

单词 clasped
释义 clasp·ed 英klɑːsp美klæsp 高COCA²³⁷⁹¹BNC¹⁸⁷²⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 紧握; 紧抱

hold tightly or closely



C紧握; 拥抱

catch; embrace, hug

a fastener as a buckle or hook that is used to hold two things togetherthe act of grasping;

he released his clasp on my arm

he has a strong grip for an old man

she kept a firm hold on the railing

hold firmly and tightlyfasten with or as if with a broochfasten with a buckle or bucklesgrasp firmly;

The child clasped my hands

clasp, embrace, hug


hug比较通俗,可表示任何形式的拥抱,可表示因为爱情而“拥抱”,也可表示因友情而“拥抱”; embrace则多指因爱情而“拥抱”; clasp则强调拥抱某一特定的部位,如腰、颈等。











14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的claspe,意为,紧握。clasp knife折刀clasp hands紧紧地握手clasp sb. by the hand紧握某人的手…circumferential clasp环形卡环snap clasp弹簧拉钩molar clasp磨牙卡环clasp handle键柄clasp joint钩接clasp nut对开螺母,开合螺母…bolt clasp螺栓夹扣clasp lock自动弹簧锁denture clasp托牙卡环premolar clasp前磨牙卡环bending clasp弯制卡环continuous clasp连续卡环clasp nail钩头钉clasp forceps医 卡环钳, 扣…curved clasp弯形卡环clasp brake夹紧制动器
近义词 embracev. attachseizen. clip反义词 unclasp放松解开
S+~+ n./pron.The child clasped the doll tightly.小孩紧抱着洋娃娃。
He clasped a knife in his hand.他手里紧握着一把刀。
The mother clasped her baby to her breast.母亲把婴儿紧紧搂在怀里。用作名词n.The clasp on his belt had broken, so he had to hold his trousers up.他的皮带上的钩子已经坏了,所以不得不用手拉起裤子来。
He gave my hand a warm clasp.他热切地紧握我的手。
He held her in a tight clasp.他紧紧地搂着她。
用作动词The button won'tclasp.扣子扣不上。as in.framed
同义词 bordered,enclosed,mounted,wrappedcompassed,confined,encased,encircled,enveloped,fringed,girdled,matted,outlined,wreathedas in.tight
同义词 compact,cramped,fast,inflexible,narrow,rigid,solid,stable,steady,stiff,strained,strong,sturdy,taut,tense,thick,tightenedbound,close-fitting,constricted,contracted,crowded,dense,drawn,enduring,established,firm,fixed,hidebound,invulnerable,secure,set,skintight,stretched,tenacious,unbending,unyielding
framedadjective surrounded by a frame
tightadjective close, snug
tighteradjective close, snug
tightestadjective close, snug
bound,clasped,close-fitting,compact,constricted,contracted,cramped,crowded,dense,drawn,enduring,established,fast,firm,fixed,hidebound,inflexible,invulnerable,narrow,quick,rigid,secure,set,skintight,solid,stable,steady,stiff,strained,stretched,strong,sturdy,taut,tenacious,tense,thick,tightened,unbending,unyielding Starting up, he clasped his hands around his head.
他惊醒过来,用双手紧紧地抱住他的头。 kuenglish

“ Farewell, ” he said, as he clasped my hand tightly.
“别啦,”他说着,紧紧握着我的手。 ecocn

He clasped her against him and found that he was kissing a live warm face.
他把她拥入怀里靠着自己,却发现自己吻着的是张活生生且有温度的脸。 yeeyan

Her mother's paleness was visible, and Jacques' hands were clasped too tightly around his knee.
她妈妈的脸变得煞白,杰克斯的双手过紧地抓着膝盖。 zftrans

His hands were clasped together in prayer.
他祈祷时双手十指交叉在一起握著。 chinabaike

His hands, four times as large, reached out slowly and clasped them as though they were cradling two tiny exotic birds.
他的手有她四倍那么大,慢慢地伸出来握住这双小手,这双小手好像是躺在摇篮中两只奇异的小鸟。 yeeyan

I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder, and her hand will be clasped in mine.
我将把她揽在自己怀里,她会把头靠在我的肩上,她会把我的手握在她的手心里。 yeeyan

If only we could stay clasped together, we would still have each other, even if the whole world were lost.
好像只要我们抱在一起,就算失去了全世界,我们起码还彼此拥有对方。 douban

My mother studies her hands, clasped together in her lap. “ It must have been so hard on her. Going to our funerals.”
我母亲端详着她的手,她的手在她的膝上紧握在一起。“这对她肯定很残酷。去参加我们的葬礼。” yeeyan

Rotational rubbing of right thumb clasped in left and vice versa.
右拇指旋转的辩论被扣紧正在左边和反之亦然。 portalnotarios

She pressed hex fingers together convulsively as she held them clasped in her lap.
她把手放在腿上,手指交叉,痉挛地紧握着。 chinafanyi.com

She clasped Woloda to her several times, and made the sign of the cross over him; after which I approached her, thinking that it was my turn.
她吻了沃洛佳那么多次,在他身上画了那么多次十字,我以为,现在该轮到我了,于是就钻到前面去; tingroom

She circled the belt about him and clasped the buckle.
她把皮带环绕在他身上并扣住皮带扣。 nciku

She clasped and unclasped her hands.
她不断地紧握和松开手。 hotdic

She clasped her hands together on her lap.
她把她的手合在一起放在了膝盖上。 blog.sina.com.cn

She clasped his hand in both of hers.
她用双手握住他的手。 englishcrazy

She clasped her hands with an expression which contained all that is possible to prayer in the way of violence and tenderness.
双手合十,这种神情具有祈祷所能包含的最强烈而同时又最柔和的一切情感。 ebigear

So beautiful was she that when the young Fisherman saw her he was filled with wonder, and he put out his hand and drew the net close to him, and leaning over the side he clasped her in his arms.
她是那样的美丽,以至于年轻的渔夫望着她,充满了讶异。他伸手将渔网拽近,随后俯在船舷上,将她搂进怀里。 yeeyan

Someone grabbed my hands and handcuffs were clasped onto my wrists while I was deftly searched. As I was not armed there was nothing to take from me.
有人一把抓住我的两只手并用手铐铐住了我的手腕,同时我被熟练地搜着身。由于我没有佩戴武器,因此他从我身上捞不到什么东西。 netjiaoliu

They touched each other, they gazed at each other, they clasped each other's hands, they pressed close to each other; but there was a distance which they did not pass.
他们相偎相望,手握着手,一个挨紧一个,但他们间有一定距离是他们所不曾越过的。 ebigear

They sat down again, side by side, and hand clasped in hand, on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree.
他俩重新坐下;肩并着肩,手握着手,就这样坐在长满青苔的倒下的树干上。 hjenglish

Using long blade clasped my acs lag.
用长刃的殇葬送我的英华。 blog.sina.com.cn




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