

单词 clustered
释义 clus·ter·ed 英'klʌstəd美'klʌstɚd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁸³⁸BNC²⁰⁹⁵¹iWeb²²⁴⁸⁴Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together in a group


a group of people or sth

vt. & vi. 使群集,集中

cause to gather or grow in one or more clusters

a grouping of a number of similar things;

a bunch of trees

a cluster of admirers

come together as in a cluster or flock;

The poets constellate in this town every summer

gather or cause to gather into a cluster;

She bunched her fingers into a fist

cluster, bunch, group


1.bunch指同类的物件〔生物〕串或绑在一起,即“一束,一串”,强调不可分离性,在现代英语中也指一群人; group指同类的一群人〔物〕聚集在一起,即“群,组,批”,它可表示有意的也可表示无意的,量也可多可少。


用作名词 n.
~+介词a cluster of bees一群蜜蜂acluster of flower一簇花a cluster of houses一群房屋a cluster of spectators一群观众a cluster of stars一个星团用作动词 v.~+副词cluster round紧紧环绕cluster together集中cluster tents together集中帐篷
cluster-ed如|被…的⇒n.群⁶⁰;簇;丛²;串v.群集²⁷;丛生²;使成群¹n.团;组;串²;束;挂;蔸;小金属徽章;物聚集;组件;化类族;基;天星团;美军金属片;语音音丛;音群;义丛v.使成簇;使成群;群集²⁷在集中;使群聚;聚集;密集在;簇拥;团团簇簇地环绕;成串;把…集成一束近义词 groupswarmthrongn. & v. bunch
用作名词n.She held a cluster of flowers in her arms.她抱着一束鲜花。
A cluster of tourists was surrounded in the hill.一群游客被困在山中。用作动词v.
S+~+APeople clustered round the notice board.人们聚集在布告栏周围。
The deer clustered together near the water.那些鹿集结在水边。
S+~+ n./pron.The police clustered the people on the corner.警察把人们集中在转角处。
Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in this area.大多数的外国使馆都集中在这个地区。

a cluster of表示“一串,一群……”时,要注意句中主谓语的一致性,如a cluster of flowers对应的谓语是is,而不是are,因cluster是主语,为单数。

用作名词Aclusterof tourists are waiting for their tour guide.一群游客正在等他们的导游。
You can see stars inclustersin the night sky.你可以看到夜空中的星群。
You can seeclustersof berries in the garden.花园里能见到一簇簇浆果。
You can see ivy growing in thickclustersanywhere.到哪儿都能看见成丛生长的常春藤。用作动词The menclusteredtogether round the fire and sang songs.人们聚集在篝火周围唱歌。
Immigrants tend toclusterin low-and high-income groups.移民们趋于集中在低收入和高收入的两个群体中。
Rosesclusterround the window.玫瑰花绕着窗子丛生。
The frightened children wereclusteredtogether.受惊吓的小孩子们缩在一块。as in.conglomerate
同义词 amassed,assorted,blended,massed,melded,mixed,motley,varied,variegatedheterogeneous,indiscriminate,miscellaneous,multifarious,promiscuous
反义词 like,same,similar,unvariedindividual,separate,singleas in.knotted
同义词 braided,bunched,coiled,snarled,tangledbanded,bent,clinched,clumped,engaged,entangled,fastened,gnarled,hitched,intertwined,lashed,lassoed,linked,looped,meshed,perplexed,seized,snagged,spliced,twisted,warped,whirledknotty
反义词 straightuntwisted,free,loose,separate
conglomerateadjective composite
knottedadjective tied
banded,bent,braided,bunched,clinched,clumped,clustered,coiled,engaged,entangled,fastened,gnarled,hitched,intertwined,knotty,lashed,lassoed,linked,looped,meshed,perplexed,seized,snagged,snarled,spliced,tangled,twisted,warped,whirled The public square was clustered with young students.

