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词汇 clan
释义 clan 英klæn美klænAHDklăn ★★☆☆☆高六IMT6四八GCOCA⁷⁶¹⁶BNC¹¹¹⁷⁹iWeb⁵⁹³¹Economist¹⁰⁰⁰¹

C宗族,家族; 氏族

group of families, especially in Scotland, descended from a common ancestor

group of people related by blood or marriage来自苏格兰盖尔语clann,家族,种族,来自拉丁语planta,新枝,植物,后代。因盖尔语字母 p 不能用做首字母,因而用字母c 代替。比较pole,collar,cycle,来自PIE*kwel,转。clan system法 民族制度…
非常记忆plan计划⇒偷看到c这个宗族的计划书联想记忆家族clan计划plan近义词 racefamily
用作名词n.We read a story about some Indian rulers of aclan.我们读了一篇关于一个氏族几个印第安酋长的故事。Pclansmann.族人同宗Pclansamen同宗的人族人Pclannisha.氏族的宗族的团结心很强的Pclanshipn.氏族归属状况氏族的团结氏族制度

用作名词They still kept traces of theclansociety.他们还保留了氏族社会的痕迹。
The hunter killed for theclan, not for himself.猎手是为氏族,而不是为自己打猎。
They relied upon the patriarchalclanto control all or most of towns business.他们依靠宗族的力量,控制城镇集市的全部或大部分贸易。
Clansmen who had achieved distinction would be eulogisedas they would bring reflected honour to their family andclan.卓越非凡的宗族成员被视为光宗耀祖,因此会被褒扬。
Now some believe that theclan's preeminence is already being challenged.现在,一些人相信党派的卓越性正受到挑战。
The movement is on a roll.Whether this translates into votes in a society where patronage andclanloyalties still largely hold sway is not yet clear.支持者及党派大部分仍然处于摇摆不定的立场,因此是否会转变成一场社会性的选举还不确定。, clique
同义词 band,faction,gang,mob,sect,society,tribeassociation,bunch,club,coterie,crew,crowd,crush,folks,group,house,insiders,kinfolks,moiety,organization,outfit,race,ring,set,sodality,stock
反义词 individual
affiliationnoun association with an organization
alliance,amalgamation,banding together,bunch,cahoots,coalition,combination,confederation,conjunction,connection,crew,crowd,gang,hookup,incorporation,joining,league,merging,mob,outfit,partnership,relationship,ring,syndicate,tie-in,union
affiliationsnoun association with an organization
alliances,amalgamations,banding togethers,bunches,cahoots,clans,coalitions,combinations,confederations,conjunctions,connections,crews,crowds,gangs,hookups,incorporations,joinings,leagues,mergings,mobs,outfits,partnerships,relationships,rings,syndicates,tie-ins,unions
associationnoun group with common interest or pursuit
affiliation,alliance,band,bunch,circle,clan,clique,club,coalition,combination,combo,company,confederacy,confederation,congress,cooperative,corporation,crew,crowd,family,federation,fellowship,fraternity,gang,guild,hookup,league,mob,order,organization,outfit,partnership,pool,rat pack,ring,society,sodality,sorority,syndicate,tie up,tie-in,tribe,troops,troupe,union,zoo
associationsnoun group with common interest or pursuit
brotherhoodnoun association
circlenoun group of close friends, associates
Mafia,assembly,bunch,cabal,camarilla,camp,clan,class,clique,club,companions,company,comrades,coterie,crew,cronies,crowd,crush,fraternity,gang,in-group,insiders,intimates,lot,mob,outfit,party,posse,ring,school,set,society,sorority And at some point, it seems fair to say, he fell in love with this project— not just with Seymour but with the whole clan.
在某种意义上,我们可以说他已经爱上了这项工作——不仅是修正西摩,甚至包括整个格拉斯家族。 yeeyan

Over- drained clan refers to employees who find themselves running out of new ideas as well as enthusiasm after spending all their time and energy on day- to- day work.
“掏空族”指在工作中持续投入大量时间和精力后,又无暇进行学习和“充电”,从而无法在职场再产生新的想法或工作热情的一群人。 iciba

The dreams are interpreted by elders of the clan. Dream interpretations are then used as a basis for making group or individual decisions for the day.
解梦的任务就落在氏族中年长者的头上,然后这些梦境的解析就会被用作当天群体或者个人决定的依据。 yeeyan

