抓着他的玩具不放。用作不及物动词John jumped up toclutchat the branch,but missed.约翰跳起来试图抓住那树枝,但是没有成功。
It is useless toclutchat a straw.抓救命稻草是无济于事的。
Engage theclutchbefore selecting a gear.先踩离合器再挂挡。用作名词The eagle flew away with a rabbit in theclutchof its claws.鹰用爪子紧紧抓住一只野兔,飞走了。
He fell into theclutchesof the criminal gang.他落到了犯罪集团的魔爪中。
He burnt out theclutchon his car.他把他汽车上的离合器烧坏了。
She release theclutchand the car begin to move.她放开离合器,汽车就动了。
He was great in theclutchas he could make shots and pass to his teammates for easy shots.他总能在比赛紧要关头投篮命中或者妙传队友轻松得分。用作名词He's won a wholeclutchof awards.他获得一大堆奖。
The Prime Minister was there with aclutchof cabinet ministers.首相和一群内阁部长都在那里。用作形容词Tmac is a choker and will never be able to get it done duringclutchtime.麦迪就像一条围巾,在关键的时候很难从脖子上取下来。as in.getting
同义词 appropriating,assimilating,capturing,catchingconfiscatingearning,gaining,grasping,mastering,obtaining,pursuing,securing,seizing,snatching,taking,winning
反义词 abandoning,giving up,losing,refusal,rejectingthrowing off
gettingnoun the act of procuring
appropriating,assimilating,capturing,catchingconfiscatingearning,gaining,grasping,mastering,obtaining,pursuing,securing,seizing,snatching,taking,winning Besides the gents, a glass- panelled door reveals a private room heaving with people in tight groups clutching glasses of wine.
在男厕所旁边,透过玻璃格板门可以看到一间私人房间,里面抓着酒杯的人紧紧的坐在一起。 yeeyan

He sat on the couch for a long time, clutching his reader, sipping his mulled cider, taking cookies from the tray on top of the bot's head.
博兹在长椅上坐了很长时间,他手握阅读器,啜饮着温热苹果酒,从机器人脑袋上的碟子上取用小甜饼。 yeeyan

Her jaw was distended, suggesting her agony, and her right hand was clutching a small white marble bust of Alexander the Great.
孕妇颌骨张开很大,表明她正在承受着巨大痛苦;她右手攥着一尊亚历山大大帝的汉白玉半身像。 yeeyan

This type of dynamic stretching is different from clutching your limbs, because it focuses on movement.
动态伸展的类型不同于你抓住你的四肢,因为它专注于运动。 wztxt

When he was on his feet he turned toward the drug store, still clutching the paper, amazed and angry with himself for having been so clumsy.
他站起来后,就朝药店转过身去,手里依旧紧握着那份报纸,心里又惊慌又愤怒,想不到自己竟这样笨拙。 jukuu

Certainly not by clutching at scraps of better news.
当然不是通过抓紧几小片好消息。 ecocn

He is clutching a computer cassette that contains details of his computer crimes, and the police will need this as evidence to prove that he is guilty.
他正在调取一个计算机的纪录,这里面有罪犯的所有犯罪事实的纪录,可以用来作为他有罪的证据。 yeeyan

I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.
走在父亲身边,紧紧攀着他的右手。 kekenet

I felt something give under my fingers and Ronnie pulled back, clutching his face.
我感到在我的指尖有什么东西,他推开我用手捂着自己的脸。 yeeyan

Images of marchers clutching bows and arrows being manhandled to the ground and of a woman being dragged away with duct- tape over her hands and mouth prompted anger.
手握弓箭的示威者被粗暴地按到在地;女人们被强行拖走,她们的手和嘴均被粘胶带捆绑住;如此一幅幅残忍的画面激怒了群众。 ecocn

Now, dozens of people, many clutching infants, queue in the hot sun outside to return powder that could be contaminated with a potentially lethal chemical.
现在,几十人在门外的骄阳下排队退回也许受到可能致命的化学成分污染的奶粉,许多人手里抱着婴儿。 yeeyan

Nowadays she is rarely photographed without a cigarette in her mouth, and when she isn't smoking, she is clutching a pack.
她现在的照片里几乎没有一张是不叼着烟的,她不抽烟的时候只有在打开另一包烟的时候。 yeeyan

On starting her new cable network, OWN: I woke up one morning clutching my chest in fear.
关于她开始创建新的有线电视网 OWN:一天早晨,我醒来时,害怕地捂紧胸口。 forbeschina

Others queued in the aisle, clutching books by the doctors, who were standing behind a table at the front of the theater, taking questions, signing books and posing for pictures.
其他人在走廊排队,抓住那些医生们出版的书籍。 医生们站在电影院前部的一张桌子后面,回答问题,签署书籍和摆好姿势让人拍照。 yeeyan

Photographers and documentary filmmakers traveling with the group of scholars recorded the scene, as the scholars, clutching notepads, scampered up a hill in search of caves.
当学者们紧握着记事本,极速奔向山上寻找洞穴时,随学者团队一同前往的摄影师和纪录片制作者们记录下了这一场景。 yeeyan

She stretched on the bed and then sat- up, still clutching the cushion in her arms. The kettle continued whistling. She pressed the cushion strongly against her chest.
她舒展了下身体然后从床上坐了起来,手里仍然抱着靠垫。水壶还在不停地叫着。她使劲拍打了几下胸前的靠垫。 yeeyan

Still clutching the warm cup in his fist, he gulped reflexively, scalding his tongue.
他手中依然攥着那杯热茶,本能地一饮而尽,舌头都被灼伤了。 yeeyan

The police watch warily from behind a barricade, clutching bamboo shields and their long wooden lathis.
警察警惕地在路障后看着,手握着竹制盾牌和他们长长的木头警棍。 yeeyan

Their nightstands hold two or three photographs of their father, and I sometimes find them clutching one in a small hand as they sleep.
他们的床头柜上摆着两三张他们父亲的照片,有时我还能看到他们用小手握着一张照片睡着了。 yeeyan

Clutching my bunch of flowers, I hesitated in front of the door and all the bells.
我紧紧握住手上的一束鲜花,犹豫地站在门和那些门铃前。 yeeyan

Clutching a long list of job fairs, they head out for a brisk encounter with reality.
手握一长串招聘会的名单,他们将启程与现实来个亲密接触。 hxen




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