

单词 clamored
释义 clam·or·ed 英'klæmə美'klæmə COCA⁴⁹⁵⁹⁴
a loud harsh or strident noiseloud and persistent outcry from many people;

he ignored the clamor of the crowd

make loud demands;

he clamored for justice and tolerance

utter or proclaim insistently and noisily;

The delegates clamored their disappointment

compel someone to do something by insistent clamoring;

They clamored the mayor into building a new park

clamor against纷纷反对clamor down 吵吵闹闹使 …clamour喧闹clamor for叫嚣着要clamor into吵吵闹闹迫使…做…clamor out of吵吵闹闹迫使停止做…
近义词 呼吁cry哭out出din喧嚣bay海湾yell大叫call呼叫roar吼叫ring戒指shout呼喊appeal恳求noise噪声blare巨响demand要求uproar骚动insist坚持racket球拍rumpus吵闹hubbub嘈杂request请求exclaim大叫clamour喧闹scream尖叫声complain抱怨disorder混乱commotion骚动discord不调和outcry大声喊叫clamouring吵闹hue and cry大声抗议cacophony刺耳的声音cry out大喊大声疾呼…blaring动词blare的现在进行…clamoring动词clamor的现在进…

And when the town of Hangzhou began to distribute tourism vouchers at banks in nearby Shanghai, so many people clamored for them that it nearly sparked a riot.
当杭州的一个乡镇在上海周边的银行发放旅游优惠券时,有许多人抢着要以致差点引发骚乱。 yeeyan

The photographers clamored for a picture of the famous actor and his new girlfriend.
摄影师吵着要替这位名演员和他的新女友拍照。 hjenglish

After that they clamored about in a very civilized manner until they had packed up the large tent, wiped off the wood chips and chopped down the remaining poles to be used as firewood.
之后他们便十分文明地叫嚷起来直到收好大帐篷、清扫完木头碎片并把剩下的柱子砍倒当柴烧。 kekenet

By contrast, in early 2008, middle- class Indians clamored to buy public offerings like Reliance Power, an electricity firm that was relatively untested.
与此对比,2008年初印度中产阶级正在狂热地购买相对未经检验的电力公司 Reliance Power上市后的股票。 yeeyan

China’s stock market has been among the world’s worst performers this year and its legions of small investors have clamored for the government to throw them a lifeline.
今年的中国股市是全球最糟糕的股市,散户求政府救市的呼声此起彼伏。 yeeyan

He listened to immediately issued a machine-gun over, clamored to overthrow me.
他听了立即发了个机关枪过来,嚷嚷着要打倒我。 dota123

Many vendors clamored to build BPMN tools that round-tripped to BPEL, but this was untenable as BPEL could not describe many things that could be drawn in BPMN.
很多厂商表示要构建能与 BPEL进行双向转换的 BPMN工具,但这是不可能的,因为 BPMN中的很多东西都无法在 BPEL中描述。 infoq

One feature that Java developers have clamored for since the last century is support for mouse wheel rotation.
自从上个世纪以来 Java开发者就嚷着要求的一个功能是支持鼠标滚轮旋转事件。 ibm

People clamored to be free of its yoke.
人们嚷嚷着要求解开枷锁。 yeeyan

The students clamored to see the new president.
学生们叫嚣着要求见新校长。 websaru

The women clamored to narrate their stories with an infectious energy and enthusiasm which was hard to leave behind.
这些妇女争先恐后地讲述她们的经历,其感人的活力和热情令人难以忘怀。 worldbank

They clamored for higher wages.
他们大声吵闹地要提高工资。 dj.client.iciba.com

They clamored the mayor into building a new park.
他们喧嚷市长建立一个新的公园。 hotdic

This is the kind of existence that Douglas Wallace was born into, among seven siblings who also clamored toward adulthood under the threats of poverty.
这就是道格拉斯.华莱士的出身状况,且身处七个同样未成年的兄妹中间。 yeeyan

Thousands clamored for tickets for the events where Obama would appear.
数以千计的人们大声嚷着要奥巴马签字售书场所的门票。 blog.sina.com.cn

Were woman told reporters that her daughter just to see Peter Rabbit, Monkey, and many other favorite cartoon characters, clamored to have to come next week.
宗女士告诉记者,女儿刚才看到了彼得兔、孙悟空等许多喜欢的动漫角色,嚷嚷着下周还要来。 dw188




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