The best explanation for this pattern is one in which females left their clan once they reached maturity, say Lee- Thorp and her colleagues.
对于这种模式最好的解释是,女性一到成年就离开她们的部落,李.索普和她的同事说。 yeeyan

The surprising lack of evidence that people lived right there, researchers say, argues against its use as a settlement or even a place where, for instance, clan leaders gathered.
令人惊奇的是,这里缺少有人类定居于此的证据,因此研究人员争辩说,它不可呢过是人类的定居点或是宗族的聚集地。 damai

Where young people once saw themselves as part of their clan, above all, they increasingly identify themselves today as individuals.
曾经,年轻人最在乎的是身为家族中的一员,而今越来越多人认为自己是独立的个体。 yeeyan

A year later, the Desclos family came to America, welcomed by40 members of the Johnson clan, spanning four generations.
一年后,吉尔伯特一家来到美国,并受到约翰森家族40多名成员跨越四代人的欢迎。 yeeyan

But it does suggest an intensifying power struggle within the ruling clan over who will become Russia's next president, in 2012.
但也使人想起俄罗斯统治集团内部,2012年时谁是下任总统的日趋激烈的权力争斗。 ecocn

Corruption flourishes because the clan runs things for its own benefit.
腐败猖獗是因为宗族统治只关心其自身利益。 yeeyan

Every summer, the entire Emerson clan gathered by the lake at the estate for holiday picnics that Patty mostly failed to enjoy.
每年夏天,整个埃莫森家族都要聚在庄园的湖边野餐,多数时间帕蒂都不喜欢这些假日野餐。 yeeyan

For that reason he refuses to say which clan he hails from.
也正是因为这样,他不愿意说起自己来自哪个族群。 ecocn

Fragile but sophisticated Lebanon may come nearest, despite its lethal rivalries between sect and clan and failure to get a single national army to control all its territorysee article.
但是脆弱但发达的黎巴嫩或许与之最接近,尽管其致命的宗教派别和部落斗争以及没有统一的国家军队控制其领土。 ecocn

I’m the only priest in my clan. I work in an old church at the edge of a cliff.
我还是家族中的唯一的一名牧师,我在悬崖边的一座老教堂工作。 ebigear

I met a number of the senior Senoussi clan in Tripoli and have no doubt they would be ready to assume leadership of anti- Gadaffi forces.
在的黎波里我遇见大量的高级赛怒西宗族的人,并且一点也不怀疑他们将准备建立反卡扎菲武装的领导力量。 yeeyan

Meanwhile he has concentrated ever more power and wealth in the hands of his own extended family and clan.
与此同时,他也越来越把权力和财富集中在自己的大家庭和宗族的手中。 ecocn

She is promised to the savage leader of the clan, Carver Doone, but John abducts her and is later knighted for service in the1685 Monmouth rebellion.
她本来已经嫁给野蛮的氏族首领卡弗·杜恩,但是约翰诱拐了她,之后约翰因为在1685 年的蒙莫斯叛乱中立下功劳而被授予爵位。 yeeyan

So he went instead to Scotland and there founded our clan.
所以他转而来到了苏格兰,创立了我们氏族。 yeeyan

Some observers see all these stories as part of an inter- clan rivalry between the interior ministry and the security services.
一些观察家把所有这些报道看作是内政部和安全服务部门之间部族之争的一部分。 ecocn

That person often also has the instincts of an archivist, and feels driven to keep scrapbooks and photograph albums up to date, so that the clan can see proof of its own continuity.
这样的人总是有着档案报关员的天赋,有制作最新的剪贴簿和照片集的欲望,如此家族就可以看到自己连续的不同时期的证明。 yeeyan

The social psychology of the House is a clan psychology, not an interpersonal psychology.
在众议院,适用的社交心理不是人际的,而是集团的。 yeeyan

There are limits: no one is suggesting that party panjandrums should be liable to be voted out, let alone the Gandhi clan.
这存在着局限性:没人认为党内大佬可能会在选举中失败,更不用说是甘地家族了。 ecocn

Why should our father's name disappear from his clan because he had no son?
为什么因我们的父亲没有儿子,就把他的名从他族中除掉呢? ebigear

Within the clan or extended family, the power that belongs to senior men, especially those with titles like datuk or chief, is no more significant than that of senior women, Blackwood said.
在部落或大家庭里,有年长的男人,特别是带有达图或首领等头衔的男人拥有的权利不会比年长的女人更显赫。布莱克伍德说。 yeeyan




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