

单词 clipping
释义 clip·ping 英ˈklɪpɪŋ美ˈklɪpɪŋAHDklĭpʹĭng ★☆☆☆☆COCA¹⁵⁰⁷¹BNC³⁹¹⁹¹iWeb¹¹¹⁰⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine;

he searched through piles of letters and clippings

cutting down to the desired size or shapethe act of clipping or snippingclip夹住cutting切断clipping circuit削波电路clipping press切边压力机clipping distortion削波畸变fur clipping啮毛癖tail clipping后沿箝位newspaper clipping剪报pulse clipping脉冲削波,脉冲切割…negative clipping负向削波clipping study剪辑研究clipping level限幅电平clipping amplifier削波放大器press clipping剪报资料clipping machine切棒机,修剪器,剪断…depth clipping深度剪取peak clipping削峰speech clipping言语削波positive clipping正向削波polygon clipping多边形裁剪
clipp-ing动名词⇒n.剪⁸⁶;剪报¹³;剪取物¹;英语构词法中的截略法v.动词clip的现在分词近义词 snip剪piece件trim修剪clip夹住cutting切断extract摘录excerpt摘录article文章feature特征trimming整顿contraction收缩press cutting剪报资料newspaper clipping剪报press clipping剪报资料

用作名词Videoclippingis a practical work.摘要电视剪辑是一项实践性很强的工作。
She is fond of newspaperclipping.她很喜欢剪报。noun.excerpt
同义词 cutting,part,piece
反义词 whole
abbreviationnoun something shortened
abbreviationsnoun something shortened
extractnoun something condensed from whole
trimmingnoun shearing
clipping,cropping,cutting away,paring down,pruning,shaving off,shorteningsnippingtrim And she took out a newspaper clipping out of her pocket. I can’t read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Clinton eating here.
她从口袋里掏出了一张剪报让我看,我不认识瑞典语,但是她告诉我那全是因为比尔·克林顿在这吃过饭。 yeeyan

And they found that the plants that bounce back after clipping boost their DNA content— some of their cells go from having10 chromosomes to having320.
他们发现,那些受损后迅速恢复的植物 DNA含量暴增——其中一些原本只有10个染色体细胞,已经拥有了320个染色体。 yeeyan

Just as emotionlessly as he had received“ The Shame of the Sun” did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau.
他接到《太阳的耻辱》时无动于衷,读到剪报社每周给他寄来的评论时也照样无动于衷。 ebigear

The algorithms of clipping, intersection and translation are also given when the fault demarcation line crosses the path of a borehole or an adit.
对于地质剖面图中断层分界线遇到钻孔或平洞的情况,文中建立了它们的求交、平移和裁剪算法。 iciba

The clipping level is used to limit the amount of data that appears in the report for code that received few ticks.
省略级别用来限制对应于获得很少节拍的代码的报告中出现的数据总数。 ibm

Web Clipping is a very useful add on that automatically put clippings from the web into our notes.
此功能非常有用,它可以把网页中复制的内容放到我们的笔记中。 yeeyan

“ The police just sat in their squad cars clipping their fingernails, ” he said. Other residents, some elderly, said they were roughly tossed aside.
“当时一群警察就坐在车上修指甲,”他说,也有年纪大些的居民说,他们被粗暴地推到一边。 yeeyan

At the middle level, a portable graphics engine provides support for line draws, area fills, polygons, clipping, and color models.
在中间层,可移植的图形引擎提供对线的绘制、区域的填充、多边形、裁剪以及颜色模型的支持。 ibm

Discard the electromagnet. If you don't need the hands. you can do this by clipping or unsoldering its wires.
丢掉电磁体。如果你不需要指针,你可以将电线剪断或脱焊。 yeeyan

Duplicate the bottom layer and place it on the top. Then place it in the clipping mask.
复制底部的模特图层,并将其置于顶部,然后将其设为剪切蒙版。 yeeyan

Even if you accidentally hurt them during a grooming or nail clipping section, they always forgive you.
即使如果你在为它们剪毛或者指甲时不小心弄伤了它们,它们还是会原谅你。 yeeyan

He sailed effortlessly over the hurdles in the race while behind him Payne and Oliver had difficulty in not clipping them.
在比赛中,他轻松地跨过了所有栏架,而身后的佩恩和奥立佛跨栏则显得有些吃力。 hxen

I had read that in an old newspaper clipping.
我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。 putclub.com

If you don't need the hands. you can do this by clipping or unsoldering its wires.
如果你不需要指针,你可以剪断或者焊开连接电磁铁的导线。 yeeyan

In the center is a newspaper clipping about Lincoln’s case.
在墙壁中心帖的是 Lincoln案的剪报。 yeeyan

Investigators later found a news clipping about the explosion and DVD copy of Fight Club in his bedroom.
随后,调查人员在萧的卧室里发现了上次爆炸的新闻简报和《搏击俱乐部》的 DVD光盘一张。 yeeyan

Not using Internet coupons: Saving money used to mean scouring the newspapers and clipping and organizing paper coupons.
不要去用网络优惠券:过去,省钱的招数是收集报纸,裁剪上面的纸质优惠券。 yeeyan

One great way to combat the waste of old school coupon clipping would be for Yahoo to offer a mobile version complete with scannable bar codes.
如果雅虎可以推出一款带有可检测条形码的手机版网站,那将会大大减少老式优惠券带来的浪费问题。 yeeyan

Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt would also be gratified by the clipping of Iranian wings, though they dare not say so openly.
尽管他们不明说,沙特阿拉伯,约旦和埃及对除掉伊朗这个翅膀也是满意的。 ecocn

So, that was called coupon clipping.

The first sort of principle to me is clipping coupons.

This is essential for allowing extended text annotations to remain within the image area without clipping.
这将允许进行扩展文本注释使其保留在图像区域内,并且不需要进行裁剪。 ibm

Unlike the real world,3D computing gives you two more view boundaries: near and far clipping planes.
与真实世界中的情况不同,3D计算给我们增加了两个视图边界:近切割面和远切割面。 ibm

We try to be-- I think investing is about clipping coupons, about getting cash flow and getting and controlling cash flow, but there are good resellers.

Clipping coupons to save on travel—the concept is not a new one.
剪下一些优惠券来节省旅游费用早已不是什么新鲜事了。 yeeyan




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