

单词 classified
释义 clas·si·fied 英ˈklæsəˌfaɪd美ˈklæsəˌfaɪdAHDklăsʹə-fīd' ★☆☆☆☆高I四八COCA⁸⁰⁰⁰BNC⁷⁷⁰⁸iWeb⁹⁸⁵²Economist⁷³⁹⁷

a short ad in a newspaper or magazine usually in small print and appearing along with other ads of the same type
arranged into classesofficial classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation;

thousands of classified documents have now been declassified

词根词缀: class分类 + -ify动词词尾y变i + -edclassified ad分类广告classified advertisement分类广告classified directory经 插页目录…classified advertisements分类广告classify分类classified material保密资料classified message有密级的电报…classified document保密文件classified documents秘密文件classified counting分类计算,分组计数…classified index分类索引classified data分类数据classified image分类图像classified advertising分类广告classified report保密报告书classified grinding分级研磨classified information机密情报classified scrap分级废钢
蒋争熟词记忆class种类;分类-i-连接字母-ed…的⇒分成类的class种类;分类i-连接字母-ed…的⇒分成类的近义词 secret秘密hush-hush秘密的top secret绝密的assorted各种各样的confidential秘密的classified ad分类广告off the record不供引用的classified advertisement分类广告反义词 unclassified未分类的

用作形容词Theclassifiedadvertisement is the simplest one.分类广告是最简单的一种广告。
I am looking for theclassifiedsection.我正在找分类广告栏。
Wind speed measurements shall be made with a cupclassifiedanemometer.用已分好类别的杯状风速计进行风速测量。
This information isclassified; only a few top officials can see it.这份情报是保密的,只有少数几个高级官员能看。adj.top-secret
同义词 confidential,restrictedprivate,secret
反义词 open,public,revealed,unconcealed
chronologicaladjective in consecutive time
chronographic,chronologic,chronometric,chronometrical,chronoscopic,dated,historical,horological,horometrical,in due course,in due time,in order,in sequence,junctural,order archival,ordered,progressive,sequent,sequential,tabulated,temporal
confidentialadjective secret
arcane,backdoor,classified,closet,hush-hush,hushed,inside,intimate,off the record,private,privy
gradedadjective sorted
huggermuggeradjective secret
backdoor,backstairs,camouflaged,clandestine,classified,cloak-and-dagger,close,confidential,covert,cryptic,discreet,disguised,dissembled,dissimulated,furtive,hush-hush,in ambush,incognito,inside,restricted,secretive,sly,sneak,sneaky
hush-hushadjective secret
insideadjective secret
classified,closet,confidential,esoteric,exclusive,hushed,internal,limited,private,restricted As you might imagine, not all training sets have the inputs classified correctly.
你可以这样设想,并不是所有的训练集的输入都分类正确。 yeeyan

For an example one need look no further than online classified advertising?which, the authors say, was the “ first killer moneymaking application” on the Web.
想要找个例子的话,只需要看一看在线分类广告行业就行。 据作者们说,那是“网络上第一个赚到大钱的应用”。 yeeyan

Small- town papers also depend on classified ads, but they face less online competition.
小城镇报纸也依靠分类广告,但他们面对的网络竞争较少。 ecocn

All of this work is still highly classified.
所有这些工作仍是高度机密。 yeeyan

And because the documents still remain classified, any unauthorized person who downloaded or printed them is also in violation of the law.
而且由于这些文件仍然是机密的,任何未授权的人下载了或打印了他们都应该触犯了法律。 yeeyan

Another major reason the pirates are rarely confronted seems to be that they are classified as criminals and not as terrorists and hence are accorded numerous rights.
海盗很少受到对抗的另一个主要原因似乎是他们被分类为罪犯而不是恐怖份子,因此被赋与多项权利。 yeeyan

By picking one or more subjects, the user navigates to the relevant classified content.
通过选择一个或多个主题,用户就导航到相关的分类内容。 ibm

Check job listings in the newspaper classified advertising sections or with your local employment office.
查阅报纸上分类广告区的职位列表,或你们当地的职业介绍所。 edu.sina.com.cn

DeSalvo acknowledges that a prisoner is being dropped there at that time, but the prisoner’s name is classified.
迪沙佛承认有一个犯人会在那个时候被转移到这来,但这个犯人的名字是机密的。 yeeyan

I have read each and every comment and classified each suggestion and the results are pretty interesting.
我已经读完每一条评论,并且将每一条评论分类,结果是很有趣的。 yeeyan

In Switzerland and the Netherlands newspapers have lost half their classified advertising to the internet.
在瑞士和荷兰,报纸的分类广告因被网络吸引过去而减少了一半。 ecocn

In this new kind of information warfare, offensive tactics most often are classified, yet defensive approaches are the subjects of much discussion, debate, and attention.
在这种新型信息战中,进攻战术通常是机密的,但是防御方法是经常讨论、辩论和关注的课题。 www.etiri.com.cn

It also can send and receive both classified and unclassified phone calls and emails.
它还可以发送和接收机密和非机密的电话和电子邮件。 www.etiri.com.cn

It means we have not allowed ourselves to be classified as objects.
这意味着我们还不允许我们自己象物品一样被分类。 yeeyan

Moreover, it is a crime to retain classified documents, regardless of whether you share them.
此外,持有机密文件也是有罪的,不过你是否与他人分享了文件。 yeeyan

Next to the term is the number of classified nodes.
词汇旁边是用它分类的节点的数量。 ibm

No matter how much knowledge you have, if your subject is at all sensitive or your information is classified, be careful when discussing it during your impromptu speech.
如果你的演讲主题比较敏感或者你的信息涉及到机密,不管你掌握多少知识,在演讲中谈论到这些问题时都要小心谨慎。 edu.sina.com.cn

Now, taxonomists argue that since birds are descended from dinosaurs they should be classified merely as a subgroup of the Dinosauria.
现在,分类学家认为,既然已经发现鸟类是恐龙的后代,那么它们应当被划分为仅仅是恐龙的一个子群。 ecocn

She glanced her eye down the classified advertisements.

The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad.
最简单的一种广告就是分类广告。 hjenglish

They earn little or nothing from internet search, which is bigger than either display or classified ads.
他们基本不从互联网搜索赚钱,而这却比显示性广告和分类广告丰厚。 ecocn

Within a transactional environment, all participants are classified as either resource managers or transaction managers.
在事务环境中,把所有的参与者分类为资源管理器或事务管理器。 ibm

You might not have found this industry vet if you'd depended merely on general- market classified ads.
如果你只是依赖一般市场分类广告的话,或许你就找不到这个行业老手。 yeeyan

You should find that all600 short messages have been classified and put into folders corresponding to each category name.
您应该发现所有600条短息都已分类并将它们放置到了相应的类别文件夹中。 ibm




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