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词汇 cling
释义 cling 英klɪŋ美klɪŋAHDklĭng ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁶¹¹⁰BNC¹⁷⁶¹²iWeb⁸⁰²⁹Economist¹⁰²⁹¹

vi. 抱紧

hold tight

vi. 贴近

stay near

vi. 坚持

remain faithful to or in favor of an idea, etc.

fruit especially peach whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation;

The dress clings to her body

The label stuck to the box

The sushi rice grains cohere

to remain emotionally or intellectually attached;

He clings to the idea that she might still love him.

hold on tightly or tenaciously;

hang on to your father's hands

The child clung to his mother's apron

cling, cohere, stick


stick指一个人或一个物体依附于另一个,也指互相依存; cohere强调粘成一片或连成一个统一的整体; cling一般指依附另一个人或另一物体,暗示必须受到支持、支撑。例如:

His wet shirt clung to his body.湿衬衫紧紧贴在他的身上。
Do his religious and political beliefs cohere?他的宗教信仰和政治信仰是否一致?insist,persist,persevere,adhere,cling














用作动词 v.
~+副词cling desperately不顾一切地坚持cling persistently执著地坚持; 顽固地墨守cling tenaciously固执己见cling tightly牢牢地抓住cling together粘在一起~+介词cling on the trees粘在树上cling onto one's mother紧紧抱住妈妈cling onto old fashioned ideas墨守陈旧的观点cling to one's body紧贴于某人身上cling to the hope始终抱着希望cling to one's mother's arm紧握母亲的胳臂cling to the wall贴墙生长
cling to v.+prep.

坚持,忠于某观念、信条等( keep; remain loyal to sth or faithful to sb)

cling together v.+adv.

指两个以上的人互相忠诚 be loyal to one another

故事记忆宝玉心思 Swing摇摆贴着宝钗 Cling依偎高声朗诵 Saying格言疼痛已久的 Feeling感觉像被黄蜂 Sting叮真想失去 Hearing听觉非常记忆c看见〖编码see〗+ling灵〖拼音〗⇒看见灵儿紧紧抓住逍遥哥哥GRE红宝书音:抠拎,抠住拎着的东西近义词 glue胶hug拥抱hold拿着grip紧握hang悬挂stick手杖grasp把握adhere遵守clutch抓住retain保持attach附上cohere粘合cleave裂开insist坚持hang on抓紧hold to固执keep to坚持persist坚持maintain维持adhesion粘合depend on依赖persevere坚持clingstone粘核桃fit tightly紧密配合be dependent on取决于latch onto注意听理解…
用作动词v.S+~+ADewdrops were still clinging on the trees.露珠仍沾在树上。
The smell of the onions clings.洋葱味经久不散。Pclingya.粘住的紧贴的Pclinginga.执着的有粘性的Pclingstonen.粘核桃a.粘核的



cling是不及物动词,表示“粘在一起”时,接副词together; 表示“依附于…”时,接介词to。


用作不及物动词The wet clothesclungto his body.湿衣服紧贴在他身上。
Heclungto my arm.他紧抓着我的胳膊。
The cat tried toclingto the edge by its claws.猫用爪子拼命抓住那边缘。
Little children alwaysclingto their mothers.小孩子总是紧依着母亲。
Sheclungto the hope that her son was not dead.她坚信她儿子还活着。
We shouldclingto our principles.我们应该坚持自己的原则。用作名词The droid used his magnetized rollers toclingtenaciously to the chromed surface of the ship while deadly turbolaser blasts rained overhead.在致命的雷射光炮不停地打落在太空船上时,他用具有磁性的滚轮紧抓住舰艇铬制的表面。
This emerging portrait of magical thinking helps explain why people who fashion themselves skepticsclingto odd rituals that seem to make no sense.魔法思考的形貌逐渐浮现,有助于解释为何自认是怀疑论者的人,还紧抓著看似无意义的古怪内心仪式不放。
Don'tclingto the kerb when you're driving.不要紧贴路边开车。
Leaf-tailed geckosclingto the trees, cloaked in green.叶尾壁虎紧贴在树上,隐藏在一片绿色之中。verb.attach to
同义词 adhere,clasp,fastencherish,clutch,cohere,continue,embrace,endure,grasp,grip,hug,last,linger,squeeze,stickbe true to,cleave to,freeze to,hang in,hang onto,hold fast,stay put,stick like glue
反义词 loose,loosen,unfasten,discontinue,halt,let go,release,stopdetach
adhesionnoun holding fast
claveverb stand by, stick together
abide by,adhere,agree,associate,attach,be devoted to,be tight with,be true,cling,cohere,combine,freeze to,hold,join,link,remain,stay put,unite
cleaveverb stand by, stick together
abide by,adhere,agree,associate,attach,be devoted to,be tight with,be true,cling,cohere,combine,freeze to,hold,join,link,remain,stay put,unite
coalesceverb blend, come together
adhere,amalgamate,associate,bracket,cleave,cling,cohere,combine,commingle,commix,conjoin,connect,consolidate,fuse,hook up with,incorporate,integrate,join,join up with,link,merge,mingle,mix,relate,stick,tie in with,unite,wed
coherencenoun agreement
embraceverb hold tightly in one's arms
bear hug,clasp,clinch,cling,clutch,cradle,cuddle,encircle,enfold,entwine,envelop,fold,fondle,grab,grasp,grip,hug,lock,nuzzle,press,seize,snuggle,squeeze,take in arms,wrap The all-powerful and benevolent God is strongly disconfirmed for residents of Haiti, yet they continue to cling to the view that God is both good and all powerful.
饱受地震蹂躏的海地居民的经历证明全能和仁慈的上帝不存在,但这不妨碍他们继续坚持认为上帝对他们友好而又法力无边。 yeeyan

