

单词 closely packed
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The cells of this substance are closely packed together.
这种物质的细胞聚得很紧密。 iciba

The molecules in such liquids are closely packed, but loosely arranged. The result behaves like a liquid in normal conditions, and is able to flow.
这种物质的分子结构致密但分布松散,一般情况下和液体一样,且能够流动。 ecocn

Direct against this kind of situation, the paper presents a method to estimate average size of closely packed particles based on edge density without explicit segmentation.
本文针对这种情况,提出了一种不用经过精细分割,而是基于边缘密度计算紧凑颗粒平均尺寸的算法。 cnki

In Taiwan, many things are closely packed. The artists there had to perform in numerous shows on radio and TV. It would be really hard work.
在台湾发展,很多事情都是密集的,要上很多电台电视台的节目做表演,都颇辛苦。 suenyiuwai

Northeast Jiangxi Province is an important area in China with closely packed Cu Au polymetallic metallization.
赣东北地区是我国重要的铜金多金属矿化密集区。 dictall

The researchers must also determine how closely packed together the cars should be to get the best fuel savings and highest level of safety.
研究人员还必须决定车队车距,使之达到最省油,又保证最安全。 ecocn

The result shows that the membrane is a highly ordered and closely packed with hexagonal pore structure.
结果表明其排列高度有序,呈理想的六方柱形结构。 cnki

The unit is simple to install and can be used in closely packed units at depths of at least20m.
该装置安装简单,并且可以在密集使用单位在至少20米深处。 tech-domain




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