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词汇 closed down
释义 closed down短语¹¹³⁴⁴

动词 close down:
cease to operate or cause to cease operatingTelevisionclosed downfor the night just after eleven o'clock.一过ll点,当晚的电视广播便结束了。
Many businesses haveclosed downbecause of the recession.因经济衰退许多企业纷纷倒闭。as in.prohibited
同义词 banned,barred,contraband,illegal,illicit,restrictedcrooked,proscribed,refused,taboo,vetoedblack-market,closed-down,no-no,not allowed,not approved,off-limits,out of bounds,out of line,shady,verboten,wildcat
反义词 allowed,lawful,legal,legitimatepermittedas in.unemployed
同义词 idle,inactive,jobless,underemployeddown,free,loafingat liberty,between jobs,closed-down,disengaged,fired,laid-off,leisured,on layoff,on the bench,on the dole,on the shelf,out of action,out of a job,out of work,resting,unapplied,unengaged,unexercised,unoccupied,unused,without gainful employment,workless
反义词 active,busy,workingemployed,occupiedas in.impermissible
同义词 banned,closed,closed-down,closed-up,contraband,no-no,off-limits,out of bounds,proscribed,refused,taboo,verboten,vetoedas in.dormant
同义词 asleep,comatose,inert,inoperative,latent,passive,sidelined,sluggishabeyant,closed-down,down,fallow,hibernating,lethargic,lurking,on the shelf,out of action,potential,prepatent,quiescent,slack,slumbering,smoldering,suspended,torpid
反义词 active,alert,awake,conscious,livelyas in.forbidden
同义词 outlawed,prohibitedbanned,closed,no-go,proscribed,refused,taboo,vetoedblack-market,closed-down,closed-up,contraband,no-no,off-limits,out of bounds,verboten
反义词 allowedapproved,authorized,permitted,sanctionedas in.ban
同义词 bar,exclude,halt,outlaw,prevent,prohibit,proscribe,restrict,suppressbanish,blackball,curse,disallow,enjoin,illegalize,inhibit,interdictclose down,close up,declare illegal,ice out,pass by,pass up,shut out
反义词 admit,allow,include,let go,permit,push,release,welcomeas in.shut
同义词 bar,lock,push,sealcage,confine,draw,enclose,exclude,fasten,fold,imprison,secure,slambatten down,close down,close up,drop the curtain,fold up,put to,shut down,wall off
反义词 loosen,open,unfasten,free,let go,let out,loose,releaseas in.wind up
同义词 close,complete,conclude,do,end up,finish up,settle,wrap upbe through with,bring to a close,clean up,close down,come to the end,determine,end,finalize,halt,liquidate,terminate,tie up loose ends
反义词 begin,introduce,neglect,start,unsettlecommence,openas in.shut down
同义词 abandon,cease,close down,stopas
同义词 break,close,drop,end,finishcrash,defalcate,default,dishonor,fold,overdraw,repudiate,terminatebe cleaned out,become insolvent,be in arrears,be ruined,be taken to the cleaners,close down,close one's doors,drop a bundle,go bankrupt,go belly up,go broke,go bust,go into Chapter 11,go out of business,go to the wall,go under,go up,lose big,lose one's shirt
反义词 bear,begin,commence,continue,create,startaccomplish,achieve,capture,complete,deliver,earn,gain,merit,obtain,procure,prosper,reach,succeed,winas in.halt
同义词 adjourn,arrest,bar,block,break off,cease,curb,deter,end,hamper,impede,interrupt,stall,stem,stop,suspend,terminatebalk,check,desist,frustrate,intermit,obstruct,pause,punctuate,rest,stay,waitblow the whistle on,bring to an end,bring to standstill,call it a day,close down,come to an end,cool it,cut short,draw up,drop anchor,hold at bay,hold back,pull up,put a cork in,stand still
反义词 advance,aid,allow,assist,begin,commence,continue,encourage,further,go,help,initiate,keep on,let go,open,permit,promote,start,stimulate,support,urge,carry out,do,restartcarry on,forge,forward,pushspeak smoothly The first targets in Delhi will be the industrial units that manufacture the plastic bags in the capital, which officials say will be closed down.
在德里,首要目标将是工业单位,也就是那些在首都生产塑料袋的,官方勒令关闭。 yeeyan

