

单词 classifieds
释义 classifieds 英klæsɪ'faɪdz美klæsɪ'faɪdz ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁵⁴¹¹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb²⁶²⁹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

名词 classified:
a short ad in a newspaper or magazine usually in small print and appearing along with other ads of the same type
用作名词Halina searched theclassifiedsfor dance classes.海莲娜从分类广告中寻找舞蹈课程。
Early in his career, he worked on e-commerce andclassifiedsservices for a large Chinese portal.之前,他曾在一家大型中文门户站点负责电子商务和分类广告服务的产品管理。as in.classified ad
同义词 classified advertisement,personal ad,want adas in.classified advertisement
同义词 classified ad,personal ad,want adas in.want ad
同义词 classified ad
classified adnoun small magazine or newspaper advertisement
classified advertisement,personal ad,want ad
classified advertisementnoun small magazine or newspaper advertisement
classified ad,classifieds,personal ad,want ad
want adnoun classified advertisement
classified ad,classifieds A lady inserted an'ad' in the classifieds: “ Husband wanted”.
一位女士在“找丈夫”广告栏目下登了一条启示。 edu.sina.com.cn

Administrators can't say for certain how many strangers have used the online classifieds site.
网站管理员们不能确定究竟有多少陌生客使用了这个在线分类广告网站。 yeeyan

All of the industry’s sources of revenue— subscriptions, advertising, and classifieds— have seen a powerful wave of disruption come through and really clean the newspapers’ business out.
这个行业的一切收入来源,包括用户、广告以及分类广告,都遭受了一股强力的破坏冲击波,把报纸的业务洗刷得一干二净。 yeeyan

Common places to find advertisements for apartments are online classifieds, the newspaper, or at the noticeboard of your local supermarket.

Edmonton region free classifieds to sell or buy new and used cars, trucks, motorcycles, trucks and other vehicles.
埃德蒙顿地区免费分类广告以销售或者购买新的和二手车,卡车,摩托车,面包车,和其他车辆。 chinaa2z

Facebook should be well- positioned to be a major player in online classifieds given the usage patterns of its user base.
Facebook将能够非常好地被定位成一个主要的在线分类方式,基于庞大的用户群而提供给用户更实用的使用方式. yeeyan

For Craigslist, they began charging for some categories of online classifieds to improve the user experience.
对于 Craigslist来说,他们开始对某些类别的分类广告收费以提高用户体验。 yeeyan

Halina searched the classifieds for dance classes.

Having the attention of 90% of students attending a university lends itself to online classifieds, event listings, e- commerce, and lead generation.
吸引了90%的学生加入,一所大学可以为自己增添在线分类,事件列表,电子商务和选举领导等便利功能. yeeyan

However, jobs can be found on many valid websites, for instance the different major chambers of commerce like the American Chamber of Commerce, or several print media classifieds.
然而,在许多正规的职业介绍所都能找到工作,比如几大商会像美洲商会,或一些传统的新闻媒体。 blog.sina.com.cn

I searched the classifieds all day.
我查分类广告查了一整天。 http://mysearch.100e.com

If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sporting goods stores.
如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅您当地的分类广告,访问Craigslist网站,或者去趟二手体育用品商店。 yeeyan

In fact, for most newspapers classifieds provided the number one source of profits.
事实上,大部分报纸的主要利润来源都是分类广告。 yeeyan

In order to avoid search and classifieds endless“ trouble.”
为了避免无休止地搜索网站和分类广告的麻烦。 dumbmachine

In The Classifieds2003-ongoing, Giles explores life in New York through the classified section of the Village Voice.
在分类2003年至今,贾尔斯探索通过乡村之声分类部分在纽约的生活。 artintern

Its co- founders“ felt there needed to be a drop dead simple way to integrate a classifieds site with Twitter, ” according to the site.
它的共同创始人“觉得他可以以一种极其简单的方式把 Twitter与一个分类站点整合到一起。” yeeyan

Like universities, newspapers relied on financial cross- subsidization to stay afloat, using fat profits from local advertising and classifieds to prop up money- losing news bureaus.

My original intent was to list them for sale on“ Craig’s List” online classifieds, but I never got around to it.
我原本是想将它们晒到“克雷格的清单”在线分类广告上去甩卖的,但我却从未着手去做这件事。 yeeyan

Secondly, these posts foster the sense of community and trust that give consumers greater confidence in the commercial-oriented classifieds.
同时,由于社区的归属感和由此产生的信任,用户对商业内容的信任度也提高了。 yeeyan

So he courageously inserted an ‘ ad’ in the classifieds: ‘ Wife wanted’ .
所以他勇敢地在分类广告栏里插入一则广告:‘征妻’。 yeeyan

The paper roughly classifieds the biological pesticides and summarizes the significance of modern biotechnology in the manufacturing of biological pesticides.
本文对生物农药的分类进行了描述,并概述了现代生物技术对农药生产的重大作用。 cnki

Then came Craigslist, making it possible to get local classifieds for free, followed by Ebay and specialist Web sites.
随后分类广告网站Craigslist横空出世,令人们可以免费获得地方分类广告,接下来又出现了 Ebay和一些专门性网站。 hjenglish

These are everyday concepts that might come handy in classifieds and other aspects of life.
这些都是对分类和其他一些方面有用的日常概念。 yeeyan

To characterize Craigslist as just a classifieds site is a big understatement.
把 Craigslist仅仅看做一个分类广告站点是大大地低估了它。 yeeyan

Users can check out results from retail sites, auction sites, and online classifieds from three simple tabs on the product page.
用户也可以通过产品页面上方的三个页签 tab查看来自零售站点,拍卖站点,和广告分类站点的结果。 yeeyan

While online, he decided to check out the classifieds and spotted a job for a driver at a local car dealership.
在线时,他查看了分类广告,发现一家当地的汽车交易商招聘司机。 scutde




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