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climbers 英k'laɪməz美k'laɪməz COCA¹⁷⁵⁹⁶BNC⁹⁷⁰⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺⁶ 基本英英例句Thesaurus例句 脚扣¹⁰⁰原型climber的复数 名词 climber: a vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plantssomeone seeking social prominence by obsequious behaviorsomeone who ascends on footsomeone who climbs as a sport; especially someone who climbs mountainsan iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbingTheclimbershad difficulty getting a/any purchase on the rock face.攀登者很难抓住岩石表面的什麽东西。 Theclimbersmounted higher and higher.攀登者越爬越高。 A false step could have cost theclimberstheir lives.爬山者一失足就会丧命。 Weather conditions were bad enough to give pause to even the most experiencedclimbers.天气十分恶劣,即使最有经验的登山者也犹豫不决。 Theclimbersmade camp half-way up the peak.登山队员在半山腰扎营。 Theclimbersgazed down from on high.攀登者从高处向下眺望。 Two of the mountainclimberswere suffering from frost-bite.有两个登山者冻伤了。 The rescuers brought theclimbersback safe and sound.救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。as in.creeper 同义词 clinging plant,plant vineas in.grapevine 同义词 creeper,traileras in.mountain climber 同义词 mountaineer,rock climberalpinist,rock-jockas in.mountaineer 同义词 hikeralpinist,backpacker,cragsmancragswoman,rock climberas in.rock climber 同义词 mountain climberalpinist,cragsman,mountaineer,rock-jockas in.social climber 同义词 name-dropper,social animal,status seeker,tufthunter creepernoun runner climber,clinging plant,plant vine grapevinenoun vine climber,creeper,trailer mountain climbernoun someone who climbs mountains alpinist,climber,mountaineer,rock climber,rock-jock mountaineernoun mountain climber alpinist,backpacker,climber,cragsman,cragswoman,hiker,rock climber rock climbernoun climber of rock faces alpinist,climber,cragsman,mountain climber,mountaineer,rock-jock social climbernoun upwardly social person climber,name-dropper,social animal,status seeker,tufthunter The death of11 climbers last year appears to have done nothing to put people off. 去年11名登山者的死亡似乎并未挡住人们的登山脚步。 ecocn The frozen flow is a popular draw for tourists, climbers and environmentalists alike. 莫雷诺冰河吸引了大量的游客、攀岩者和环保主义者。 cri The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp. 危险的昆布冰川已经夺去了许多第一天出发去他们第一个宿营地的登山者的生命。 yeeyan A group of climbers is sitting in a living room, post- dinner, enjoying fermented beverages, talking ethics. 一群攀岩者在晚餐后围坐于客厅,喝着酒,谈论着关于道德的话题。 yeeyan Although these actions would not have affected the outcome of this particular accident, it has reminded us of the importance of climbers' role in assisting with rescues. 虽然这些措施无法改变今后发生类似惨剧之后的结果,但是仍可以让我们认识到在救援行动中攀岩者所起到的重要作用。 yeeyan And it deserves its place on the map; the map of wonders of the world, the places that climbers just must visit to be complete. 格凸的确应该出现在地图上,与世界上其他攀岩圣地出现在同样的地图上,攀岩者们都将追随着这张地图的指引去游历各大攀岩圣地。 yeeyan But we climbers don't have the luxury of purchasing that competitive edge. 但是我们攀岩者无法奢求购得这样的竞争优势。 yeeyan Climbing Mt. Everest is very dangerous, only those who can endure the adverse weather and experienced climbers should venture onto it's slopes. 攀登珠峰是一件非常危险的事情,只有那些能够应对恶劣天气的人以及富有登山经验的人,才有可能到达斜坡。 kekenet Do you want to go ahead with the advance party, or would you rather be in the second group of climbers? 你想和先遣队一起走,还是同第二批登山队员一起走?《21世纪大英汉词典》 He was offended to come across rusty bolts, or so-called free- climbers setting advance protection for themselves. 一旦让他瞧见那些生锈的钢锥,或是那些号称“徒手攀岩”却又自带保护装备的家伙,他就浑身冒火。 ecocn He observed painters, rock climbers, dancers, musicians, and surgeons, taking surveys and later paging them at random intervals. 他观察画家、登山者、舞者、音乐家和外科医生,记录他们的行为并随机访问。 yeeyan I have to wait in line with the non- climbers to get a campsite. 不攀岩的人却把露营地都占了,我只好排队等待。 yeeyan Like climbers tied together by a rope, we're all safer and stronger for the connections. 就像攀登者用一根绳子系在一起一样,有了这根纽带,我们大家都会更安全、更强大。 yeeyan More than just rocks, many of the images show climbers pulling off impressive moves in stunning settings. 比山石更多的,是许多影像中展示的登山人那种在困境中使劲全力的精气神。 yeeyan Nothing special, except that the event need more attention by the world of climbers n France. 没啥特别的,就是这活动应该让世界级的攀岩者把更多的注意力放在法国。 yeeyan Occasional pops and groans remind climbers that the glacier is constantly shifting beneath them, a treacherous surface not to be trusted. 时不时的砰响声和呻吟声提醒着攀登者冰川正在脚下不断变化,绝不能只看冰川的表面而忽略那危险的变化。 yeeyan Outside, the tiny back yard was a jungle of pot plants and climbers, with neatly folded washing hung against the ochre walls. 在屋后有一个很小的庭院,满是盆栽和爬藤植物,如同一个小小丛林,对面赭石墙上的清洁工具挂得整整齐齐。 ecocn Some people call it‘the alps in China', and it is preferred by a multitude of climbers. 有人也叫它“中国的阿尔卑斯”,是登山者的很喜欢的地方。 yeeyan The spirit of competition can be in all climbers’ minds. 所有攀岩者都充满了竞争意识。 yeeyan The curved design results in sections that are easy for beginners to tackle, as well as some extremely difficult parts where experienced climbers will literally find themselves hanging. 这种曲线设计使得有的部位很容易 攀爬,适合于初学者,同时另外的部位则很困难,适合有经验的攀岩者去挑战。 yeeyan We first notice the three climbers. 首先,我们注意到这三个登山者。 yeeyan We then follow the climbers' tracks, which trace the same elegant shape of the snowy ridge. 然后,我们遵循着登山者的轨道,跟踪着式样优雅、白雪皑皑的山脊。 yeeyan When the climbers reached the top of the mountain, they gaped at the splendid view. 登山者到达山顶时,美丽的景色使他们目瞪口呆。《21世纪大英汉词典》 When climbers, our friends and peers or even the pros, succeed on a hard climb, it's common to hear others qualify their ascents behind their backs. 当攀岩者,我们的朋友、同伴甚至是职业运动员,完攀了一条很难的线路,听到人们背后议论他们的成功也是常见的事情。 xnny.net Why do entrepreneurs and ice climbers repeatedly prompt questions of flirting with death and disaster? 为什么企业家和冰山攀登者会不断地面对挑战死亡和灾难呢? yeeyan Climbers at the top of Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, will now be able to make video calls and surf the Internet on their mobile phones, a Nepalese telecom group claims. 一家尼泊尔通讯运营商宣称,登山者将能在世界最高峰,珠穆朗玛峰上,通过手机进行视频通讯以及网上冲浪。 yeeyan Climbers must look for cracks in the rock. They place their hands and feet in the cracks and then work their way up. 攀登者必须在岩石中寻找裂缝,这些裂缝是他们手脚所能着力的地方,从而帮助他们向上攀登。 yeeyan |