

单词 cloud cluster
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It is shown that this weather is triggered by the convective cloud cluster in front of the cold front, and this cluster has the character of the super thunderstorm cell.
结果表明,这是一次由冷锋尾部前方产生的对流云团触发的强沙尘暴天气,该对流云团具有超级雷暴单体的性质。 cnki

The convective cloud cluster occurred in concave boundary of the comma cloud.
对流云团发生在逗点云系的凹边界; cnki

The convergence of low-level air from the north, west and south of the Zhejiang area induces convective instability near Zhejiang to produce a mesoscale cloud cluster.
偏北、偏西和偏南的低层气流在浙江地区汇合诱发了大气的对流不稳定,从而新生出中尺度对流云团。 cnki

The position of the circulation center relative to a deep convective cloud cluster is associated with the upper tropospheric environmental flow.
这种环流中心与云团的相对位置关系和对流层上部的环境流场密切相关。 cnki

The viewpoint is further proved by observing and analysing the cloud cluster through Radar731 during1987-1988.
1988年期间用731雷达对云团进行了观测,进一步证实了这一观点。 http://dict.cnki.net

This mesoscale cloud cluster merges with the cloud cluster of a weakening TD in the end and the convective systems move into Shanghai area.
这个中尺度对流云团与减弱的 TD云团最终合并,对流系统移至上海地区。 cnki

Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.




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