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close calls短语⁷²³⁸² 基本例句 🌏比分接近的比赛;侥幸脱险;惊险的时刻原型closecall的复数 After numerous close calls and nearly getting side- swiped by a jerk who blasted the horn as he blew passed Serena while she was making a left- hand turn, I gave up. 在经过数次与事故擦肩而过,以及有一次塞琳娜想左拐转变时,一个混蛋按着喇叭超车呼啸而过,几乎造成了侧翻后,我放弃了。 yeeyan During his28,000- nautical-mile journey, he braved storms, equipment failures, close calls with freighters and a run- in with suspected pirates. 在他长达28,000海里的旅途中,他战胜了暴风雨、设备故障等难题,在险些和货轮相撞时幸运脱身,还与疑似海盗的船只擦肩而过。 seegold His three KO losses haven't caused him irreparable physical damage, but those setbacks along with his close calls against Peter and Williamson may have dented his psyche to an extent. 他的三次被 KO并未造成不可救药的损伤,但那些痛楚包括以微弱优势赢皮特和威廉姆森的那两场或许在一定程度上如影随形。 boxingcn I have had in my short life a multitude of illnesses, close calls, disappointments, sufferings, and personal crosses. 在尚且短暂的一生中,我已经历过无数次疾病、危机、失望、折磨和迷茫。 yeeyan Most decisions are close calls—and there are doubts. 多数决定都是艰难做出地——雇主们也是疑虑重重。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Solo and Chewbacca have had many close calls in the past, and have executed countless last- second escapes; 索洛和丘巴卡在过去经历过许多千钧一发的时刻,无数次在最后一刻侥幸逃脱; starwarschina Some of my closest friends are people whom I was at first hesitant to meet.What close calls. 说来很侥幸,我的一些密友,竟是最初我在犹豫要不要与之认识的人。 yeeyan Sooner or later, his luck is going to run out. He's had too many close calls. 迟早他的运气会走光的。他已经侥幸脱险好多次了。 blog.sina.com.cn The home team had been the victim of three or four close calls, and they were now trailing the visitors by a touch- down and a field goal. 主队已经连续输了三四个险球。现在他们正一步步追赶客队,获得了底线得分和射门得分。 http://www.readywin.com |