

单词 classical
释义 clas·si·cal 英ˈklæsɪkəl美ˈklæsɪkəlAHDklăsʹĭ-kəl ★★★☆☆高四六研IT46COCA⁴⁶⁷¹BNC²⁵⁸³iWeb⁴³⁰⁰Economist⁷¹⁵⁰

A古典的,经典的; 传统的; 古希腊罗马的古典文学〔主义〕的; 有古典风格的

of, relating to or influenced by the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome

traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste
of or relating to the most highly developed stage of an earlier civilisation and its culture;

classic Cinese pottery

of recognized authority or excellence;

the definitive work on Greece

classical methods of navigation

of or relating to the study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome;

a classical scholar

language having the form used by ancient standard authors;of or pertaining to or characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures;

classical mythology

词根词缀: class分类 + -ical形容词词尾,表性状
同源词:class, classic, classify, classified, classification词义辨异:classic 第一流的,最上等的classical 古典文学,艺术的
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词classical folk dance传统的民族舞蹈classical scholar精通古典文学者classical Chinese〔physics〕中文的文言文〔古典派物理学〕classical literature〔music〕古典文学〔音乐〕the classical languages古代语言
非常记忆class班〖熟词〗icIC(卡)〖编码〗-al…的阿狸〖拼音〗⇒班上拿着IC卡的阿狸在唱古典歌蒋争熟词记忆class种类;等级-al…的⇒古经典派的;第一流的class种类;等级-al…的⇒古经典派的;第一流的近义词 elegantexcellent反义词 romantic浪漫的technical技术的nonclassical非经典的
~+ n.I'm interested in classical architecture.我喜爱古典建筑。
He is keenly interested in classical English literature.他酷爱英国古典文学。
Tom is a classical scholar.汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。
Mozart is a classical composer.莫扎特是一位古典乐派作曲家。
Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein.爱因斯坦改变了物理学上关于光的传统观念。Ppreclassicala.前古典派的Pclassicalityn.古典古典学识Ppostclassicala.古典时期以后的Pclassicallyad.古典主义地拟古地

用作形容词Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals ofclassicalmusic.贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师。
Some young people like pop music, while still others likeclassicalmusic.一些年青人喜欢流行音乐,但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。
He is regarded as one of theclassicalcomposers in this century.他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。
Theclassicalapproach could be realized in at least two forms.传统的道路被认为至少有两种形式。
She has askedclassicalarcheologist Dr. Lori-Ann Touchette to show her the Roman forum.她请到了一位正统的考古学家安奇特博士作为她罗马广场的向导。
In thisclassicalsurreal film, a sailor meets a student who has just murdered his tutor.在这部正统的超现实电影中,一个水手碰到了一个刚刚杀害了自己的家庭教师的学生。adj.concerning ancient culture
同义词 classic,humanisticDoric,Grecian,Greek,Hellenic,Ionic,Latin,academic,attic,roman,scholasticAugustan,Homeric,Virgilian,belletristic,bookish,canonic,canonical,classicistic
反义词 complicated,modernunclassicaladj.simple, chaste
同义词 classic,elegant,understatedharmonious,pure,refined,restrained,symmetrical,well-proportioned
反义词 complicated,modernunclassical
Daliesqueadjective characteristic of the art of Salvador Dali
archetypicadjective typical
archetypicaladjective typical
biblicaladjective relating to the Bible
exemplaryadjective ideal
admirable,batting a thousand,blameless,bueno,characteristic,classic,classical,commendable,correct,estimable,excellent,good,guiltless,honorable,illustrative,inculpable,innocent,irreprehensible,laudable,meritorious,model,neato,not bad,not too shabby,paradigmatic,praiseworthy,prototypical,punctilious,pure,quintessential,representative,righteous,sterling,typical,virtuous,worthy
historicaladjective recorded as actually having happened
actual,ancient,archival,attested,authentic,chronicled,classical,commemorated,documented,factual,important,in truth,old,past,real,verifiable Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz.
这个城市不但是莫扎特的故乡,也是古典音乐和华尔兹舞曲的发源地。 ebigear

It's a river that, I think, all classical writers, and a lot of Renaissance writers, are very comfortable placing in the underworld.

One of the tasks of classical computers since their inception as been to simulate electrical circuits to help design faster computers.
自从经典计算机开始出现,模拟电子电路以促进更快的计算机的设计就一直是其任务之一。 ibm

The findings of classical conditioning have been extended and replicated in all sorts of animals including crabs, fish, cockroaches and so on.

Well, but classical music has melody.

And more generally, the problem is you can talk about what other people do in terms of reinforcement and punishment and operant conditioning and classical conditioning.

Bob and I both loved classical music.
我和鲍勃两个人都喜欢古典音乐。 yeeyan

But you like classical music.
但你喜欢古典音乐。 ebigear

His writings were deeply subjected to the classical style.

Human thinking, as many of us know, often fails to respect the principles of classical logic.
我们所知道的人类思考方式通常不遵守经典的逻辑理论中的原则。 yeeyan

I also like classical music and ballet.
我还喜欢古典音乐和芭蕾舞。 who

I like classical music in all of its genres.
我喜欢不同流派的经典音乐。 yeeyan

One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available on record.
对于古典音乐演奏者而言,他们可能的一个回应就是排练出唱片上没有的曲目。 hjenglish

She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.

She was reading for a degree of classical literature in Oxford when the war broke out.

That never happens in classical mechanics, because there are always levels there.

The invariant space has to be as well a deformation of a classical space, a deformation that makes it noncommutative.
这些不变的空间同样也是经典空间的变形,它们通过这种变形成为非对易空间。 yeeyan

This idea fits with the views of some psychologists, who argue that strict classical logic only plays a small part in the human mind.
这个概念符合一些心理学家的观点,这些心理学家认为严谨的经典逻辑在人类想法中只占很小的部分。 url.cn

This type of classical dance began about four hundred years ago.
这种古典舞蹈形式是从四百多年前开始的。 hjenglish

Those classical degrees of freedom.

We are returning to the classical, pagan world in which the coercive state is the unifying principle for all of life.
我们正回到古典时期的异教徒世界,其中强制性的国家成为了生活各方面皆须遵照的统一准则。 yeeyan

While the current study only looks at the classical behavior of the theory, there could also be quantum behavior, such as with the bounce concept.
虽然现在的研究仅仅集中在这套理论的经典行为上,但是量子行为也可能存在,例如在跃变的概念下。 yeeyan

Classical music has revived recently.




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