

单词 cliff face
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An entire group of thick- billed murres and black- legged kittiwakes were swept into the ocean when the cliff face they had nested on collapsed.
当他们落脚的悬崖发生塌崩时,整群的厚嘴默和黑腿三趾鸥就会被卷入大海。 yeeyan

His travels have taken him to the tallest freestanding sandstone towers in the world, the Hand of Fatima in Mali, to the highest sheer cliff face on the globe.
旅行将他带到世界上最高的独立式砂岩塔,马里的“法蒂玛之手”,世界上最高的陡峭悬崖上。 yeeyan

The builders used no nails, the structure was lashed into holes carved into the cliff face.
全楼没有一根铁钉。榫接镶入岩壁凿出的洞中。 blog.sina.com.cn

It could also hover down a cliff face to examine geological strata.
它还可以延着悬崖壁悬浮向下移动做地层检查。 ecocn




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