

单词 admonishing
释义 ad·mon·ish·ing 英əd'mɒnɪʃ美əd'mɑːnɪʃ COCA⁵²⁷³⁹BNC⁶⁸⁴⁹⁸
admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior;

I warned him not to go too far

I warn you against false assumptions

She warned him to be quiet

warn strongly; put on guardtake to task;

He admonished the child for his bad behavior








近义词 warn警告scold责骂chide斥责rebuke指责advise劝告caution警告reprove责备counsel劝告reproach责备tell off分派threaten威胁reprimand训斥discourage阻碍chew out严厉责备monish古=admonish

用作及物动词He wasadmonishedfor his carelessness.他因粗心受到警告。
His wifeadmonishedhim not to drive too fast.他的妻子警告他开车不要超速。
He has very sternlyadmonishedstudent.他十分严厉地训诫了学生。
He wasadmonishedagainst doing wrong.人们告诫他不要做坏事。
Iadmonishedhim of the need for silence.我提醒他缄默的必要。adj.cautionary
同义词 warningadmonitory,exemplary,monitory,reproachful
admonitoryadjective cautionary
cautionaryadjective giving warning
managingadjective directing
monitoryadjective cautionary
warningadjective cautionary
admonishing,admonitory,cautioning,exemplary,exhortatory,monitorial,monitory,ominous,premonitory,threatening On that day, like all other days, she was admonishing me to remember my place.
那一天,她照例教训我要记住我的身份。 yeeyan

The admonishing practice of many officials enriched the admonition theory in ancient China.
明代官员的进谏实践,进一步丰富了中国古代的进谏理论。 rwskold.buu.edu.cn

A mother is admonishing her son.
一位母亲在劝告她的儿子。 ebigear

Acts20:31 Therefore watch, remembering that for three years, night and day, I did not cease admonishing each one with tears.
徒二十31所以你们应当儆醒,记念我三年之久,昼夜不住地流泪劝戒你们各人。 china

and sometimes such a listing is a way of admonishing a government.
有时这种列入名单的做法是在警告政府。 ecocn.org

Beijing had begun admonishing local officials nationwide to cut unnecessary spending to slow double-digit economic expansion, and the China Development Bank declined to release funds for the bridge.
当时,中央政府告诫全国的地方官员要削减不必要的开资来减缓高达两位数的经济膨胀,国家开发银行也拒绝提供建设资金。 yeeyan

Broadband is brimming with videos of frightened hostages and unsympathetic citizens admonishing the aid workers for not heeding the government's travel warning.
宽带网络充斥者饱受惊吓的人质与毫无怜悯之心的民众指责这些援助者无视政府出行警告的视频。 ecocn

Despite certain scenes she finds too painful to watch, such as her daughter admonishing her infidelities, she has given the film her blessing.
尽管有些场景在她看来感到很痛苦,比如女儿责备她偷情,但她送出了自己的祝福和鼓励。 yeeyan

Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom, that we may present every person mature in Christ.
我们传扬他,是用诸般的智慧,劝戒各人,教导各人,要把各人在基督里完完全全的引到神面前。 bolchicago

It was aboriginal on a Sunday morning and the Americans had no admonishing.
那是一个礼拜天的凌晨,美国人基本不得到警告。 lmtw

One of Mr Osborne’s unofficial roles in opposition was managing shadow- cabinet colleagues, guiding, cajoling and admonishing as required.
作为曾经的反对派,奥斯本的一个非正式身份是影子内阁保守党领袖,必要时引导、劝说和责备这些同事。 ecocn

She was admonishing her son, no less than a Rhodes scholar, for scrapping a promising military career to write songs in Music City.
她责备这个曾经得过罗德奖学金的儿子,竟然舍弃前途大好的军职,选择到「音乐之都」写歌。 http://dj.iciba.com

Still others will live by the rule of righteousness— trying to show the right path, and admonishing anyone who doesn’t live by that path.
也有人为正义而活——为了指引正确的方向,并且规劝那些不按这条路走的人改道。 yeeyan

Thus, The Birth Rate Decline Bra, festooned with cartoon grandmothers admonishing lazy Japanese to get down, get funky and get themselves some families.
这种标示着出生率下降的胸罩,上面有卡通祖母在劝告懒惰的日本人赶快行动,展开造人运动,给他们自己创造出自己的家庭。 yeeyan

Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified.
提前两个星期,梅布尔就在告示杆上张贴了一张布告,敦促我们在指定的星期六把各自的汽车开走。 zftrans




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