

单词 Cladocera
释义 Cladocera
When it was 13 days old,the bait would changed to nauplius of Artemia and baby-sizeCladocera、Copepoda.13日龄后的仔鱼开始陆续投喂卤虫无节幼体和小型的枝角类、桡足类等。
It was found that the dominant organisms in the surface water resources in Xi an were Tubifex,Cladoceraand Chironom.本课题对西安市地表水源中的生物孳生进行了近2年的研究,确定出颤蚓、摇蚊幼虫和枝角类水蚤为本地区最主要的水生污染种类。
Stomach contents examination of two specimens showed a large volume of Spirogyra sp.,Cladocera, sediments and unidentified organic matter.从其中两个样本的胃中检验出到某种水绵,水蛋,沈积物与不明有机碎屑。
Through this survey we could got such conclusion.Among zooplankton, the species of Copepods was the most, but its abundance was fewer than that of Chaetognatha andCladocera.通过这次调查,得出以下结论:大亚湾桡足类种类较多,是浮游动物第一大类群,但数量上次于毛颚类和枝角类;
Therefore, fish's predatory control on zooplankton is higher in shallow lakes, resulting in less possibility of grazer control of algae by theCladocera.“下行效应”在浅水湖泊中可能更为重要,因此浅水湖泊中滤食性鱼类对浮游动物的捕食控制可能更强,导致枝角类几乎不可能通过牧食控制藻类的生长。




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