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词汇 clayton
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All that plus Sharon Latham's U2- style photography and not one mention of Adam Clayton!
除此之外,当然还会有香侬莱曼 U2风格的照片,以及亚当克莱顿一些鲜为人知的事情。 yeeyan

Jestina Clayton is an African hair- braider with23 years of experience.
贾斯汀娜·克莱顿是一名有23年经验的非洲辫美发师。 yeeyan

Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend.
迈克尔·克莱顿:你是世界上最大、最受尊敬的律师事务所的资深诉讼合伙人,你简直可以称为这个行业的一个传奇。 hjenglish

“ Saarland competed as a team in the qualifying rounds for the1954 World Cup,” writes Graham Clayton.

“ This suggests the timing of the exposure to BPA and perhaps the quantity and length of time we are exposed to BPA may be affecting the immune system response,” Rees Clayton said.
“这提示 BPA暴露的时段、可能的暴露强度和暴露持续时间可能影响免疫系统的反应” Rees Clayton说。 yeeyan

Adam Clayton Powell Jr. considered the feature’s depictions of happy slaves an“ insult to American minorities.”
而亚当.克莱顿.鲍威尔. Jr( Adam Clayton Powell Jr.认为影片里的快乐奴隶生活无疑是在“侮辱美国少数族裔”。 yeeyan

Also working on this research were Susan Clayton, professor and chair of environmental studies, College of Wooster, and George S. Howard, professor of psychology, University of Notre Dame.
同时参与此项研究的还有伍斯特学院环境研究委的教授兼主席苏珊娜克雷顿,圣母院大学心理学教授乔治 S霍华德。 yeeyan

Britain's Tilda Swinton was named best supporting actress for her role as a ruthless corporate attorney in the thriller Michael Clayton.
英国女演员蒂尔达.斯温顿获得最佳女配角奖。她在惊悚片《迈克尔.克莱顿》中扮演一个铁石心肠的公司律师。 ebigear

But, says Richard Clayton, a prominent computer scientist at Cambridge University, conflating these different attacks is a“ bit like treating knife crime as the same as burglary”.
但是 Richard Clayton,他是剑桥大学的杰出电脑科学家,他总结这些不同的攻击事件为“有点像把持刀行凶当成入室盗窃一样轻微”。 yeeyan

But he can take comfort from Clayton Christensen’s classic book “The Innovator’s Dilemma”.
但是,他能够从克莱顿•克里斯坦森的经典《创新者的窘境》中得到安慰。 ecocn

First, three of the counties in metro Atlanta’s five-county core region— Clayton, Cobb and Gwinnett—elected to start their own bus lines rather than merge with MARTA.
首先,在组成亚特兰大中心地区的五个郡县中的其中三个——克莱顿、科布及佐治亚——选择自己开设公交线路而不与 MARTA合并。 ecocn

Harvard economist Clayton Christensen predicts a major shakeup in the software industry, cautions Apple, and explains why the recession is good for innovation.
哈佛经济学家克莱顿·克里斯滕森 Clayton Christensen对软件业的重大调整作出预测,对苹果提出警告,并解释了为什么衰退对于创新来说是好事。 yeeyan

He lives in Clayton, New York.
他现住纽约克莱顿。 yeeyan

I was lucky enough to get to know Clayton once he moved to Nashville.
当初克莱顿刚搬到纳什维尔我就知道了。 yeeyan

IN 1995 Joseph Bower and Clayton Christensen, two researchers at the Harvard Business School, invented a new term: “ disruptive technology”.
1995年,哈佛商学院的两位学者,约瑟夫•波尔以及克莱顿•克里斯坦森,发明了一条新术语:“分裂性技术”。 ecocn

In the Atlanta suburb of Clayton County, the entire bus system was shut down.
在亚特兰大郊区的克莱顿郡,整个公交系统停止工作。 ecocn

Mr. Clayton explains that in crime scene investigation, opinions don't matter and assumptions are harmful.
克莱顿解释道,当描述一个犯罪现场时,无关紧要和臆断的观点是非常有害的。 yeeyan

On the dock, Mr Nardi and I are met by Clayton Coffin, the farm manager, who was a wintertime resident of Sorrento before he moved inland a few months ago.
耐迪先生和我在码头上碰见了这个农场的经理科分克莱顿,之前他是索伦托的冬季居民,前几个月搬到了内陆。 ecocn

Quite a while ago Clayton Christensen of Harvard has mainstreamed the term“ disruptive innovations”.
不久前,哈佛大学的 Clayton Christensen使“破坏性创新”一词成为主流。 yeeyan

Speaking by telephone on Thursday, James Clayton, the chief executive of Ingenious, confirmed his company’s backing for“ Avatar, ” but declined to discuss the size of its stake.
周四 Ingenious Media的总裁詹姆斯·克莱顿 James Clayton在电话中强调,他的公司的确正在支持电影《化身》的制作,但是他拒绝讨论自己公司的参与规模究竟有多少。 yeeyan

Standards deteriorated over time, with only47 percent of the mortgages Clayton examined meeting the guidelines by the second quarter of2007.
随着时间的推移,他们的审查标准继续降低,到2007年第二季度的时候,克莱顿审查的贷款中只有47%符合承销指南。 yeeyan

Clayton and his team have done extensive research into phishing sites hosted on cracked web servers.
克莱顿和他的小组对已经发现的钓鱼网站进行了广泛的研究。 yeeyan

Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School applauds the firm’s culture of innovation.
哈佛商学院克莱顿克里斯滕森专家 Clayton Christensen称赞KP创新思想的培养体系。 ecocn

Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy.
前世界冠军克莱顿弗雷德里科斯说,他在华天还是个男孩时开始训练他,那时就对他印象很深。 yeeyan

Clayton's team could demonstrate that this was how it was done by studying the sites' logs.
克莱顿的小组通过研究网站的日志揭示了这种攻击的原理。 yeeyan




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