

单词 clammy
释义 clam·my 英ˈklæmiː美ˈklæmiAHDklămʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA³¹¹²⁰BNC²⁴⁷⁶⁷iWeb³²⁰⁹⁰
unpleasantly cool and humid;

a clammy handshake

clammy weather

a dank cellar

dank rain forests

来自PIE*glei,黏,粘,词源同clay,glue.clammy limbs四肢湿冷cold clammy limbs四肢湿冷
clamm-y的⇒adj.潮湿的¹²;湿冷的⁵⁶;冷黏的;冷漠的²⁴近义词 and和wet湿的close关cold冷的damp潮湿的sticky粘的dank阴湿的slimy黏滑的moist潮湿的humid潮湿的muggy闷热的feverish发烧的sweaty汗流浃背的

用作形容词It was a hot andclammyday.那是个炎热又潮湿的日子。
He clutched the cane in hisclammyhand.他那湿冷的手紧抓住手杖。
She put aclammyhand to his cheek.他把一只汗津津的手放在他的脸颊上。
The ghost town gave us aclammyfeeling.鬼城给我们令人不安的感觉。adj.damp
同义词 close,dank,drizzly,moist,mucid,mucous,muculent,pasty,slimy,soggy,sticky,sweating,sweaty,wet
反义词 dry
dampadjective wet, humid
cloudy,dank,dewy,drenched,dripping,drippy,drizzly,irriguous,misty,moist,muggy,oozy,saturated,soaked,soaking,sodden,soggy,sopping,steam bath,steamy,sticky,vaporous,waterlogged,wettish
glutinousadjective viscous
humidadjective very damp, referring to weather
miryadjective slimy
moistadjective wet, wettish
clammy,damp,dampish,dank,dewy,dripping,drippy,drizzly,humid,irriguous,muggy,not dry,oozy,rainy,soggy,teary,watery
mucilaginousadjective viscous
adhesive,clammy,gelatinous,gluey,glutinous,gooey,ropy,slimy,stiff,syrupy,tenacious,thick,tough,viscid,viscose Edwin’s disbelief, incomprehension, his face wrecked and she couldn’t leave fast enough, so full of dread that he’d take one more clammy step closer.
由于埃德温不信任,不理解,他脸色阴沉,她无法立即走开,他往前走近一部,表情阴冷,充满恐惧。 yeeyan

My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.
衬衫贴到我汗津津的背上。 hxen

She gave a little shudder when she touched his clammy hand.
摸到他湿冷的手时,她微微一颤。 editor.www.iciba.com

THE liberation of England's schools from the cold, clammy hand of local-authority dominance has been the coalition government's most high- profile and successful public- sector reform to date.
迄今为止,英国联合政府最受瞩目和最成功的公共部门改革是把英格兰的学校从当地政府死板压抑的管制中解放出来。 ecocn

The patient usually sweats profusely, feels clammy to the touch, may complain of a headache or nausea, and may be disoriented and feel weak.
热衰竭患者通常会大量出汗,但摸上去是湿冷的,会有头疼或恶心的症状,分不清方向并感觉虚弱。 yeeyan

The rain came on in earnest, and Oak soon felt the water to be tracking cold and clammy routes down his back.
雨真正下了起来,奥克很快就感到雨水冷嗖嗖地顺着后脊梁往下流着。 kuenglish

Acute stress, caused by a single eventor your fear of it, makes your heart beat faster and your blood pressure go up. You breathe harder, your hands get sweaty, and your skin feels cool and clammy.
严重的压力,一件让你害怕的事使你心跳加快,血压升高,呼吸窘迫,手心冒汗,皮肤湿冷。 haodf

An overdose can cause slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, or death.

Clinics across Africa witness the same tragedy: a limp child, clammy and cold to the touch, with a fast, weak pulse, is carried in by a distraught parent.
非洲的很多诊所经历着同样地悲剧:一位焦躁的家长带来一个虚弱孩子,摸上去满身是湿冷的粘汗,脉搏急促无力。 ecocn

Every metal in the cockpit is cold, the seat belts are clammy.
驾驶舱里的每片金属都是冰凉的,安全带则是黏糊糊的。 blogbus

For me, fear feels like clammy skin, tingling, a chill down the spine, and sometimes nausea.
对我来说,恐惧感就好像又湿又粘的皮肤,刺痛,一阵凉意从脑后沿着脊柱穿过,有时还会觉得恶心。 yeeyan

In any event, I had already walked out of the domestic terminal and into the clammy night before I realised that the transit bus connection was actually inside the terminal.
不管怎样,到我出了国内航站楼来到孟买湿热的夜空下,我才意识到穿梭巴士实际上在航站楼里面。 yeeyan

Serious burns or injury always cause shock. The patient is pale, the person skin cold and clammy, his breathing quick, irregular, and the person pulse fast.
严重的烧伤和伤痛总是会引起休克。病人会显得很苍白,皮肤冰冷,呼吸急促、不正常,脉搏加速。 blog.sina.com.cn

The tainted wall, the humble design, the clammy corridor, all permeate a sense of infinite solitude and bleakness.
斑驳的墙壁、简陋的布置、冷暗的长廊,散发出无尽的苍凉落寞。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The symptoms include clammy skin, dizziness, a burning sensation in the chest and unexplained fatigued.
这些症状有皮肤湿冷、头昏眼花、胸部灼热和莫名的疲惫。 yeeyan

Whether your hands are hot and sweaty or cold and clammy, you can try some tricks to control the temperature.
你的手是否过热,是否有汗,是否冰凉或者潮乎乎?你可以采取一些小措施来控制温度。 chinastudents




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