The Buddhas love all, yet they do not cling.
佛祖爱所有人而他们并不相互拥有。 yeeyan

The early workers in relativistic theory were very much impressed by the symmetry between space and time and wanted to cling to it— to hold onto it at all costs.
早期的相对论工作者对空间和时间的这种对称性的印象颇为深刻,并试图坚定地坚持这一点——不惜一切代价地去捍卫它。 yeeyan

“ How can you rid yourself of what you cling to”?
你怎么可能摆脱你所执著的东西? yeeyan

By contrast, America’s two big parties still cling to their core religious beliefs as if nothing has changed.
相比之下,美国两大党仍然坚持其核心宗教信仰,似乎什么也没有发生变化。 yeeyan

China will cling to the view shared by most developing countries that the developed world bears the main responsibility for dealing with the problem. But it is also keen to co-operate.
中国仍将坚持发达国家应担负应对气候变化主要责任的观点这与大多数发展中国家观点相同,但同时也愿参与合作。 ecocn

Despite the low rate of success at the market, parents cling to the hope that they will find a suitable match for their offspring.
尽管在市场上取得成功的几率比较低,家长们还是坚持希望要为他们的后代找到一个合适的配偶。 yeeyan

Economists tend to cling to whatever assumptions are required to use the techniques they favour.
经济学家倾向于坚持任何假设都需要使用他们的偏爱技术支持。 ecocn

Here are ten technologies that should be dead and buried, yet still cling to life.
这里列出了十大应该消失但依旧坚持出现在我们生活中的科技。 xpxzlt

If this is the case, then why do we cling so tightly to the idea that the right expert will save us?
如果事情真的是这样,那么我们为什么要死死抱住合适的专家能够拯救我们的想法呢? joyen

It is fitting, in a society that still claims to cling to socialist values, while enforcing a spectacularly exploitative primitive accumulation.
这在这样的社会里是合适的,这里它一边声称坚持社交价值观,同时却在不断强化对原始积累的剥削。 yeeyan

Most developing countries cling to this division because they have done well out of it, but some middle- income countries are trying to get rid of it.
大多数发达国家坚持这种分法,因为他们已经很好的利用它,而一些发展中国家正在努力摆脱这种分法。 ecocn

Often opposition comes not only from the conservatives, who cling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new.
通常,反对者不光是那些墨守成规的保守派,也有可能来自既不喜新亦不厌旧的极端主义好斗者。 yeeyan

Some are rare, such as“ bark that does not cling closely to a tree”, which can be extended to things such as baggy trousers, or wet plywood that has begun to peel apart.
有的名词类很少见,如“不紧密附着在树上的树皮类”,这个词类可以扩展,如“宽松裤”和“劈裂了的湿胶合板”等词都属于这类。 ecocn

There will be a time when we have only memories to cling to.
别等到那一天,我们只能靠着回忆,才能坚持下去。 yeeyan

There's no reason to cling to our old ways.
我们没有理由坚持我们的老方法。 yeeyan

They also hypothesize that it might not be enough simply to stop smoking in the presence of babies, since NNAL and nicotine could potentially cling to dust and the surfaces of household objects.
研究人员还说,父母光做到婴儿在场时不吸烟可能还不够,因为 NNAL和尼古丁有可能会附着在灰尘和家居用品的表面。 cri

They cling to the belly of their oppressor and simply hang on with tooth and claw.
它们紧紧地抱住猎食者的腹部,单用牙齿和爪子将自己挂在那里。 yeeyan

Those who cling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism.
对于确属坚持错误意见和无理要求的人,要给以批评教育。 putclub

We still cling stubbornly to the idea of an animating soul, a spiritual ghost in the biological machine.
我们依然固执的坚持认为,在生物机器上会附着一个有生命的灵魂,一个精神鬼魂的观点。 yeeyan




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