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词汇 clumps
释义 clump·s 英klʌmp美klʌmp COCA¹⁷⁴⁷²BNC¹⁵⁷¹¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
a grouping of a number of similar things;

a bunch of trees

a cluster of admirers

a compact mass;

a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder

a heavy dull sound as made by impact of heavy objects
make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the groundcome together as in a cluster or flock;

The poets constellate in this town every summer

walk clumsilygather or cause to gather into a cluster;

She bunched her fingers into a fist

fuel clump燃料块chromosome clump染色体块团clump planting穴播clump block强厚滑车bacterial clump细菌菌落clump microscopic count直接镜检菌落数…pile clump dike桩簇坝clump cells医 团块细胞虹…clump of piles群桩, 集桩sprout clump丛生萌芽clump count菌落数
近义词 lump块knot结ball球bunch串lot许多bundle捆mass大量glob一滴clod土块cluster群batch一批tramp徒步stamp邮票thump重击flock一群clop马蹄声thud重击声nugget金属块plod沉重地走thicket繁茂处stomp跺脚clatter咔嗒声clustering聚类thumping庞大的bunch up聚成一团constellate使群集plunk 使发声…clunk沉闷的金属声…chunk矮胖的人或物…clomp用沉重的步子走…tuft(头发、羽毛等一绺…

用作名词Which month hospital receives brachialclumpnerve best?哪个月医院接臂丛神经最好了?
It was as if he had hacked with his thick boots at aclumpof bluebells.仿佛他用自己的厚靴子无情地践踏了一丛野风信子。
The grain was rubbed out of the ears in theclumpand scattered in the prepared soil.将这块地上耳穗里的庄稼搓出并撒到备好的土地里。
I held a bit of the hearty earth in my hand to form a hardclumpand added it to the bowl.我用手捧起一点肥沃的土壤,并使其成为硬实的一整块,把它放进碗里。用作动词Fast moving particles, however, cannotclumptogether on such small scales and, in fact, suppress theclumpingof other matter.可是快速移动的粒子不能以这种小比例范围丛生一起,事实抑制了其它物质丛生。 In one— the 'accretion' model— small clumps of dust build up over millions of years to form a planet's solid core, which then pulls gases towards it.
一个被称作‘连生’模型,指尘埃碎块经过数百万年的时间聚集形成了一颗行星的固体核心,之后它将周围的气体俘获据为己有。 yeeyan

Rather, they stick together in clumps.

The ground was brown with clumps of yellowing grass and grey gravel.
土地被丛丛黄草和灰色的碎石染成了褐色。 yeeyan

The scientists also want to compress large clouds of antiparticles into high-density clumps that can be tailored for practical applications.
科学家们还希望能将大片大片的反粒子云压缩为高密度的反粒子块,以便进行实际应用。 yeeyan

And like when you add water to sand and it clumps together, the mix turned into almost a gel.
结果和你往砂子当中加水一样,小颗粒聚在了一起,混合物也几乎变成凝胶。 yeeyan

Because gas expands when it is heated, temperature variations can create asymmetries in where the gas clumps and how those clumps move.
因为气体在加热时会膨胀,所以温度的变化会构成气体所凝成的硬块和这些硬块运动时的不对称。 yeeyan

Bright sand streaks can form in the wake of desert cyclones when the whirlwinds break up popcorn- ball-like clumps of sand, a new study shows.
一项新的研究显示,当沙漠气旋的旋风打碎爆米花球状的沙团时,可能随之形成明亮的沙粒条痕。 yeeyan

By carefully measuring the rate at which proteasomes laboured, she found a clear correlation: as the clumps of prions in the sample got bigger, the proteasomes slowed down.
通过测试这些水解酶的工作速率,她发现了一个清晰的关系:当标本中的朊病毒团变大时水解酶的工作便慢了下来。 ecocn

Cardiomyocytes are tricky to make in the lab, developing into clumps of regular, non- beating cells if they are not developed properly.
心肌细胞在实验室很难制得,如果培养不当,它们很有可能变成一团规则而不会跳动的细胞。 yeeyan

