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词汇 clapped
释义 clap·ped 英klæp美klæp COCA¹⁸¹⁶⁶BNC¹⁶⁹⁷⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. & vi. 拍手,鼓掌

strike the palms of the hands together

S鼓掌; 掌声

act or sound of clapping


friendly slap

a sudden very loud noisea common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethraa sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated
put quickly or forcibly;

The judge clapped him in jail

cause to strike the air in flight;

The big bird clapped its wings

clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approvalclap one's hands together;

The children were clapping to the music

strike the air in flight;

the wings of the birds clapped loudly

strike with the flat of the hand; usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greetingstrike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise;

clap two boards together

clap, slap

这组词均可表示“拍击手掌”。其区别在于:clap是鼓掌喝彩; 而slap是用手打某人一记耳光,以示惩罚。

用作动词 v.
~+名词clap one's hands拍手,鼓掌~+副词clap ceaselessly不停地鼓掌clap enthusiastically〔heartily, liberally〕热烈鼓掌clap freely自由地拍手clap frightfully不愉快地鼓掌clap gratefully激动地拍手clap noiselessly无声地拍手clap on匆匆盖上clap on the brakes紧急刹车clap on one's hat急忙带起帽子clap out a regular time有节奏地击掌打拍子clap to砰地一声关上clap together a stage匆匆搭起一个舞台clap up鼓掌,迅速了结某事clap up a bargain匆忙成交~+介词clap by the heels逮捕,投入监狱clap into关进,投进clap sb into a bedlam把某人关进疯人院clap on one's armour急忙披挂上阵clap sb on the back轻拍某人的后背clap the handcuffs on sb给某人带上手铐clap a board over a pit匆匆把一块木板盖在坑上clap spurs to horse急忙地策马飞跑
clap in〔into〕 prison〔jail〕 v.+prep.+n.

〈非正〉投入监狱 put into prison

clap sb in〔into〕 prison〔jail〕The judge clapped the criminal in prison.法官把犯人投入狱中。
The judge clapped her in prison before she had had time to explain.法官没等她辩解完,就把她关进了监狱。
The criminal was clapped into jail.罪犯被投入狱中。
clap on¹ v.+adv.

启用某物( bring sth into use)

clap on² v.+prep.

看见,发现 see; catch sight of

clap sb on sthHe clapped his old friend on the shoulder in greeting.他用手拍拍老朋友的肩表示欢迎。clap sth on sth〔说明〕 clap on常不用于进行体。When the new tax laws were passed, the taxpayers found that the government had clapped another 5% on cigarettes.新税法通过后,纳税人发现政府在香烟上又增加了5%的税。clap eyes on sbI haven't clapped eyes on my brother for years.我多年未见我的哥哥了。
I haven't clapped eyes on him for ages. How is he now?我有很久没看到他了。他现在怎样了?
I haven't clapped eyes on him since then.自那以后,我就没有看到过他。
It's many years since I clapped eyes on him.我最后一次看到他是很多年前了。
clap out v.+adv.

累垮,消耗 be completely worn out

clap to v.+adv.

使砰地一声关上 (cause to close noisily)

clap toThe door clapped to.门砰地一声关上了。clap sth ⇔ toHe clapped the door to.他把门砰地一声关上了。
The girl clapped the door to as she left.这个姑娘离开时,砰地一声关上了门。
clap together v.+adv.

〈非正〉匆匆建成,拼凑成 put up hurriedly

clap sth ⇔ togetherThe actors clapped together a stage so that they could have room to perform.演员们为了有个演戏的地方,匆匆搭了个舞台。
clap up v.+adv.

继续热烈鼓掌 continue clapping vigorously

clap sth ⇔ upThey clapped up a bargain.他们匆忙成交了。
He clapped up an excuse, but this was soon seen through.他信口编造了一个借口,可是马上就被识破了。clap sth ⇔ upThe two men clapped up a contract.那两人匆匆订了合同。clap upClap up, gentlemen!先生们,大家鼓掌!近义词 pat轻拍tap龙头bang巨响slap侮辱thrust刺cheer欢呼blast爆炸strike罢工thwack重击wallop重击spat小争吵acclaim喝采bam砰的一声eruption爆发gonorrhoea淋病applaud拍手喝彩clack发出咔嗒声gonorrhea医淋病
S+~+AWhen the show was over, we all clapped.演出结束后,我们都鼓掌。
The audience clapped enthusiastically and called for more.观众们热烈鼓掌要求再来一个。
I clapped to attract the children's attention.我拍手以引起孩子们的注意。
S+~+ n./pron.The audience clapped the violinist heartily.观众热烈地向提琴手鼓掌。
They clapped their hands after his speech.他演说完之后,他们鼓掌。
The victorious players clapped each other on the back.取胜的球员互相拍着背部。
He clapped the door shut.他猛地把门推上。用作名词n.They gave me a big clap.他们用力给我鼓掌。
She gives him a clap on the back.她在他的背上拍了一下。

clap的基本意思是“鼓掌,拍手”,表示为某人的表演或某事的成功而喝彩,引申可作“拍; 推”解,表示友善地拍或猛力地推。


clap表示“瞧见,看见”时,通常用clap eyes on。


用作动词Sheclappedher hands in delight.她高兴地拍手。用作名词 And yet, when everyone clapped for her, she seemed to be looking straight at me.
但当大家为她鼓掌的时候,她直直看着我。 yeeyan

