

单词 Clementina
释义 Clementina ˌklemənˈti:nə 
“Clementinasometimes gets on my nerves.“克莱门蒂娜有时弄得我头疼。
Clementinagave me a plate of soup and spilled some of it on my hand.克莱门蒂娜端给我一盘汤,可溅到了我手上。
”Well, your general with hisClementinais an invention, and so is my man from Peoria.“嘿嘿,你的将军和他女儿克莱门蒂娜是瞎编的,我那位皮奥里亚人也一样。”
“A feast of reason and a flow of soul” were not the charms by whichClementinaGolightly essayed to keep her admirers spell-bound at her feet.妙语连珠可不是格里门蒂娜·戈莱里用来使爱慕她的人迷倒在她石榴裙下的手段。
Thursday morning - came from Salzburg, Austria It is a sad news, Austria tennis doubles players Dannila -ClementinaShici died because of cancer, the age of only 25 years old.北京时间周四凌晨从奥地利萨尔茨堡传来了一条令人感到悲痛的消息,奥地利网球双打好手丹尼拉-克莱门什茨因为癌症而过世,享年只有25岁。
Also Tuesday, Afghan authorities arrested the main suspect in the kidnapping of an Italian aid worker,ClementinaCantoni, in May.同样也在星期二,阿富汗官员逮捕了五月间绑架意大利救援工作人员克莱门蒂娜.;坎托尼的主要嫌疑人。




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