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词汇 clattering
释义 clat·ter·ing 英'klætəʳ美'klætər 高COCA³⁵⁴²⁵BNC²⁸⁴⁵⁶iWeb⁵⁸⁴⁴²

type of noise like the noise made when plates or knives and forks knock together

vt. & vi. 使某物连续发出咔嗒声

cause to make this noise

a rattling noise often produced by rapid movement;

the shutters clattered against the house

the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones

make a rattling sound;

clattering dishes

近义词 din喧嚣bang巨响noise噪声clash冲突racket球拍clank当啷声brattle咕隆声rattle嘎嘎作响clack发出咔嗒声jangle发出刺耳声clang使发出铿锵声…clashing动词clash的现在进行…
用作名词n.The clatter came from the kitchen where pans were being washed.厨房里传来了刷洗盘子的叮当声。用作动词v.
S+~+ADishes and plates were clattering in the dining car.盘碟在餐车中铿锵作响。
His own cry, which clattered down the silent ravines,was borne back to his ears in the countless repetitions.他自己的叫声在寂静的山谷回响,一而再、再而三地传回到他耳中。
S+ ~+n./pron.Don't clatter your knives and forks.别把刀叉碰得咔嗒响。
用作名词There was aclatterof dishes in the kitchen.厨房里传来盘子的当啷声。
Theclattercame from the kitchen where pans were being washed.这种哗啦声来自厨房里洗盘子的声音。
The boys stopped theirclatterwhen the teacher came into the classroom.老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。用作动词Pots and pans wereclatteringin the kitchen.盆子和锅在厨房里碰击作响。
Don'tclatteryour knives and forks.不要让你的刀叉碰击出声。noun.loud noise
同义词 clackballyhoo,bluster,clangor,hullabaloo,pandemonium,racket,rattle,rumpus,shattering,smashing
反义词 peaceverb.crash; make racket
同义词 clang,hurtlebang,bluster,bump,clank,clash,noise,rattle,roar,shatter,smash
反义词 fix,mend
bangverb moving by hitting hard
bangedverb moving by hitting hard
boomed,burst,clanged,clattered,crashed,detonated,drummed,echoed,exploded,made noise,pealed,rattled,resounded,sounded,thumped,thundered
bumpverb collide, hit, usually with sound
bang,bounce,box,buck,bunt,butt,carom,clap,clatter,crack,crash,impinge,jar,jerk,jolt,jostle,jounce,knock,pat,plop,plunk,pound,punch,rap,rattle,shake,slam,slap,smack,smash into,strike,thud,thump,thunder,thwack,whack
bumpedverb collide, hit, usually with sound
banged,bounced,boxed,bucked,bunted,butted,caromed,clapped,clattered,cracked,crashed,impinged,jarred,jerked,jolted,jostled,jounced,knocked,patted,plopped,plunked,pounded,punched,rapped,rattled,shook,slammed,slapped,smacked,smashed into,struck,thudded,thumped,thundered,thwacked,whacked
bumpsverb collide, hit, usually with sound
bangs,bounces,boxes,bucks,bunts,butts,caroms,claps,clatters,cracks,crashes,impinges,jars,jerks,jolts,jostles,jounces,knocks,pats,plops,plunks,pounds,punches,raps,rattles,shakes,slams,slaps,smacks,smashes into,strikes,thuds,thumps,thunders,thwacks,whacks
clashverb hit with a loud noise
bang,bump,clang,clank,clatter,collide,crash,grate,grind,jangle,jar,jolt,prang,rattle,scrap,scrimmage,shock,smash,wallop A telephone lineman on his crane hears it as a clattering clank of metal, like a clumsy heist at Home Depot;
塔吊上的线路工人听到了类似于敲击金属的咣当声,仿佛旅店中粗暴笨拙的抢劫犯发出的声音; hjenglish

The clattering of jackboots on the stairs? I hit the chisel again, harder this time, pleased with the little hole that appears in the wall plaster.
我又更用力的凿了几下,这时,墙上用塑胶纸装饰的地方出现了一个小的豁口。 yeeyan

The clattering roar of the train muffled the thud of her fall on to the ground more than a metre below. She was knocked senseless.
呼啸而过的列车,把她甩到超过一米以下的地面,顿时失去了知觉。 yeeyan

The typewriter was clattering away.