As thousands of party bigwigs and members in the hall cheered, clapped and stamped their feet, it occurred to me that the video precisely reversed an old line of Ronald Reagan’s.
会场内几千名权贵和党员高声欢呼、拍手跺脚,这让我想起了这段视频完全是罗纳德·里根旧风格的翻版。 ecocn

The audience, of100 or so students, clapped when his interlocutors called for death for blasphemers.
观众中有100多名学生,当谈话者说亵渎神的应该死的时候,观众拍手赞同。 yeeyan

The audience clapped the famous pianist heartily.

The audience clapped enthusiastically at the end of the play.

The child clapped his hands together, causing Peter to look up at him.
孩子拍了拍手,彼得只得抬起头望着他。 kekenet

The room rose to its feet, and clapped some more.
太阳落到了山脚,会议室充满更多的掌声。 ecocn

The survivor clapped his hands and tried to reach for his rescuers in an expression of joy.
为表达获救的喜悦,他鼓掌并试着握住自己的救命恩人。 iciba

The women looked bored but clapped politely when he was done.
女人们看上去有些无聊,但在他背完后,还是礼貌地鼓了鼓掌。 yeeyan

When Cesar and I made our grand entrance, everyone clapped and whistled.
我和塞萨尔一进门,大家都又是鼓掌又是吹口哨。 topddhw

When I was introduced and began to walk down the aisle, the Democrats cheered loudly as most Republicans clapped politely.
有人介绍我上台,我沿通道走过去,民主党人热烈鼓掌,共和党人则礼貌地拍了拍手。 yeeyan

At the end, she placed the painting back in her lap and clapped.
最后,她把那幅油画搁在她大腿上,鼓起掌来。 yeeyan

But on the second night, a hellacious storm moved through with thunder that clapped us both out of bed.
但是第二天晚上,一场可怕的暴风雨伴着雷声经过,我俩都被震下了床。 yeeyan

Delegates obediently and mechanically clapped, jumped up and down and shouted, apparently on cue, in a display better suited to a petty third- world dictatorship.
代表们温顺的鼓掌欢呼,机械的跳上跳下,明显在做戏,这种场景原本应出现在一个第三世界的小小独裁国家之中。 yeeyan

Everyone clapped again and then went on their way.
大家再次鼓掌,这才慢慢散去。 yeeyan

He was in the circus going around the country with his big iron rod telling everybody the story as they surrounded him and clapped.

Miss Irving clapped and smiled weakly at Julia. “ Julia, would you mind giving this to Mr. Uffizi?”
说完欧文小姐鼓掌,又笑着对茱莉亚说,“茱莉亚你介意我把这篇文章拿给乌菲齐先生看吗?” yeeyan

She dresses like a six-year-old who was let loose in a drag queen’s closet, and when she came out, her mom clapped and shrieked: “ she’s so original!”
她的衣服就像一个6岁小孩在扮装皇后的衣橱里随便找的,而当她走出来的时候,她妈妈拍手尖叫:“她真富有创新精神!” yeeyan

She sang and we clapped. She joked and we laughed.
她唱歌我们鼓掌,她说笑我们大笑。 yeeyan

Someone put a donkey on it and clapped, says one man, priding himself on Hama's sense of humour.
一名男子说,曾有人把一条驴子拴在其上并拍手,为哈马式的幽默而备感自豪。 ecocn

The crowd clapped. I think they believed I’d done it on purpose.
观众鼓起掌来,我想他们以为我是故意这样做的。 yeeyan

The only problem was that people clapped and yelled at him just to see him cover his ears.
唯一的问题是,人们为了看到他捂住耳朵的样子不断拍手叫喊。 ebigear

Thousands and thousands of people cheered and clapped as he proudly held the Olympic torch high.

To this' hand, ' he attached a small electronic device, programmed to respond to sound; when someone laughed or clapped, the fingers flexed.
他为这只“黄瓜手”拴上了一个能够对声音做出反应的小型电子器件;当有人发出笑声或者拍手时,这些手指会做出伸缩的动作。 ebigear




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