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词汇 Clear text
释义 Clear text.
Can the SOAP messages be passed as clear text, or do they require encryption?
SOAP消息是使用纯文本格式进行传递还是需要加密? ibm

The credentials will be passed in the request in clear text unless SSL is used.
除非使用 SSL,否则在请求中以明文传递凭证。 ibm

Another benefit is that a user’s clear text password will never flow over the network.
另一个好处是,用户的明文密码将永远不会通过网络传递。 ibm

For some time, the sensitive data is in clear text on the WAP gateway.
经过一段时间以后,敏感数据在 WAP网关上以明文的形式出现。 ibm

However, the user name and password are both in clear text.
但是,用户名和密码都是明文形式的。 ibm

However, if either party in the negotiation requests clear text, then clear text will be used.
然而,如果在协商中有任意一方请求使用明文,则将使用明文。 ibm

If you've got a text that's clear, don't go looking for a more obscure text and try to illuminate the clear text with the obscure text.

In the sample, we used transport-level security because the password was in clear text.
在此示例中,我们使用了传输级别的安全,因为密码是明文形式的。 ibm

In the sample, you used transport level security because the password would otherwise be in clear text.
在本文样例中,您使用了传输级安全性,否则密码将处于明文形式。 ibm

In this implementation, passwords are never stored in the clear text in the database, and they are not sent in the clear by the plug-in applications.
在这个实现中,并不用明文在数据库中存储密码,插件应用程序也不发送明文密码。 ibm

It prevents transmission of clear text passwords over the network by encrypting authentication messages between clients and servers.
通过对客户端和服务器之间的身份验证消息进行加密,它可以防止在网络上使用明文来传输密码。 ibm

LDAP sends all information, including passwords, over the network in clear text.
LDAP是以明文的格式通过网络来发送所有信息的,包括密码。 ibm

Sending messages in clear text is not an acceptable solution.
以明文形式发送消息是不可接受的解决方案。 ibm

Storing the password in clear text in a file is a potential security exposure that the DB2 administrator should guard against.
把明文密码存储在文件中是一个潜在的安全漏洞, DB2管理员应该避免这种做法。 ibm

This sort of table is commonly used when employing forms authentication, and in many applications the passwords are stored as clear text.
使用窗体身份验证时通常使用此类型的表,而且在许多应用程序中,密码以明文形式存储。 cnblogs

You can improve it further by using the password as digest instead of clear text.
可以使用密码摘要替代明文,从而进一步改进这个 PHP 模块。 ibm




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