The group said China closed down54.07 gigawatt of the least efficient coal-fired plants over the last three and a half years — more than the total electricity installed capacity of Australia.
绿色和平组织称,在近三年半里,中国已经关闭了发电量达54.07千兆瓦时的一些最低效的燃煤发电厂,这个数字超过澳大利亚的电力装机总量。 yeeyan

The idea of becoming a comedian took hold in 2001 after he moved to Boston from Houston when his company closed down.
2001年,他当时所在的公司倒闭,他便从休斯敦搬到了波士顿,并最终确定了自己要做喜剧演员的目标。 i21st

“ Japan Railway actually closed down the stations and sent out all commuters into the cold night,” he said.
“日本实际上关闭了车站并在这个寒冷的夜里派出了所有的通讯员,”他说。 yeeyan

A newspaper and television channel affiliated to him have been closed down temporarily.
而另一个附属于他的新闻与电视频道也不得不暂时地关闭。 blogbus

After the ban some established sites closed down their American operations, but others filled the void.
某些已成立的网站关闭其在美国的运营后,但新的公司立马填充这一空缺。 yeeyan

At present, if too many turtles are inadvertently caught in Hawaiian waters, the entire fishery is closed down.
现在,在夏威夷海域,如果海龟被不注意地捕捞过多,整个渔场就被关闭。 ecocn

Critical newspapers have been closed down, a reporter from one of them shot dead outside his home.
评论性的报纸已被关闭,其中一家报纸的一个记者在自家门外被射杀。 ecocn

Europe’s registries were closed down on January19th, to reopen only when better security standards are in place.
欧洲的登记所在1月19日关闭,并只有当更好的安保标准就位后才会重新开放。 ecocn

Even if the authorities closed down all other possibilities, people could still send copyrighted files as attachments to e- mails or through private networks.
即使当局关闭了其他可能的分享方式,人们仍然可以通过电子邮件或私人网络发送具有版权的文件。 yeeyan

Exchanges in India and China were closed down to prevent similar speculative attacks.
印度和中国的相关商品交易所被关闭,以防止类似的投机性攻击。 yeeyan

In the late1990s such work might have sounded precarious as China closed down or sold off thousands of state- owned enterprisesSOEs, throwing millions out of work.
在1990年代末期,这种工作听上去可能会让人感觉很不稳定,因为当时中国关停或卖掉了数千家国有企业,让数百万人丢掉饭碗。 yeeyan

Reaching out to Iran's ordinary people remained the opposition's biggest problem: any newspaper that mentioned the Green movement would be immediately closed down, he said.
反对派最大的问题仍然是无法深入伊朗民间:他表示,任何提到绿色运动的报纸会立刻被关闭。 yeeyan

Smedley’s crime finally convinced the government that it could not ignore the pirate broadcasters, and all were closed down by the end of1968.
斯梅德利的罪行最终说服了政府他们不能忽视海盗广播,而所有的海盗电台在1968年年末倒闭了。 ecocn

The school the student attends has been closed down temporarily and all of those attending have been offered anti-viral treatment.
这个孩子读书的学校已经暂时关闭,这个学校的所有学生都接受了抗病毒药物的治疗。 tingvoa

There was a fishery for bay scallops in North Carolina that lasted over a century uninterrupted and it was closed down in2004 because of cownose rays.
在北卡州有一座海湾扇贝渔场,过去一百年都未受到影响。 可由于爪哇牛鼻鲼激增的原因,它于2004年被关闭。 yeeyan

Two factories in France, four in Germany, and one in Spain could be sold or closed down.
法国的两个工厂,德国的四个工厂和西班牙的一个工厂可以出售或关闭。 ecocn

Yet on the day Israel stopped the aid flotilla, Hamas closed down several prominent civil associations in Gaza, some of which had worked with the UN.
就在以色列拦截救援船的当天,哈马斯关闭了一些加沙著名的民间救援组织,而一些和联合国有合作关系。 ecocn




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