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clinicians 基本例句 临床医师 A public health laboratory diagnostic service was established at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and training courses were conducted for clinicians and microbiologists. 国家卫生和流行病学研究所建立了公共卫生实验室诊断服务,对临床医师和微生物学家进行培训。 who “ If anything, our findings should alert clinicians to be aware that people with SMI are at very high risk” of morbidity and mortality. “如果有什么是相同的话,我们的结果应该警告临床医生注意,重度精神病人士的发病率和死亡率是非常高的”。 yeeyan “ Clinicians know that clinical factors besides age affect IVF outcomes, but there is no way for them to quantify this,” she says. “临床医生都知道,除了年龄的因素,临床因素也会影响试管婴儿的成功率,但这些没办法量化。”她说。 yeeyan A team of clinicians, computing scientists and physiologists at the university are working together on the project. 一支由大学里的临床医师、计算机科学家、生物学家组成的队伍一起这个项目中工作。 yeeyan At present, scientists and clinicians do not understand why some patients experience a much more severe clinical course, though research is under way. 目前,科学家和临床医生不明白为何一些患者会出现极为严重的临床症状,他们正对此进行研究。 who Borenstein said the format of each show includes interviews with expert clinicians and researchers, as well as with patientsand families. 据伯伦斯坦说,节目的形式包括对对临床和心理研究专家以及病人及其家属的访谈。 yeeyan But all too often clinicians do not use them. 但很多时候临床医师却不使用这些方法。 hjenglish But it is precisely because of this narrow focus that it has never gained much traction with clinicians. 但也正因为如此狭窄的关注使得临床医生们没法得到更多的动力。 yeeyan But clinicians report that there is often no quick cognitive fix for people with complex histories. 但临床医生报告说,经常有没有快速复杂的历史与人的认知修复。 yeeyan Findings and experiences were presented by around100 clinicians, scientists, and public health professionals from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Oceania. 来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲、中东和大洋洲的大约100名临床医生、科学家以及公共卫生专业人员介绍了取得的结果和经验。 who Information was provided by epidemiologists, clinicians, and virologists from Canada, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. 来自加拿大、墨西哥、西班牙、联合王国和美国的流行病学家、临床医师和病毒学家提供了信息。 who Occasionally, travellers who have returned from endemic areas to North America or Europe develop BU, which can pose a significant diagnostic challenge for clinicians unfamiliar with the disease. 有时候从流行地区返回北美或欧洲的旅行者感染布鲁里溃疡,可对不熟悉该病的临床医师形成严重的诊断挑战。 who Only a fraction of anorgasmia cases come to the attention of clinicians, he said. 仅有一小部分性冷淡的病例引起了临床工作这的注意,他说。 yeeyan Penzias praises the authors' “ clever methodology, ” though he notes some limitations with the model: how clinicians handled the embryos in the lab was not quantified, for example. 彭齐亚斯称赞其为“聪明的方法”,尽管该模型存在一些限制,例如胚胎的临床操作不能定性。 yeeyan Samples taken by Lao epidemiologists and Thai clinicians were tested by the National Institute of Health in Thailand and were positive for H5N1 infection. 由老挝流行病学家和泰国临床医生采集的样本经泰国国立卫生研究院检测 H5N1感染呈阳性。 who Some clinicians may believe that depression and anxiety are simply part of the symptom profile of patients with airway obstructions. 一些临床医师可能相信抑郁和焦虑只是气道阻塞患者的症状表现的一部分。 yeeyan Specifically for clinicians, we urge you to educate your patients about the dangers of consuming raw milk or raw milk products. 特别是对临床医生,我们迫切请求你们告诉患者食用生奶和生奶制品的危险性。 yeeyan Symptoms reported by local clinicians include high fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting, followed by meningitis, subcutaneous haemorrhage, toxic shock, and coma in severe cases. 地方临床医师报告的症状包括高热、不舒服、恶心和呕吐,重者出现脑膜炎、皮下出血、中毒性休克和昏迷。 who The3 drugs are already approved for schizophrenia and bipolar mania in adults and are currently being used off- label by clinicians treating pediatric patients. 这3种药物已经受批用于成人精神分裂症和双相躁狂。 同时,正被临床医生背离标签说明的用于治疗儿科患者。 yeeyan These studies suggest researchers and clinicians should not necessarily look to happy couples as models for how to help couples who have more problems. 这些研究建议研究者和临床医生不必在帮助那些有着更多麻烦的夫妇时,把那些幸福的夫妇做为模范。 yeeyan They believe the findings of this study will be of significant interest to clinicians, counselors and anyone working on stress research. 他们认为,这项研究对临床医师、咨询师及任何进行压力研究的人都有重要作用。 yeeyan This is something that clinicians should be aware of when patients walk into their clinic or office with signs of flu. 这是有流感迹象的病人走出他们的诊所或办公室时,临床医生应该知道的事情。 yeeyan This virus is clearly not the only explanation for obesity, and researchers and clinicians only offer the theory as one possible contributing factor. 很显然,这种病毒不是解释肥胖的唯一原因,研究人员和临床医生仅仅将这一理论作为一种可能的促进因素提出来。 yeeyan WHO is in touch with public health authorities and clinicians in affected countries and is gathering information about how effective the drugs are. WHO正在与受影响国家的公共卫生主管部门和临床医生们保持联系,收集这些药物效果的相关信息。 yeeyan Yet scientists and clinicians often ignore sex differences, if they are even aware of them. 然而科学家和临床医生却常常忽视性别差异,即使他们知道存在这种差异。 yeeyan Clinicians, like myself, tend to see addiction as a form of self- medication. 像我这样的临床医生倾向于把上瘾看作一种自我治疗。 yeeyan Clinicians agree that one of the biggest challenges is finding out the true size of the problem of resistant infections in each country. 临床医生一致认为最大的挑战之一是了解每个国家中耐药性感染问题的真实规模。 who |