

单词 cloven
释义 clo·ven 英ˈkləʊvən美ˈklovənAHDklōʹvən 高COCA⁹⁰³²³BNC⁷³⁶⁸³

used of hooves split, divided;

bisulcate hoof

cloven hoof偶蹄cloven-hoofed=cloven f…cloven-footed分趾蹄的cleave裂开show the cloven hoof露出爪趾(露出恶毒的…display the cloven hoof露出原形,现出本性…the cloven hoof分趾蹄display the cloven foot露马脚betray the cloven hoof露出原形,现出本性…betray the cloven foot露马脚the cloven foot分趾蹄show the cloven foot露出爪趾(露出恶毒的…
近义词 cracked破碎的bisulcate两沟的

用作形容词He finally betrayed hisclovenfoot.他最终暴露了自己的邪恶企图。
The traitor displayed hisclovenfoot before long.那叛徒不久就原形毕露。as in.(cleft
同义词 broken,cracked,crenelated,parted,perforated,pierced,rent,riven,ruptured,separated,sundered,torncrannied
反义词 connected,fixed,wholejoined,joint,united
cleftadjective separated, split
broken,cracked,crannied,crenelated,parted,perforated,pierced,rent,riven,ruptured,separated,sundered,torn Foot and mouth disease FMD is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals.
口蹄疫是由口蹄疫病毒感染偶蹄动物所引发的高度接触性传染病。 fabiao

Quite early in life the pirate showed the cloven foot when he used to rob children of their toys.
这个海盗在年少时就露出劣根性,常常抢夺孩子们的玩具。 surfonschool

The highly infectious foot-and-mouth disease can affect cloven- hoofed animals including pigs, sheep and goats, while humans are hardly affected by the virus.
口蹄疫疾病具有高度传染性,它可以感染所有有蹄类动物,包括猪和羊,但是人类不容易被病毒感染。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Benzyl others were oxidized and cloven to prepare aliphatic alcohol and benzaldehyde.
苄基醚氧化裂解生成脂肪醇和苯甲醛。 cnki

FMD affects cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, swine and other cloven-hoofed animals.
口蹄疫影响牛、水牛、绵羊、山羊、猪和其他偶蹄类动物。 fao

He finally betrayed his cloven foot.
他最终暴露了自己的邪恶企图。 hotdic

He sighs, and wipes stray bread crumbs from his beard, rising to his cloven feet.
他叹了口气,抹掉沾在胡子上的面包屑,翘起二郎腿。 kekenet

His cloven shield, his broken sword, they do the water brought.
他的盾牌已破裂,他的长剑已断折,随着波涛流逝而去。 blog.sina.com.cn

I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.

Shortly after they became man and wife Tom began to show the cloven foot.
他们结婚不久汤姆便露出了他的凶恶本性。 http://dj.iciba.com

The animal and the farm it came from were to be examined by authorities to confirm whether it was indeed a case of the highly contagious viral disease that can affect all cloven-footed animals.
该头动物与其来源牧场已经准备接受官方的检验,以确认是否为对所有偶蹄类动物具高传染性的病毒。 taiwan-swine

These were the Clefts, and they raised their baby Clefts in caves high above the shore. They took their name from a towering cloven rock used for primitive religious rites: “The Cleft is us.”
这就是“缝儿”,她们在岸边高高的岩洞里养育幼仔, 以一块中间裂开、用于原始宗教仪式的巨石给自己命名。 blog.sina.com.cn




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