

单词 clamped
释义 clamp·ed 英klæmp美klæmp COCA²⁶⁹⁰³BNC²⁷²⁰⁵Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
vt. & vi. 夹紧; 夹住

fasten or hold with a clamp; impose


also cramp device for holding things tightly together, usually by means of screw

a device generally used by carpenters that holds things firmly together
fasten or fix with a clamp;

clamp the chair together until the glue has hardened

impose or inflict forcefully;

The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital

直接源自古荷兰语的klampe,意为夹子clamp down施加压力clamp connection锁状联合bench clamp台虎钳,台钳…adjustable clamp可调夹头,活动钳…clamp bolt夹紧螺栓clamp holder持夹器clamp coupling纵向夹紧联轴器, 纵…terminal clamp终端线夹rope clamp索钳,索夹clamp bias固定偏压,钳位偏压…earth clamp接地夹子clamp screw制动螺旋screw clamp螺旋夹,螺丝夹,螺旋…rod clamp杆夹钳clamp nut夹固螺母,紧固螺母,…clamp ring压夹紧环, 锁紧…towel clamp帕巾钳clamp device箝位装置upper clamp上盘制动螺旋…cable clamp索卡,电缆夹…
clamp down on v.+adv.+prep.

压制; 取缔 control, especially to limit sth bad; deal firmly with sth/sb bad

clamp down on sb/sthWhen the President's position was threatened, he issued an order to clamp down on all anti-government activities.当总统的地位受到威胁时,他下令取消一切反政府活动。近义词 gripv. fastenfixn. brace
S+~+ n./pron.The policeman clamped handcuffs around his wrists.警察给他戴上手铐。
Clamp the two pieces of wood together until the glue dries.用夹钳把两块木板夹紧,等胶水干了再松开。用作名词n.He used a clamp to hold the arm on the chair until the glue dried.他用夹子将扶手夹在椅子上,直到胶水干后再取下。
用作名词The wood is held in position by aclamp.木头用钳夹固定住了。
He used aclampto hold the arm on the chair until the glue dried.他用夹子将扶手夹在椅子上, 直到胶水干后再取下。用作及物动词Try toclampthese two blocks of wood together.试着把这两块木头夹在一起。
The wood is held in position by aclamp.木头用钳夹固定住了。
The government decided toclamprestraints on labour strikes.政府决定对罢工加强限制。
The Government intends toclampdown on soccer hooliganism.政府拟采取措施严禁在足球比赛中闹事。
She managed toclampher anger down.她设法压制了她的怒火。 A tougher editor might have clamped down on some of Mr Bryson's lazy habits, such as the tiresome re- use of the phrase“ very real”.
严厉的编辑有可能会揪住布莱森先生的一些懒习惯,譬如“很真实”这短语的重复使用就挺烦人的。 ecocn

In the final quarter of last year officials clamped down on lending, especially on property, to avoid overheating.
去年第四季度官员们缩减了放贷量,尤其是对固定资产的贷款,以避免经济过热。 ecocn

With the same hard demeanour, she was led back to prison, and vanished from the public gaze within its iron- clamped portal.
她就这样木雕泥塑般地又给带回监狱,从众人眼前捎失在钉满铁钉的牢门后面。 ebigear

At first, Melanie wanted to hold Scarlett's hand when the pain was bad but she clamped down on it so hard she nearly broke the bones.
起初,媚兰疼得厉害时总是要把握住思嘉的手,但是她抓得那么紧,几乎要把骨头都捏碎了。 jukuu

But the coalition government clamped down on the Islamists more firmly than many had predicted.
但出乎意料地,联盟政府更加强硬地强制取缔伊斯兰教徒。 ecocn.org

He continues to dispense medicine and monitor Rongping, often circling the factory in plastic slippers, a camera clamped to his belt.
他继续分发药品,监视榕屏化工厂,经常穿着塑料拖鞋,腰上挂着相机,在工厂四周转悠。 ecocn

He clamped them on his head, and then I knew for sure.
他把耳罩夹在头上。我一下就确定无疑了。 yeeyan

His car was clamped by the traffic police.

I also added options to change the way the texture maps on the cube clamped or repeated and an option to change the blending color.
这里还增加了一个更改纹理映射到立方体的方式加强或重复的选项以及一个更改混色的选项。 ibm

I shouted once before a small hand clamped shut my mouth and then another pair of hands inserted a gag.
我才叫了一声,就有一只小手钳住我的嘴,另一双手塞了个东西进来。 ebigear

Outboard motors are typically mounted on sailboats via separate bracket, not clamped on the transom as on most powerboats.
舷外发动机通常通过单独的支撑臂安装在帆船上,而不是像大多数汽艇那样用夹钳固定在横梁上。 yeeyan

Put another way, only0.6% of them were anaemic, compared with5.7% of the rapidly clamped.
从另一个角度看,相较于采用速钳法的儿童中5.7%的贫血症发生率,他们的这个比例只有0.6%。 ecocn

They clamped the two pieces of wood together securely.

This usually ends with me standing in the doorway of the house, mobile phone clamped to my ear, fulminating at the taxi company's hold music.
通常的结果是我站在房子的车道中间,手提电话夹在耳朵上,一边听着出租车公司不要挂机的音乐,一边大声责骂。 yeeyan

Those babies whose umbilical clamps had been applied after three minutes had, on average, iron levels45% higher than those whose cords had been clamped immediately.
那些分娩三分钟后才被剪断脐带的婴儿体内的铁含量平均比那些一分娩就被剪断脐带的婴儿高45%。 yeeyan




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