

单词 Cleary
释义 Clea·ry 英ˈklɪəriː美ˈklɪriAHDklîrʹē 高Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
A Deutsche Bank spokesman said the bank doesn't plan to comment in detail on the Cleary report until all government investigations are completed.
德意志银行发言人说,在政府全部调查结束前,该行不计划就该报告发表详细置评。 iciba

On the sidewalk at the corner of the house Policeman Cleary was standing with one ear upturned, listening to the crash of household utensils.
公寓转角的人行道上站着警察科利尔里,正竖起一只耳朵听着家具的撞击声。 zftrans

The marriages of the first generation members in Cleary household all were coveted marriages, they marriage only for something.
可克利里家族第一代成员的婚姻都是有所贪图的婚姻,都是有目的才结婚的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Deutsche Bank hired Cleary in May to probe the allegations after the bank brought the affair to light.
德意志银行披露了此事之后,5月份该行聘用佳利律师事务所对指控进行调查。 iciba

Four women have disappeared from Cleary over the past two years.
在过去的两年中已经有四位妇女失踪了。 cri

I wish the new term will bring a cleary wind to me.
希望新的学期会给我带来新的惊喜和快乐吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

I read“The Cricket in Times Square” and Beverly Cleary and books about horses and young Indian braves and biographies of George Washington Carver from the school library.
我从学校图书馆读了《时代广场的蟋蟀》,贝芙莉·克莱瑞,群马与印度年轻勇士的书以及乔治·华盛顿·卡弗的传记。 yeeyan

I remember quite cleary when the story happened.
我仍清晰的记得故事发生的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn

Massaging SystemStimulates the skin before and soothes it after hair removal to cleary reduce the pain sensation.
该系统刺激按摩肌肤,舒缓前脱毛后,它清楚地减轻疼痛的感觉。 www.51pintan.com

Massaging SystemStimulates the skin before and soothes it after hair removal to cleary reduce the pain sensation.

Policeman Cleary strolled back around the corner.
警察科利尔里溜回到拐角处。 zftrans

Policeman Cleary came back around the corner as the crowd dispersed.
人群散去时警察科利尔里从拐角里回来了。 zftrans

Policeman Cleary took out his timepiece.
警察科利尔里拿出他的表。 zftrans

Results: Plain MRI cleary revealed the tumors, which had homogeneous or inhomogeneous intermediate signal intensity on T1WI and high signal intensity on T2WI.
结果:平扫显示瘤体较清晰, T1WI呈均匀和不均匀较高信号, T2WI呈高信号改变。 iciba

The second is a more cautious approach used by big, mostly- American firms with sterling brand names, such as Skadden Arps or Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen& Hamilton.
第二种方式是更谨慎的方法,美国大部分优秀品牌的大公司都才用这种运营方式,比如美国世达,克利里,戈特利布,斯蒂恩和汉密尔顿律师事务所。 ecocn

This phenomenon is important for the transportation and filtration of the granular materials in the engineering, but up to noon, it is not cleary for the physical mechanism of the process.
这种现象对颗粒材料的输运以及筛选都有重要工程意义,但至今人们对其过程的物理机理认识还不清。 keyanjijin

We could see very cleary a strange light ahead of us.
我们可以很清楚地看到我们前方有一道奇怪的光。 edustar.library.nenu.edu.cn




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