

单词 clearing house
释义 clearing house 英'klɪərɪŋ haʊs美'klɪrɪŋ haʊs ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁴⁷⁷⁵⁶

a central collection place where banks exchange checks or drafts; participants maintain an account against which credits or debits are posted用作名词The biggest clearinghouse is the Options Clearing Corporation in the United States.最大的票据交换所是联邦期权票据交换公司。 The stock price depends on the interaction between agents' sentiments and market feedback, and is fixed each day by a clearing house mechanism.
股票价格由经纪的偏向以及市场反馈的相互作用来决定,且在当前清算机制下,一天中的价格是固定的。 yeeyan

There is broad agreement that“ standardised” CDSs should go through a central clearing house, in order to reduce systemic risk when counter parties fail.
各界普遍认同“标准化”的信用违约掉期交易应经过清算中心这道程序,以便降低对家违约这种系统性风险。 ecocn

Bill Hobson is asking his banker about the local Clearing House Association in their city.
比尔·霍布森正向他的银行从业者打听有关他们城里的地方票据交换所的情况。 putclub

If digital content is protected using some DRM solution, a clearing house service may be required.
如果数字化的内容是使用一些 DRM方案保护的,可能还需要票据交换服务。 ibm

Now as then, there is no clearing house for jobs in the fields, so the migrants follow tips and rumours.
现在还和当年一样,田里的活儿都没个准,移民们听从别人的建议或者传言来找活儿干。 ecocn

Running your own clearing house, as the CME does, gives you a tight grip on contracts.
像芝加哥商业交易所那样经营自己的结算所能使你严格控制合约。 ecocn

Victory came after it obtained a restraining order from a Belgian judge blocking the country's financial agent and clearing house from paying interest on Peru's Brady Bonds.
制胜法宝是它从比利时法官那里拿到的一项禁令,使得该国金融代理和票据交换所免于为秘鲁 Brady债券支付利息。 topsage




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