Deposits sit on top of the earth, and they're composed of clay, sand and a dense form of petroleum that clumps like sod and crumbles.
这些沉积物位于地表,主要是由泥土、砂砾和一种粘稠的石油构成,这些石油板结成块,看起来就像土块和石屑。 yeeyan

Gravitational perturbations from the clumps, in turn, can push the nascent planets into orbits closer to the parent star.
来自这些凝聚的硬块所带来引力的扰动,反过来能够推动这些在早期所形成行星进入到更为靠近其母恒星的运行轨道上。 yeeyan

If that's so, theory predicts that thousands of dark matter clumps should surround the Milky Way, each holding a small satellite galaxy.
如果真的如此,根据理论预测,银河系的周围应该环绕着成千上万的暗物质团簇,每个都含有一个小的卫星星系。 yeeyan

Individual clumps of gas collapsed, and stars were born.
个别的气体团块剧烈收缩,星星出现了。 yeeyan

It leaves behind losers in concentrated clumps a closed tyre factory, for instance, whereas the more numerous winners everybody driving cheaper cars are disparate.
它在身后留下了一大群失败者的集中营比如一个轮胎工厂,而更多的赢家开着更便宜的汽车的每一个人却大不一样。 yeeyan

It was a very violent time in the Solar System with other planets forming from clumps of gas, dust and rock and impacts among these bodies were the norm.
这是一段变化剧烈的时间,在太阳系里,气团,尘埃和岩石遵循一定的规则相互影响变化形成其他的行星。 yeeyan

Massive clumps of matter can act as a giant cosmic magnifying glass, distorting space-time in their immediate vicinity.
大量的物质团块能够像一个巨大空间放大镜一样扭曲它们周围的时空。 yeeyan

One health study found that blood platelets among chocolate- lovers were less likely to clot together in dangerous clumps.
一项健康研究发现喜爱食用巧克力的人的血小板更加不容易凝结成块。 yeeyan

Only when these clumps are broken up is the dust liberated.
只有这些块体被打破,尘埃才能得到“解放“。 ecocn

Since the Apollo missions brought back the first clumps of lunar soil and rock in the 1960s, scientists have worked on the assumption that the moon is bone dry.
自从20世纪60年代的“阿波罗”号宇航员首次带回几块月球土壤和岩石样本,科学家一直都认为月球完全干燥。 yeeyan

Slowly, a vast“ cosmic web” of filaments and clumps of dark matter formed, and within them, the galaxies.
慢慢的,一张巨大的丝状和块状交结的暗物质“宇宙网”形成了,星系便在其中。 yeeyan

Some suppliers sell big clumps now, others have them in pots.
有的卖家大丛大丛地卖,也有一盆盆卖的。 yeeyan

Specks form into clumps, these collide with other clumps, and the process continues until all the matter in any given orbit is concentrated into one object—a planet.
微粒形成团块,团块之间相互碰撞,周而复始直到给定轨道上的所有物质集中成一个物体——行星。 ecocn

The debris around Earth began to condense into clumps and quite rapidly, a blink in cosmic time, formed a large glowing ball: our primal Moon.
那些围绕地球的碎片开始迅速地凝结,依宇宙时间的标准,就在瞬间形成了一个大灼热球:即我们的原始月球。 yeeyan

They do not return to work until the start of April, having marked the end of festivities by tossing clumps of sprouted wheat, a symbol of renewal, into flowing water.
麦苗是他们万象更新的象征,四月的第一天,他们把一丛丛麦苗抖进流水中后,这才结束了假日,回到工作岗位上班。 ecocn

Turtles are also known to “ mouth and chew on anything” and will likely investigate large clumps of the toxic crude, Kelley said.
凯利同时表示,海龟还有“喜欢将异物放入嘴中咀嚼的习惯”,大块的有毒原油可能会成为它们的咀嚼对象。 yeeyan

When the clumps of ice grow too big for the wind to hold up, they fall to the ground as hail.
当气流再也无法支撑住冰团时,冰团便落向地面,成为我们所看到的冰雹。 yeeyan




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