

单词 claim back
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A good strategy to claim back that energy is to create a time box and tackle all of them at one sitting.
好的策略就是“索讨”所有精力建立一个时间盒然后一口气把他们完成。 yeeyan

Can you claim back your traveling expenses?

Fund managers must pay banks and brokers to distribute their products, and they claim back that money from investors.
为分销他们的产品,基金管理者必须支付给银行和经纪人费用,然后他们又从投资者这里收回这笔费用。 ecocn

So think big and claim back your powers of creation and realize as we have often told you, that in reality there is nothing that you cannot achieve.
所以请大胆的想象,取回你们创造与实现的力量,就如我们经常告诉你们的那样,事实就是没有什么事情是你们无法达成的。 blogchina

They have a chance to win the four-game series Thursday night and claim back- to- back series for the first time this season.
现在洋基有机会在周四明天就赢下这个四战系列赛,从而缔造本季第一次连续赢得两次系列赛。 kekenet

You may deposit them at that counter and claim back them when you leave here.
您可以把它们寄存在那个柜台里。待您离开此地时,再把东西拿回去。 iciba

Claim back from your company every dollar you spent.
索回从贵公司的每一美元,你花了。 nokiacn




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