

单词 close-ups
释义 close-ups ˈkloʊsʌps COCA³⁵³⁸⁵BNC³⁶³²⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.特写镜头;从近处仔细的观察;小传close-up的名词复数原型close-up的复数 She just hits a button. SO we'll shoot close-ups.
收银员只是按了下按钮。下面来拍摄特写镜头。 tingroom

The official Russian website for the Lexus ISo0, which shows large scale close-ups and the quality of engineering and finish for this luxury vehicle.
俄罗斯官方网站的雷克萨斯 ISo0,这表明大规模的特写和工程和完成这个豪华车的质量。 movingshop.org

A few TV close-ups of fans wearing Heineken hats would have cost very little by comparison.
相比之下,戴者喜力啤酒帽子的球迷的电视特写镜头,只花费了喜力公司极少的钱。 ecocn

Explore the new furniture range from IKEA Stockholm, with3D close-ups, the full range and the associated lifestyle.
探索新的宜家家具斯德哥尔摩范围,支持3D特写,品种齐全,相关的生活方式。 movingshop.org

I explained in the first posing article in this series that I would generally only use a controlled pose for close-ups headshots or beauty shots.
我在第一篇关于摆姿势的文章中曾经解释过,一般情况下,我只在拍近照大头照或者写真照的时候使用摆拍。 yeeyan

It looked realistic even in close-ups, because individual wrinkles could be clearly seen.
即使在特写镜头下,它也看起来非常真实,因为连每一条皱纹都可以看得一清二楚。 ecocn




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