

单词 adoring
释义 adoring 美ə'dɔrɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆高SCOCA²⁷³⁶⁹BNC²⁹³⁰⁶iWeb²⁴⁰⁶¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

showing adorationextravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent;

adoring grandparents

deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain

hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother

ador-ing动名词⇒adj.崇拜的⁵⁵;敬慕的动词adore的现在分词形式.adj.敬慕的³⁸;爱慕的;热爱的_null.动词adore的现在分词形式近义词 fond溺爱的warm温暖的loving亲爱的tender温柔的admiring赞赏的religious宗教的indulgent纵容的doting百依百顺的worshipful崇拜的affectionate充满感情的

用作形容词She looked at him in anadoringmanner.她以崇拜的眼神看着他。
She can still pull inadoringaudiences.她仍然能吸引那些敬慕她的观众。as in.devout
同义词 ardent,faithful,fervent,passionate,pious,religious,sincere,zealousadherent,deep,earnest,fervid,genuine,godly,goody two-shoes,goody-goody,heartfelt,holy,intense,orthodox,pietistic,prayerful,profound,reverent,revering,serious,venerating,worshiping
反义词 apathetic,cold,cool,dishonest,disloyal,dispassionate,frigid,indifferent,irreligious,unenthusiastic,unexcitedinsincere,unbelievingas in.doting
同义词 affectionate,lovingdevoted,fascinated,struckfatuous,fond,foolish,lovesick,lovesome,silly,simple
反义词 dislikingignorance,neglect,negligenceas in.fond
同义词 affectionate,enamored,indulgent,sentimental,sympatheticaddicted,amorous,attached,caring,devoted,doting,keen on,lovesome,lovey-dovey,loving,mushy,partial,predisposed,responsive,romantic,silly over,tender,warm
反义词 cold,coolhating,hostileas in.worshipful
同义词 reverentialdevoted,pious,religious,venerational
devoutadjective sincerely believing;devoted
adherent,ardent,deep,earnest,faithful,fervent,fervid,genuine,godly,goody two-shoes,goody-goody,heartfelt,holy,intense,orthodox,passionate,pietistic,pious,prayerful,profound,religious,reverent,revering,serious,sincere,veneratingworshipingzealous
dotingadjective indulgent;serving
fondadjective have a liking or taste for
addicted,adoring,affectionate,amorous,attached,caring,devoted,doting,enamored,indulgent,keen on,lovesome,lovey-dovey,loving,mushy,partial,predisposed,responsive,romantic,sentimental,silly over,sympathetic,tender,warm
fonderadjective have a liking or taste for
addicted,adoring,affectionate,amorous,attached,caring,devoted,doting,enamored,indulgent,keen on,lovesome,lovey-dovey,loving,mushy,partial,predisposed,responsive,romantic,sentimental,silly over,sympathetic,tender,warm
fondestadjective have a liking or taste for
addicted,adoring,affectionate,amorous,attached,caring,devoted,doting,enamored,indulgent,keen on,lovesome,lovey-dovey,loving,mushy,partial,predisposed,responsive,romantic,sentimental,silly over,sympathetic,tender,warm
worshipfuladjective reverent
adoring,devoted,pious,religious,reverential,venerational In the end the great love of his life may have been the one he shared with his adoring readers.
最终,他生命中的至真至爱可能已经成为他和崇拜他的读者们共同分享的宝贵财富了。 ecocn

The state is historically and reliably Democratic, and Mr Kennedy’s many adoring voters can hardly be expected to vote for a Republican in the midst of the health-care and other debates.
在医疗及其他辩论正激烈的时候,许多崇拜肯尼迪的选民也不太会把票投给共和党。 ecocn

The black food has burnable fat and enhances immunity dint, anti- decrepitude, purify to wait various effects inside the body, make girl's son very adoring.
黑色食品具备燃烧脂肪,强化免疫力,抗衰老,净化体内等多种功效,令女孩子非常心仪。 yeeyan

Accordingly, the“Oracle of Omaha” regularly dispenses wisdom and witticisms to his adoring public.
于是,这位“奥巴哈先知”就经常性有规律的将智慧和俏皮话混合在一起奉献给崇拜他的普罗大众。 yeeyan

Ahmadinejad stood for a while on the roof of his sport-utility vehicle, immobilized by the adoring crowd, then left without giving a speech.
内贾德在他的运动型汽车顶上站了一会儿,被崇拜他的人群围得不能动弹,随即没有发表任何讲话就匆匆离去。 yeeyan

Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them.
美国人崇拜我,并且会一直持续下去,直到我称赞他们。 hjenglish

Amid screams from adoring fans, Beckham, dressed in a black suit, appeared unconcerned with the crowd as he hastily made his way through to the awards.
身着黑色西装的贝克汉姆在粉丝的尖叫声中快步走向领奖台,对周围的粉丝似乎毫不在意。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As to her policies not that her adoring supporters care, she has promised to continue the populist economic programmes of her brother when he was prime minister from 2001 to2006.
至于她的政策不是喜爱她的支持者所关心的,她允诺继续推行她兄长在2001年到2006年推行的平民主义经济计划。 ecocn

But oddly the loving and adoring nature of the Leo man makes her less critical of him.
但很奇怪的是由于狮子男充满爱意和令人喜爱的特质,使得处女女一般很少批评他。 yeeyan

But when he reels off each rhythmic sentence before an adoring crowd, the effect is almost musical.
但他侃侃而谈的每一个句子带着排比的韵律,对赞赏他的听众来说好似音乐一般。 ecocn

He lives in Manacor, Majorca, with his adoring mother, who always does his packing.
他跟母亲住在马洛卡的马纳科尔,疼爱他的母亲总是为他打理行装。 ecocn

I could not have asked for a more caring, adoring and loving husband and father.
没有比他更关怀备至、相敬如宾、充满爱意的丈夫和父亲了。 yeeyan

In order to make married sex better, try to stop thinking of her as your adorable and adoring wife when the two of you get frisky.
为了能拥有更好的婚后性生活,当你俩欢愉的时候尝试着不在把她当作你深爱的、可伶可俐的妻子。 yeeyan

Last week he arrived at the World Cup closing ceremony to wave at adoring football fans before the final match kick-off.
上周他到达世界别的闭幕式,在总决赛开始之前向着充满钦佩的球迷们招手。 yeeyan

Radcliffe, who is20 next week, has thousands of adoring female fans around the world but is single.
雷德克里夫下周就满20岁了,尽管他在全球有数以千计的女粉丝,但至今依然单身。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Santa Claus is Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade's biggest star, shown here greeting the adoring crowd atop a float.
圣诞老人是梅西感恩节大游行最大的明星,站在彩车上向围观的人群致意。 tingvoa

She set herself to adoring Marius as something charming, luminous, and impossible.
她开始把马吕斯当作一种动人的、光明灿烂的、不可能的东西来崇拜。 ebigear

Team relocation is not unique to the NBA. Some NHL, NFL and MLB teams have left their adoring fans to make new ones.
队伍的搬迁不是 NBA特有的,在 NHL, NFL, MLB的队伍里也有离开拥护他们的粉丝另找一个地方的。 yeeyan

Today I am pretending to be Elvis Presley singing It's Now or Never in front of thousands of adoring fans.
今天,我假扮“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利,在数千名崇拜我的“粉丝”面前唱着“现在,或永不”。 hjenglish

You can post the resulting mix for your adoring fans to hear.
用户可以将处理过的歌曲张贴到网上供歌迷欣赏。 yeeyan




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