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词汇 cleaning out
释义 cleaning out短语²⁰⁶⁵⁷

动词 clean out:
empty completelyforce outdeprive completely of money or goodsas in.ruin
同义词 bankrupt,crush,decimate,demolish,deplete,exhaust,impoverish,injure,mar,overwhelm,raze,shatter,spoil,wipe out,wrack,wreckbeggar,botch,break,bust,deface,defeat,defile,deplore,desecrate,despoil,devour,dilapidate,disfigure,drain,fleece,maim,mangle,mutilate,overthrow,overturn,pauperize,pillage,rape,ravish,reduce,sack,smash,totalbring down,bring to ruin,clean out,depredate,do in,lay waste,make a mess of,spoliate,use up,wreak havoc on
反义词 build,construct,create,fix,heal,mend,repair,adorn,beautify,cure,protect,strengthendevelop,growas in.shake up
同义词 disturb,reorganize,shockagitate,break with past,cause revolution,churn up,clean out,clean up,clear out,liquidate,make a clean sweep,mix,overturn,purge,remove,rid,stir up,turn upside down
反义词 calm,placate,sootheas in.pauperize
同义词 bankrupt,impoverish,ruinbeggar,break,bust,deplete,drain,exhaust,fleece,injure,reduce,wreckbring down,bring to ruin,clean out,depredate,pillage,spoliate,use up
反义词 enrich,make rich,better oneself,feather one's nest,move up in the world,profitaid,avail,benefit,help,serveas in.clear out
同义词 clean out,dispose of,get rid ofeliminate,exhaust,remove,sort,tidy up
反义词 arrive,fill,fill up,put,rush in Not only will you benefit from exercising or cleaning out your garage, you'll also get a boost from the mere fact that you made a commitment and stuck to it.
锻炼或打扫车库让你受益,而制定并坚持决意,这本身也能提升快乐感。 ebigear

These goals could be small, such as calling your mother today, or they could be large, like cleaning out the garage.
你可以设定小目标,比如给母亲打个电话;也可以是大目标,比如彻底清扫一下车库。 yeeyan

A man and his wife were cleaning out the attic when the husband found an ancient receipt.

Bob is cleaning out the desk drawers for the first time in ten years.
十年来这是鲍勃第一次收拾他的桌子抽屉。 enfamily

But, this can be a huge help in cleaning out your hard drive and freeing up space.
不过这在清理硬盘释放空间的时候可能会有很大帮助。 yeeyan

By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up like a flower.
通过清理和简化我们的外在世界可以使内在世界像鲜花般绽放。 yeeyan

He came across this letter when he was cleaning out his writing table.
他收拾写字台的时候,发现了这封信。 gaozhongyy

House upkeep, such as changing furnace filters, cleaning out the chimney, cleaning out the gutter, even keeping up with landscaping, is not something you should neglect.
像是更换炉子过滤网,清扫烟囱,清理阴沟,甚至保持环境绿化之类的房屋保养你可不能忽视。 yeeyan

I said, “ thanks,” and continued cleaning out the Jeep.
我回答说:“谢谢。”接着继续擦洗我的吉普车。 joyen

I should just keep it in its box and feed it regularly, cleaning out the box when it got too dirty.
我应该让它待在笼子里,定时喂它,笼子脏了要替它清理。 yeeyan

Instead of cleaning out the attic, tackle one bureau drawer.
不要清理一个阁楼,转而对付一个抽屉吧。 kekenet

On Sunday night I sat down at the dinner table after my family headed upstairs and I spent three hours cleaning out my email inbox.
周日晚上,吃罢晚饭,我家人都上楼了。我坐在餐桌旁,化了3个小时清理我的电子邮箱。 yeeyan

One day I will get around to cleaning out my files.
终有一天,我会去清理我的文件夹的。 yeeyan

Or give yourself several smaller goals, like cleaning out a junk drawer, or making it to the gym five times in one week.
或者给自己定一些较小的目标,如清理装废品的抽屉,或一周去健身房锻炼5次。 hxen

President Obama right now is in Russia. Yeah, Obama went there because from Russia, you can actually see Sarah Palin cleaning out her office in Alaska.
奥巴马总统现在正在俄罗斯,是的,奥巴马去那里是因为,在俄罗斯,你能清楚的看到莎拉·佩林清理她在阿拉斯加的办公室。 hjenglish

Pretty soon I'll be seeing you at your fancy beach club, and you'll be cleaning out the trash cans while I swim.
快得很,我会在你们漂亮的海滨俱乐部看着你们,我游泳的时候你们会在倒垃圾桶。 yeeyan

Regularly cleaning out loose change— as well accumulated coupons, receipts, mail or flyers— will also help.
经常清理零钱——还有那些成堆的优惠券、收据、邮件还有传单——这同样会有帮助。 yeeyan

The loss is negligible unless the canal is completely blocked, which is rare, and is easily restored by cleaning out the wax.
若非完全堵塞耳道这是极为罕见的,这类失听不足为虑,只需清除耳垢就能轻易地恢复听力。 zftrans

The plan will sustain institutions that play a crucial role in the economy, while holding down taxpayer costs by more or less cleaning out the stockholders.
这个拯救计划将延续那些在社会经济中扮演重要角色的金融机构,纳税人成本是稳住了,可是却或多或少损害了持股人的利益。 yeeyan

While there are several reasons I am here for a few weeks, one of the big reasons is to help a relative get a jump on cleaning out her house.
因为某些原因,在那里我得待上几个星期,最大的原因之一就是帮一个亲戚搬家,清理她的房子。 yeeyan

You may be repairing the window seals, cleaning out vents, reupholstering or cleaning furniture, or painting one or more rooms.
也许你会修修窗户,清理通风口,翻新或者清理你的家具,或者刷新你的房间。 douban




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