Additional solutions, depending on the errors, may be to manually rebuild non- clustered indexes, manually drop and reload a table if the data is static, and so on.
另外的解决方案,取决于具体的错误,可能是手工重建非聚簇索引,如果数据是静态的手工扔掉和重新载入表, 诸如此类. cnblogs

At the MUD’s base of operations, in contrast, opposition leaders clustered around microphones as they awaited the results.
相反,在委内瑞拉统一联盟的大本营,反对党领导人聚集在扩音器旁等待结果。 ecocn

Because new rows are inserted in the part of the table that contains rows with similar values, data remains clustered without the need to run the REORG utility.
由于新行是插在表中具有近似值的行附近的位置,因此数据仍然是聚合的,而不需要运行 REORG实用程序。 ibm

But, row level sampling may produce more accurate statistics if relational data values are highly clustered.
但是,如果关系数据值是高度聚集的,那么行级抽样可以产生更精确的统计信息。 ibm

But many big firms are clustered around Paris, and in industries that rely directly or indirectly on state support.
不过许多大公司聚集于巴黎周围,而且集中在那些直接或间接依赖政府支持的行业。 ecocn

But real user arrival rates tend to be clustered and irregular, so you need to test for those conditions before the environment goes into production.
但是实际的用户到达率往往是集群化且不规则的,所以在投入生产环境之前需要对这些条件进行测试。 ibm

Even though this is an HACMP concept, it can be used on any clustered or standalone system to refer to a network service offered by a system.
尽管这是一个 HACMP概念,但是它可以用于任何集群的或者独立的系统,以指向某个系统提供的网络服务。 ibm

Finally, the clustered environment must be evaluated for not only physical limitations on the application server machines, but also on the backend resources utilized by the applications.
最后,对于群集的环境,您不仅必须评估应用程序服务器机器上的物理限制,还必须评估被应用程序所利用的后端资源。 ibm

I still recollect how we clustered in front of the clinic and tried to clog the front entrance.
我还记得我们聚集在诊所门口、试图堵住诊所正门的场面。 ebigear

In addition, each piece can be clustered so that you have redundancy at the layer level.
另外,每个部分都可以使用集群,这样就可以在层次级别上具有一些冗余。 ibm

In reality, except for clustered tables, data in almost all tables will not be in order.
实际上,除了群集表之外,几乎所有表中的数据都不是有序的。 ibm

In this section, we present the data and implications resulting from clustered mail testing.
在这个小节中,我们展示来自集群邮件测试的数据及其含义。 ibm

In clustered environments, probes are installed on all nodes, and each probe is configured as though that node is the primary node.
在集群环境中,探测器安装在所有节点上,每个探测器的配置方式都与主节点相同。 ibm

Moreover, the methylation patterns were clustered together in large swaths of DNA, suggesting an epigenetic pattern linked to humans’ early environments.
而且,甲基化的模式在 DNA长链中被聚集到一起,显示了与早期环境相关的后天模式。 yeeyan

On the coasts, where its exporting factories are clustered, bosses are short of workers, and workers short of patience.
在沿海地区,聚集着他们的出口工厂,这里老板缺少员工,员工也失去了耐心。 yeeyan

Our attention drifts upward— now that the fireworks and the headlights are gone, the stars seem brilliant, clustered together like the lights of some faraway city.
我们的注意力转向天上,现在烟火和车灯都散去了,星星看起来特别明亮,聚在一起仿佛远方城市的灯光。 yeeyan

Quantile statistics provide the information whether the values of a column are clustered or not.
分位数统计信息提供关于一个列中的值是否聚合的信息。 ibm

The first was that the three variables clustered similarly, suggesting that they were accurate markers of ancestry.
首先是三种变异个体类似地成群,这表明它们是同一祖先的后代。 ecocn

The curly braces ensure that everything is logically clustered where it should be.

They drive past a7-11 and she notices a group of her friends, clustered together, doing nothing the way young people are so good at.
他们从一家7-11通宵店前经过,她看到她的一群朋友,无所事事地聚在一起,这是年轻人最擅长的一件事。 yeeyan

They clustered round the chairman.

We had HACMP clustered systems, so production workload was processed on another595 while this one was down for the upgrade.
我们有 HACMP集群系统,所以在一个系统进行停机升级时在另一个595上处理生产工作负载。 ibm




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