

单词 clearings
释义 clearings 英k'liərɪŋz美k'liərɪŋz COCA⁵³⁵⁹⁸BNC⁴⁰⁸²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 clearing:
a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded areathe act of freeing from suspicionthe act of removing solid particles from a liquid The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid , complacent .
尚待种植的空地和绵延数英里的棉花田微笑着袒露在阳光之中。 kekenet

Throughout, secluded wooden cabins inhabit the frozen lake shores and forest clearings, telling in microcosm the story of this once- disputed frontier territory.
一路上,隐蔽的小木屋分布在冻结的湖边和林中空地,于细微处诉说着这个曾经有争议的边界领土的故事。 yeeyan

As you head north toward the mines the only real signs of development are the rubber-tapping collection points in the clearings that pepper the thick green forest.
当你向北部行进,矿区发展的唯一真正标志是采集橡胶回收点结算站遍布在茂密的绿色森林里。 yeeyan

But in this one in Peru there are mysterious clearings, where only one, or at most two, kinds of trees will grow.

Fires help oak trees by removing the maple seedlings and opening up clearings for acorns to sprout.

It comes in and establishes itself in forest clearings where other trees have fallen down or in abandoned pastures.
它可以在其他树木扎不下根的森林空地或被遗弃的草地上生长。 yeeyan

Lit from below by Saturn's internal thermal glow, clearings in the planet's cloud system appear as white pearls.
由土星内部的热发光从下面所照亮,星球云系中的空地显得好像是白色的珍珠。 yeeyan

The regularity of the clearings suggests that they may be a manifestation of a large planetary wave.
这些空地的规律性表示它们可能显示了一个巨大行星波。 yeeyan

These are amazing beautiful images of the Korowai and Kombai clans living in tree houses that stand in clearings they have carved out of the forest.
以下展示的是名为科罗威 Korowai与康母百 Kombai 原始部落的图片,他们在雨林中开辟出空地,住在空地当中的树屋中。 yeeyan

These trees had the pool entirely hemmed in, the only small clearings left being those by the path, apparently intended for the moon.
这些树将一片荷塘重重围住;只在小路一旁,漏着多少段缝隙,像是特为月光留下的。 sswm999

This is the first time such a regular and extensive train of cloud- clearings has been observed.
这是第一次观测到如此规则、范围如此之大的烟云系统中的“珍珠串”。 yeeyan

We'd sometimes hike up the hills, dodging the huge webs spun by big black and yellow wolf spiders in clearings in the low forest.
有时候,为了躲避黄黑色的大狼蛛在低处丛林的空地上织下的大网,我们会爬上山丘。 fortunechina




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