To make a rattling or clattering sound, especially by rushing or scampering.
发出咕隆或呱哒作响声,尤指由急冲或奔跑发出的声音。 tdict

Under harsh fluorescent lights, dozens of heads bend over keyboards, the clattering unison of earnest typing filling the room.
刺目的荧光灯下,数十颗脑袋俯向键盘,认真敲打键盘发出的清脆声音充斥着整个屋子。 yeeyan

A customer near the front makes a huge mess by dropping her coffee, the tray clattering to the floor.

An open door, a room, two typewriters clattering and two women making them clatter.
一扇开着的门,一间屋子,屋里两台咔嗒作响的打字机,两位女士咔嗒咔嗒在打字。 kekenet

And then the sound of the beach rocks clattering against each other warned us that someone was approaching.
然后,海滩上的碎石发出的喀拉喀拉声提醒我们有人来了。 putclub

At twilight, the stillness was broken by the sound of hooves, clattering on the paved courtyard.
在一个黄昏,沉静被庭院上一阵清脆的马蹄声所打破。 iciba

Dishes and plates were clattering in the dining car.

Ernest was clattering next door in the kitchen, whistling a few bars of music that Simon recognized as part of a Rossini overture.

European companies were no slouches at scrounging before the financial crisis, but since its onset the clattering of their begging bowls has become relentless.
经济危机侵袭之前,欧洲公司并没有失魂落魄地四处乞讨。可是危机一来,他们就“叮叮当当”的东讨西借,好不悲凉。 ecocn

Feet clattering, black tights, skirts just short of sin.
嘈杂的脚步声,黑色的紧身衣,造孽的短裙。 yeeyan

He becomes delirious with dreaming and hears distantly the brass handle under the Brassoed letterbox clattering once.
他的神志有些混乱,听到远处的黄铜信下黄铜把手咔嗒地想。 yeeyan

He folded his body over my clattering sewing machine;
他躬身在我咔哒作响的缝纫机上做活; zftrans

Helicopters ferrying gas executives to Bovanenkovo are now a familiar sight, clattering above the Nenets' camps several times a day.
运送天然气公司高管去 Bovanenkovo的直升机现在司空见惯,每天要在涅涅茨人营地的上空嗡嗡地响几次。 yeeyan

It looked like it was built out of leftovers from11 other booths, or like a giant robot had taken a large, clattering dump on the show floor.
那展区看上去就好像是用其他11个展台的残余材料搭建起来的,也像个巨大的机器人刚刚吃掉一大块咔嚓作响的垃圾。 donews

Nervousness sends my fish fork clattering into my neighbour's steak knife despite his best attempts to improve my dining etiquette.
我太紧张了,吃鱼的叉子和邻居的牛排刀碰到了一起,尽管他已经努力提高我的就餐礼仪了。 yeezhe

Ronaldo picked up a booking late on for clattering into Massimo Ambrosini, and misses his side's next Champions League match, which will be their first group game at the start of next season.
在铲倒安布罗西尼后,罗纳尔多得到一张黄牌,这使得他缺席下一场冠军联赛,那将是下赛季的第一场小组赛。 blogbus

The loom could be heard clattering away.
织布机可能被听到发出哗啦声离开。 vicn

With the spread of education and the rapid industrialization of Germany, organized labour developed its ideas and a steady antagonism to the military and patriotic clattering of its ruler.
随着教育的普及和德国的迅速工业化,有组织的劳工提高了思想,对统治者的黩武的和爱国的鼓噪坚持抵抗。 bab

CLATTERING keyboards may seem the white noise of the modern age, but they betray more information than unwary typists realise.
敲击键盘的声音是现代的白噪音,然而那些不甚谨慎的朋友可能不会意识到,这样的噪音会造成信息泄露。 ecocn




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