

单词 clbp
释义 clbpCOCA¹²¹¹⁰⁰
=chronic low back pain 慢性腰背痛
The existence of cross- cultural differences and heterogeneity of patients in each country may influence the outcome of interventions for CLBP.
各国在文化上的不同和病人的差异影响了该病的干预效果。 opoadoc.net

But when concentration of CTX is high to some extent, CLBP can't combine with substrate because of competition effect, thus the synergic effect disappeared.
然而,一旦致死毒素达到一定浓度时,由于竞争效应, CLBP亲和力较低,无法与底物有效结合,从而导致协同作用效应消失。 fabiao

Conclusion. It is concluded that a water-based exercises produced better improvement in disability and quality of life of the patients with CLBP than land-based exercise.
结论:结果显示水中锻炼对慢性下腰痛病人的个体失能水平和生存质量比地面锻炼有更好的改善作用。 opoadoc.net

Conclusion. The home-based exercise prescribed and monitored by board- certified orthopedic surgeons was more effective than NSAIDs for Japanese patients with CLBP.
结论:在矫形外科医师认证委员会监护下的家庭锻炼处方比非甾体抗炎药对日本慢性下腰痛患者更有效。 opoadoc.net

Distribution of CLBP: There were23 athletes out of41 ones appeared back pain with the case rate of 56%.
腰痛分布情况:41名女子赛艇运动员有23名发生腰痛,患病率为56%。 cnki

Objective To explore the psychosocial characteristics in chronic low back pain CLBP.
目的探讨慢性下腰痛 CLBP患者的心理特征。 cnki

Objective. To investigate the effectiveness of home-based exercise on pain, dysfunction, and quality of lifeQOL in Japanese individuals with chronic low back pain CLBP.
目的:调查在日本的慢性下腰患者家庭锻炼疗法治疗疼痛、机能障碍复和在生活质量提高上的效果。 opoadoc.net

Summary of Background Data. Land-based exercise and physiotherapy are the main treatment tools used for CLBP.
研究背景:地面锻炼和理疗是慢性下腰痛的主要治疗手段。 opoadoc.net

Summary of Background Data. Exercise therapy is a widely used treatment for CLBP in many countries.
背景信息摘要:锻炼疗法在慢性下腰痛的治疗上被许多国家广泛运用。 opoadoc.net




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