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And this is some work done by the psychologist Claude Steele and his colleagues at Stanford.
这是心理学家 Claude, Steele和他在斯坦福的同事,做的一个研究。

As did the death of Claude Chabrol, co-author of the first book on Hitchcock and technical adviser on Godard's feature debut.
希区柯克首书的合作者和戈达尔处女作的技术顾问克劳德.夏布洛尔也已离去。 yeeyan

And even more incredible is the bar at the top of the mountain run by a long haired wild- eyed Barba, nicknamed after the Hollywood muscleman, John Claude Van Dam.
更让你难于置信的是,山顶酒吧的经营者的竟是一位长头发宽眼睛的巴尔拜人,他的绰号是以好莱坞的打手约翰•克劳德•范•达姆命名的。 kekenet

As late as March2010, Jean- Claude Trichet, then head of the ECB, boasted that simply belonging to the euro area automatically ensured balance- of- payments financing.
直到2010年三月份,欧洲央行行长让克劳德.特里谢还夸口说,这仅仅是欧元区确保收支平衡的自动机制。 yeeyan

At least partly inspired by Claude's classical paintings, Turner went to Italy for the first time in 1819.

Italy is potentially at risk of being engulfed by the euro crisis, as Jean- Claude Juncker, head of the euro group of finance ministers, has pointed out.
正如欧元集团财长让•克劳德•容克所说,意大利有被欧元危机吞没的危险。 ecocn

Jean- Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, has just proposed the creation of a European Finance Ministry to salvage the euro.
为了拯救欧元,欧洲中央银行行长让-克劳德·特里谢提出了建立欧洲财政部的建议。 yeeyan

Jean- Claude Trichet, the President of the European Central Bank, said that some countries had already moved beyond the worst of their recessions.
而欧洲央行行长让-克劳德•特里谢 Jean- Claude Trichet也说,某些国家已经从经济衰退最黑暗的日子里走了出来。 yeeyan

Jean- Claude Trichet, the ECB's president, cited vigorous money growth after the bank raised its base rate to4% on June6th.
欧洲中央银行主席吉恩·克劳德·特里切特指出,在6月6日央行将基准利率提高到4%后,储蓄货币出现了大幅增长。 ecocn

Jean- Claude“ Baby Doc” Duvalier, the country's former dictator, has just made a surprising return to the country.
该国的前独裁者让克劳德“宝贝督”杜瓦利埃刚刚令人惊讶地返回该国。 ecocn

Luxembourg’s prime minister, Jean- Claude Juncker, who chairs the Eurogroup, moaned that there had been no discussion of the merits of each candidate.
欧盟轮值主席、卢森堡首相杰恩克劳德容克哀叹每位候选者的品德并未被讨论过。 ecocn

President Jean- Claude Trichet suggested unconventional moves were possible this month by the ECB, which sets a target for short-term rates for the15- nation euro zone.
欧洲央行行长特里谢 Jean- Claude Trichet暗示,央行本月可能会采取非常规举措。 央行为拥有15个成员国的欧元区设定短期利率目标。 ebigear

Yet by the time the ministers emerged, after midnight, from their meeting, Jean- Claude Juncker, head of the euro group, confirmed that a soft restructuring was a prospect.
而当各国财长午夜结束会议后,欧元集团主席让·克劳德·容克证实,柔和的重组前景广阔。 ecocn




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