

单词 clairvaux
释义 clairvauxCOCA⁹⁸⁹⁴⁴BNC⁶⁰²³⁷
n.克莱尔沃在法国;东经 4º47' 北纬 48º09'
The surge in the cult of Mary in the High Middle Ages owes some of its initial impetus to Bernard of Clairvaux.
玛丽亚祭礼的澎湃在中世纪达到顶点,多亏了圣本笃的一些最初推动。 cnufo.com

Fox News hosts combine ignorance, avarice, prejudice and McCarthyite malice toward Islam to a degree that might have impressed Bernard of Clairvaux.
福克斯新闻主持将忽视,贪婪,偏见和麦卡锡主义的迫害结合起来指向伊斯兰教,可能已经给克莱尔沃的贝纳德留下深刻印象。 yeeyan

That's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers, such as Origen,Augustine,the Venerable Bede in England, Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages, and Thomas Aquinas.
在这章,我列举了一些基督教神父中的关键人物,如奥利金,奥古斯汀,英格兰的圣毕德尊者,中世纪克莱伏的伯纳德,还有托马斯·阿奎奈。 open.163.com




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