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Clara cells 基本例句 克立拉细胞 After 24 h hypox ia,Clara cellsappear the early states of response.低氧24h后Clara细胞呈现早期应激状态。 The number ofClara cellsand the secretion of CC16 reduce in a rat model of COPD, which may be a mechanism for COPD.COPD大鼠的气道炎症可导致Clara细胞超微结构改变,Clara细胞数量及CC16的合成及分泌量减少,这可能与COPD的发生发展有一定的关系。 In COPD rats,the proportion ofClara cellsin terminal and respiratory bronchioles decreased.COPD大鼠终末及呼吸性细支气管Clara细胞数量减少 ,胞浆内滑面内质网扩张 ; The ultrastructure ofClara cellsdamaged significantly 24 h post LPS injection.LPS致伤后24 h,Clara细胞的超微结构明显受损。 |