

单词 climatologist
释义 cli·ma·tol·o·gist 英ˌklaɪmə'tɒlədʒi美ˌklaɪmə'tɑːlədʒi ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁹⁴¹⁰BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb³⁶⁰⁹⁵
meteorology of climates and their phenomenaaviation climatology航空气候学ecological climatology生态气候学conditional climatology条件气候学animal climatology家畜气候学agricultural climatology农业气候学aeronautical climatology航空气候学air-mass climatology气团气候学air mass climatology气团气候学domestic climatology生活气候学descriptive climatology描述性气候学…medical climatology医用气候学,医学气候…building climatology建筑气候学applied climatology应用气候学complex climatology综合气候学dynamic climatology动力气候学
climato +-logistS.名…学家|专家⇒n.气候学⁷⁹
as in.weatherperson
同义词 storm chaser,weather-forecaster,weathercaster,weatherman/woman
weatherpersonnoun meteorologist
storm chaser,weather-forecaster,weathercaster,weatherman/woman And this month, a second panel at Penn State University exonerated Michael Mann, a prominent climatologist and faculty member, of scientific wrongdoing.
此外,本月,宾州州立大学另外一个专家小组澄清了杰出的气候学家和大学教授迈克尔·曼在科学上没有不当之举。 yeeyan

To read more, see Cleaning the air would limit short-term climate warming, an interview with Drew Shindell, the NASA climatologist who led the scientific panel.
采访领导这个陪审团的美国宇航局气候学家杜鲁辛德尔说,看得更远的话,净化空气能够限制短期的气候变暖。 yeeyan

“ Building new coal-fired power plants is ill conceived, ” said James E. Hansen, a leading climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
“建造新的燃煤电厂是错误的构思,”美国航天局戈达德太空研究所的著名气候学家詹姆斯·汉森说。 yeeyan

“ Whether you agree with Gaia or not, it’s a brilliant organizing principle, ” says Stephen Schneider, a climatologist with U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research.
“不管你同意盖亚与否,她都是一项精明的组织理论” Stephen Schneider说到,美国国家暴风研究中心的气候学家。 yeeyan

“The current state of heatwaves could be the harbinger of things to come, ” said David Easterling, a climatologist with the National Climatic Data Center.
“现在的热浪状况是未来天气的预兆,”国家气候数据中心的气候学家 David Easterling说。 yeeyan

According to David Phillips, a senior climatologist with Environment Canada, “over the50 years of historical weather data there were no signs of rainfall ever occurring in April in the High Arctic”.
根据加拿大环境部资深气候学家 David Phillips的说法,“近50年来都没有天气历史数据迹象说明北极4月份会有落雨”。 yeeyan

Australian climatologist Will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.
澳大利亚气候学家威尔·斯蒂芬斯辩称,由人类活动引起的气候变化将完全地改变数万年的空气、土壤和海洋。 yeeyan

But climatologist Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute says that exaggerates the problem.
但加图研究所的气候学家帕特里克。迈克尔斯称这有点夸大问题。 hjenglish

Collecting records where he could, the British climatologist calculated there were around 1,800 per hour on average across the world.
这位英国的气象学家竭尽所能收集各地的记录并算出全球每小时平均发生雷暴1,800次。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

If this sounds like hyperbole, listen to Professor Jim Hansen, the world's leading climatologist, whose predictions have consistently turned out to be correct.
如果这么说听起来夸大其词,让我们听听世界顶级气候学家吉姆·汉森教授是怎么说的,他的各种预测长期以来被证明是正确的。 yeeyan

James E. Hansen, NASA’s leading climatologist, sent an open letter to Mr. Fukuda on Thursday seeking a greater commitment to emissions cuts.
美国宇航局的首席气候学家 James E.H ansen,在周四时给日本首相福田先生发了一份公开信来寻求更大的对于排放温室气体量减少的赞助。 yeeyan

The state climatologist reckons that it could last for the rest of the decade.
这个州的气象学家认为接下来的十年这场干旱仍会继续。 renren

There are disagreements over this, but one possibility that has been suggested is that the water cycle might speed up, “ said climatologist Claire Parkinson, lead scientist on NASA's Aqua Project.”
美国宇航局水项目首席科学家、天色学家克莱尔。帕金森说,“在这个问题上存在着不合,但有一种可能性是,水轮回可能会加速。” suiniyi




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