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词汇 clears up
释义 clears up短语⁴⁰⁷⁷⁵
All of a sudden, your schedule clears up, and your to- to list shrinks down to almost nothing.
突然间,你的日程表清空了,你要去做的事情列表缩减到几乎没有了。 yeeyan

The blend of Lavender and Grapefruit oil is good for the office. Lavender creates a calm tranquil atmosphere while Grapefruit stimulates the senses and clears up stale air.
薰衣草和葡萄柚油的混合十分选用用于办公室。薰衣草能制造镇静平静的气氛,葡萄柚刺激感觉并且清除室内陈旧的空气。 ediy

The GC suspends all other managed threads, clears up some memory, resumes the work of the suspended managed threads and returns the control to the original thread.
GC首先会挂起所有其他的托管线程,然后清理内存,最后再恢复被挂起的托管线程,并交出控制权。 infoq

The replacement of the true room overthrows the people normal visual experience, especially, it clears up the traditional meaning of daily house living.
真实空间的置换颠覆了人们正常的视觉经验,更是消解了日常家居的传统意义。 artsweb

The virus usually clears up without serious complications.
病毒通常被清除,无严重并发症。 dxy

Although there are several common causes for cloudy oil, this can be identified by taking a sample of the oil and observing whether or not it clears up over time.
尽管油液呈云状有许多诱因,但只要取一份油液样本,然后一段时间后看油液中云状物是否消失。 yeeyan

Gestational DiabetesThis type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy, and generally clears up after childbirth.

Go to swim when it clears up.

Hopefully the weather clears up so we can enjoy our trip to Shanghai Sunday.
希望天能放晴,这样我们周六的上海之行才能尽兴。 nciku

I hope the weather clears up before Sunday.
我希望星期日之前天能放晴。 hotdic

I hope this clears up some of the confusion surrounding the new TA-088 motherboards and the rumours surrounding this new Pandora-proof PSP.
我希望这能够解释清楚关于 TA-088的疑惑和关于新版 PSP不能用神奇电池的流言。 cngba

If China clears up its inventory and increases its steel output to yet another level, then the freight market will have some traction.
如果中国用尽所有矿石库存,将钢铁产量提高到新的高度,那么海运市场将有所改观。 asaimchina

It's cloudy out now, but if it clears up, we can go swimming.
外面天气看起来有点阴阴的,不过如果放晴,我们就可以去游泳。 kingxue

Only if it clears up, we will go immediately.
只要天放晴,我们就立刻走。 jtyjy

Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics and generally clears up within two or three weeks. As with the cold and flu, however, the cough can linger for much longer.
肺炎常用抗生素治疗,一般在两到三周内清除症状。如果伴有感冒或流感,那么咳嗽会持续较长的时间。 microcard2u

The paper puts stress on the significance of study on training practice in competitive sport and clears up some confused ideas and wrong viewpoints.
文中着重论述了竞技运动中训练实践研究应为主体的重要意义,对一些模糊认识和错误观点进行了说理; cnki

This paper clears up the scientific justification for the existence of ESP through the analysis of ESP's nature.
本文通过分析专门用途英语的属性澄清了专门用途英语存在的理据。 cnki

Try alternating the anti-dandruff product with regular shampoo until the dandruff clears up, and then switch back to your regular shampoo.
用去屑产品替代常规洗发水,一旦头皮屑清除,就换回常规洗发水。 ebigear




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