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词汇 Cleveland
释义 Cleve·land 英ˈkliːvlənd美ˈklivləndAHDklēvʹlənd Economist¹¹⁶²²

the largest city in Ohio; located in northeastern Ohio on Lake Erie; a major Great Lakes port22nd and 24th President of the United States 1837-1908Cleveland open-cup tester克利夫兰开杯试验器…Cleveland flash tester克利弗兰得开杯闪点测…
近义词 Grover Cleveland格罗弗·克利夫…
I fear the Indians ofCleveland.我害怕克利夫兰的印地安人队。
JackClevelandhad recovered from his weeping.杰克·克利夫兰早就哭干了眼泪。
Rhoda heardCleveland's unmistakable voice.罗达听到的是克里弗兰那清清楚楚的声音。
“But I fear the Indians ofCleveland.“可是我怕克利夫兰印第安人队会赢。”
”ThatCleveland's cute, though, Rhoda said.“克里费兰这人可很逗,”罗达说。
The next youth congress will meet inCleveland.下一届青年代表大会将在克利夫兰召开。 And farmers lost their farms. President Cleveland believed the depression was caused by the government's money policy.
克利夫兰总统认为美国经济的衰退是由于美国政府货币政策引起的。 yeeyan

On my previous trip to Cleveland, I had visited an elementary school where AmeriCorps volunteers were tutoring young children in reading.
上次来克利夫兰时,我视查了一所小学,美国服务队的志愿者们正在辅导孩子们读书。 yeeyan

The Cleveland Clinic has begun to offer management expertise, for a fee, to a handful of hospitals around the country.
克利夫兰诊所开始为国内其它地区的几家医院提供收费医疗管理服务。 ecocn

A near-total face transplant was carried out in Cleveland in 2008, on a woman who was also shot in the face.
2008年在克利夫兰一位女患者接受了一次近似全脸的移植手术,她也是被面部被子弹射击。 yeeyan

A new paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland tracks various measures of entrepreneurship over the last few years.
克利夫兰联邦储备银行的一篇新文章对过去几年创业情况的各项指标进行了追踪。 yeeyan

After the Cleveland coverage, no sex scandal involving a politician of that stature would grace the front pages for a century.
关于克利夫兰的报道之后,有关政客的性丑闻,一个世纪都未达到为头版增色的高度。 yeeyan

At the kosher dinner table in her home near Cleveland, she said she would start arguments with her parents so she could stomp off and avoid eating.
她家位于克利夫兰,她说在犹太式的晚餐桌上,她会和她爸妈吵起来,这样她就可以跺脚离开,避免吃饭了。 yeeyan

Cigar smoker: In 1893, Cleveland, a longtime cigar smoker, complained of an ulcer on the roof of his mouth, which later proved to be a carcinoma.
雪茄烟鬼:1893年,克利夫兰是一名长期的雪茄烟鬼,经常抱怨自己的上颚口腔溃疡,这后来被证明是种癌症。 yeeyan

Gilbert should be thanking him too-- the salary he doled out to James was a pittance compared to the victories and money that rolled in during his Cleveland reign.
吉尔伯特也应该感谢他,因为相对于詹姆斯为克利夫兰带来的胜利和金钱而言,吉尔伯特付给他的薪水可谓微薄至极。 forbeschina

He defeated his longtime nemesis, the team that embarrassed him in the2010 playoffs and ultimately chased him out of Cleveland.
他击败了那个长期折磨他的对手——那支在2010年季后赛中让他蒙羞并最终使他离开克利夫兰的球队。 yeeyan

I was already scheduled to be in Florida and New Jersey, and on Marks advice we added a stop in Cleveland.
我已经计划去佛罗里达州和新泽西州,根据马克的建议,我们增加了在克利夫兰的停留。 yeeyan

McCain was pressed again on the issue during a campaign appearance in Cleveland, Ohio.
麦凯恩在俄亥俄州克利夫兰竞选时又被问到这个问题。 ebigear

One idea she and others are pushing is opening up the many creeks paved over during the construction of Cleveland.
她和其他人正在推行的一个想法是开凿许多小溪,使其流淌在克利夫兰的建筑群中。 yeeyan

President Cleveland and his party serve the interests of Europe. We would support the interests of America.
克利夫兰总统和他的政党是为欧洲利益服务的,而我们是为美国利益服务的。 yeeyan

President Cleveland wanted to return to the gold standard, too. To do this, he had to urge Congress to kill a law which forced the government to buy silver.
克利夫兰总统也希望实行金本位制度,为此,他必须敦促国会取消一项旨在强行要求政府购买银元的法案。 yeeyan

So, the operation was done on a private boat in New York Harbor. Doctors removed some of President Cleveland's teeth and much of his upper left jaw.
所以,这次手术是在纽约港里一艘私人船只上进行的,医生取下了克利夫兰总统的牙齿和一大块左上颌,然后切除了癌细胞。 yeeyan

Some retailers in the Fed regions of Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Dallas planned to cut capital spending projects for2009.
包括波士顿、费城、克利夫兰、达拉斯的零售商计划削减2009年的资本开支项目。 yeeyan

The method used by the Cleveland Clinic takes advantage of the belly button to avoid a visible scar.
克利夫兰门诊医院所使用的方法就是利用肚脐,防止可见疤痕的出现。 yeeyan

This summer Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has wrestled with one of his biggest challenges since taking office five years ago.
今年夏天克利夫兰市市长弗兰克.杰克逊全力应对自从五年前上任以来最大的挑战之一。 yeeyan

When President Cleveland returned to Washington, he sent a message to members of Congress. He urged them to kill the law which forced the government to buy silver.
克利夫兰总统在返回华盛顿后,他向国会议员发表国情咨文,他敦促议员们尽快取消迫使政府采购银元的法案。 yeeyan

Cleveland and Baltimore have filed lawsuits against subprime lenders this year, claiming their practices cost the cities millions of dollars in lost taxes because of lower property values.
克利夫兰和巴尔的摩今年颁布法令,禁止进行次级借贷,理由是由于房价下跌,次级贷款使得两市蒙受了数百万美元的税收损失。 ecocn

Cleveland and Mayo have also expanded through mergers with other hospitals to form regional health systems.
克利夫兰和马约还通过合并其他医院以形成地区保健系统。 ecocn

It is why he bypassed the opportunity to sign with Cleveland, amid the uncertainty there with James.
这也是他放弃大好机会签约克利夫兰的原因之一,因为詹姆斯不一定会留在那里。 yeeyan




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