

单词 clockwise
释义 clock·wise 英ˈklɒkˌwaɪz美ˈklɑkˌwaɪzAHDklŏkʹwīz' ★☆☆☆☆高六研IST6四八GCOCA¹⁴⁶²³BNC²⁶⁸⁸⁴iWeb¹⁴⁴⁵⁸


moving in a curve in the same direction as the hands of a clock

in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock
in the direction that the hands of a clock move;

please move clockwise in a circle

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词clockwise direction顺时针方向clockwise movement顺时针方向的转动
组合词clock时钟+wise方向→指针转动的方向→顺时针方向;参考:anti-clockwiseadj. 逆时针方向的非常记忆clock钟〖熟词〗+wise方向〖词缀〗⇒钟表指针走的是顺时针方向组合词clock时钟+wise方向→指针转动的方向→顺时针方向的地蒋争熟词记忆clock时钟-wise表示方向⇒顺时针方向的clock时钟-wise表示方向⇒顺时针方向的词根记忆clock时钟近义词 round圆的spiral螺旋circular圆形的helical螺旋状的right-handed用右手的left to right从左到右反义词 anticlockwisecounterclockwise
~+ n.Please turn the key in a clockwise direction.请顺时针转动钥匙。Panti-clockwise反时针的Panticlockwisea.逆时针的ad.逆时针地Pcounter-clockwise逆时针方向的反时针方向的Pcounterclockwisea.反时针方向的ad.反时针方向

用作形容词It may whirl eitherclockwiseor counterclockwise.它可能顺时针方向或反时针方向旋转。
Regulation is accomplished by rotating the handwheelclockwise.规则要求按顺时针方向旋转手轮。as in.orbiting
同义词 revolvingencirclingcounterclockwise,going aroundas in.right
同义词 dexter,dextral,right-handed
orbitingadjective circling
counterclockwise,encircling,going around,revolving
rightadjective opposite of left
clockwise,dexter,dextral,right-handed Counter- clockwise flow around the low drew up plenty of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico.
逆时针方向环流着从墨西哥湾来的大量湿空气。 yeeyan

Rotate the logo90 degrees clockwise and suddenly a very different image appears.
把商标按顺时针旋转90度,马上就会看到一个完全不一样的图像。 yeeyan

The participants consistently reported that they perceived a clockwise- shift in the direction of the second pattern.
被试者持续报告出他们感知到第二种模式的运动方向有一个顺时针方向的改变。 yeeyan

The storm passed west of the spill, whirling counter- clockwise, as all hurricanes do in the northern hemisphere.
风暴从漏油地点西面吹袭而过,象所有北半球飓风一样,呈逆时针涡旋状移动。 ecocn

After14 months of repairs, the giant machine was restarted on Friday evening and the first beam started circulating in a clockwise direction around the tunnel about 10pm.
经过14个月的修理,这台巨型机器于周五晚上重新启动,晚上10点左右,第一束粒子波开始沿顺时针方向在隧道内环行。 yeeyan

An electrical field was then used to apply torque to the rotor, making it harder for the system to spin anticlockwise than clockwise.
然后加上一个电场,这个旋转装置就受到转矩的作用,使它逆时针旋转时受到的阻力比顺时针时大。 ecocn

And some of them might be spinning clockwise, in which case, according to the right- hand rule we would consider them spin- down.

At dawn, a villager walked clockwise around a white stupa, set high up over the valley.
傍晚,我们看到一个村民绕着佛塔顺时针走了一圈,这座塔的高度已经超过了山谷。 yeeyan

Before, it was rotating clockwise.

Begin swinging the hoop clockwise so the hoop is parallel to the ground.
开始顺时针摆动呼啦圈,让它与地面平行。 yeeyan

Flights over Moscow are made only in the clockwise direction.
在莫斯科上空飞行只能是沿着顺时针方向。 yeeyan

How doesn't know that it's counterclockwise rather than clockwise?

I'm going to turn the corkscrew as seen from your side, clockwise.

If you walk clockwise, you will see that the surface is to your left or use the right- hand rule.

If you place a spiralling shell down on the table with the spiral facing up then in most shells the spiral evolves in a clockwise orientation from the centre of the shell out.
如果你把一只螺纹贝壳放在桌上,螺旋面朝上,绝大多数的螺线是顺时针方向从中心到边缘展开。 yeeyan

Isn't that amazing?And it rotates, seen from below clockwise.

Most particles come in two varieties: ones that spin clockwise and ones that spin anticlockwise.
大多数微粒子有两种:顺时针旋转的和逆时针旋转的。 yeeyan

Once someone is buckled in, the chair spins like a midway ride, clockwise and counterclockwise for as long as10 minutes at a stretch.
把人固定在上面,椅子就开始像游乐场设施一样旋转起来,一会顺时针一会逆时针,10分钟为一次。 yeeyan

Positive values for the angle rotate the object clockwise if you look along the positive rotation axis.
角度为正值,则表示若您顺着正旋转轴方向观察,对象是按顺时针旋转的。 ibm

That's because of a clockwise current of water called the Antarctic circumpolar current.
这是由于被称为南极绕极环流的顺时针环流造成的。 yeeyan

The earth has an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise.
地球有一个内在核心以顺时针方向旋转,其外层核心是以逆时针方向旋转。 blog.sina.com.cn

The genetic code decides whether they sit with a slight twist towards clockwise or anticlockwise.
基因密码决定了它们的排列是稍稍向顺时针方向还是向逆时针方向扭曲。 yeeyan

This is achieved by fitting each wheel with an electric motor that can rotate either clockwise or anticlockwise, as appropriate.
平衡是通过给每个轮子安上一个能够根据情况顺时针或逆时针旋转的电动马达实现的。 yeeyan

This minuscule rotor wiggled clockwise or anticlockwise as molecules bumped into it from one side or the other.
如果分子从一面或另一面撞击到这个微小的旋转装置,它就会沿顺时针或逆时针方向摆动起来。 ecocn

We moved clockwise in the darkness, stopping at each drawing.
我们在黑暗中顺时针走着,在每一幅画前都会停留下来。 yeeyan

What if I have a curve that goes clockwise?

When I wrapped one triangle strip around the whole cube in Listing1, I started with a triangle that is wound counter- clockwise0, 1, 2.
当我将一个三角形带环绕在清单1实现的整个立方体上时,首先从一个逆时针方向环绕的三角形0,1,2开始。 ibm

Why does the theorem choose counterclockwise over clockwise?




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